Command center!

Cage is actively mobilizing funds.

Soon, all the cash that the entire Rothschild family could mobilize was in his hands.

At this moment, Cage felt an unprecedented sense of pride.

Once upon a time, how could he hold a heavy fist like he does now.

But now, he did it.

Now he controls all the cash of the Rothschild family.

This feeling is simply not too wonderful.

Every time he thought of this, Cage would tremble with excitement, and couldn't help but want to let go and shout.

However, Cage also knew that he couldn't!

The man he is now is not the man he was then.

Now he is the commander, in charge of everything external to the Rothschild family.

If he laughed out loud now, what would other people think?

Do they feel that they are too unreliable?

Therefore, in order to maintain his own image, Cage deeply held back the impulse in his heart.

"Yamilian, how are the funds prepared?"

Cage turned to look at Jamilian.

do not know why.

At this moment, Cage has become obsessed with this feeling of dominating people.

At its root, Cage thinks this should be the charm of "power".

Power is something that is addictive.

"Already prepared!"

Jamilian said.


Cage was a little dissatisfied, and said: "Jamilian, I told you before that when you report to me, you have to add "report" in front of it!"

"Have you forgotten?"

Jamilian: "..."

Of course she didn't forget.

But she didn't think it was necessary.

We are all old acquaintances, do we need to make such a fuss?

However, after thinking about it, Jamilian didn't say anything.

Today's Cage, after all, is his thigh.

"Report, it is ready and ready to attack the Dulu family at any time."

There is no other way, Jamilian can only choose to cooperate with Cage's performance.

Cage nodded contentedly.

It is undeniable that this feeling is "very cool"!

"Then open..."


Before the word "beginning" could be uttered, the door of the headquarters was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, Lawrs rushed in hastily.

"Cage, something happened to Cage!"

Lawles hurriedly shouted as he walked.

something big?

Ha ha……

Is there anything greater than the infighting among John Rockefeller and others?

"Lawls, what's the matter?"

Cage asked.

"The latest news is that conflicts broke out between John Rockefeller and Hank Drew and others."

"Now, they are fighting among themselves."

Lawrs pretended to be excited and said.

He believed that since he knew about the internal strife among John Rockefeller and others.

Then Cage must know.

But Lawrs had to act like I just knew.

Only in this way can Cage's defense be lowered.

as predicted.

After hearing Lawers' words, Cage suddenly burst into unscrupulous laughter.


"Laurs, I thought you got some news, so this is it?"

"We have known this news for a long time."

Cage said with a smile.

For some reason, Lawers' "ignorance" gave him great pleasure.


Lawrs scratched his head feigning embarrassment.


"Rauls, not only do we know about the infighting among John Rockefeller and others, but we have also made a sniper plan."

Cage said with a smile.

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