"Ha ha"

"Lu Zixuan!"

"You're out at last!"

"Die for me!"

Xiao tie is screaming.

At this time.

Yang Lin came from afar and appeared here.

He cold looking at Lu Zixuan, face is full of arrogance.

"Laugh at your paralysis."

"Dare to kill the people of Qingyang sect?"

"I'll let you know what it means to regret!"

"Dragon drill!"

"The tyrant is killing me


Lu Zixuan threw Xiao Tie aside.

Kick your feet.

Into a shadow.

The bloodthirsty sword fell in an instant.



"Waste is waste. Your strength can't hurt me at all!"

"Is that what they call genius?"

"Ha ha, that's all!"

"Wait, I'll make you kneel in front of me!"

"Die for me!"


Yang Lin disdains the way.

On the long sword, sword Qi bursts out in an instant.

The sword spirit.

Just like a long river of sword Qi, he bumped into Zixuan.

"Is it?"

"Laozi is just like that, isn't he?"

"Dare to use sword in front of Laozi?"

"I'll let you know how to use the sword!"

"Kill the immortal sword!"

"Supreme sword body!"

"Kill the immortal sword!"

"The sword king!"

The phantom opens.

Lu Zixuan shot back.

At the same time.

The sword of killing immortals is inspired by the sword emperor.



"What's the matter?"

"Why is my sword Qi out of control?"

The sword blows away.


Just when the sword Qi was about to fall on Lu Zixuan.

But it all hummed and trembled.

Let him face big change, can't believe of send out exclamation.


"Arrogant in front of Laozi!"

"The first-class military officer is very powerful, isn't he?"

"Say Lao Tzu is rubbish?"

"Sword Qi is fun, isn't it?"

"I'll play with you!"

"Go back to me!"

Lu Zixuan grinned.

A fierce roar.

The sword emperor broke out completely.


"Shua! Shua! Shua... "

I can only see.

The sword spirit roared with the sound.

Direct inversion.

Attack Yang Lin crazily.





The sword roared.

Drown Yang Lin's figure.

"Damn it

"Damn you!"

"Lu Zixuan, I will kill you!"

"Nine days in the sun!"


Yang Lin growled.

He is a first-class warrior.

He is a gifted disciple from xuanjian sect.


I was repulsed by a boy of martial commander level!

He doesn't agree!

"Second level rage!"

"Eighteen dragon subduing palms!"

"The will of the sword, the will of the God!"

Lu Zixuan drinks low.

The bloodthirsty chopper cuts it out.

The light of the sword is like a shadow. It cuts the sword Qi into pieces.

"The real titan of ancient times!"

"Ancient Titan power!"

"Burst out!"

"Smash the world!"


Lu Zixuan's eyes were grim

the ancient Titan's axe came out.

Body shape.

It's a hundred meters in an instant.

The axe fell.

The power of terror erupted from it.




"No way!"

"You're just the seventh level marshal."

"How can you beat me!"

"No way!"

Yang Lin.

He was struck by a huge axe.Hard hit on the ground, hit a deep hole.

He growled.

In a loud voice.

A face of disbelief and ferocious.

"Kneel down for me!"

"Laozi is a waste?"

"You're paralyzed!"


Kick it out.

Let Yang Linpeng kneel on the ground.

"You want to destroy my Qingyang sect, don't you?"

"Destroy it

"It's special!"


Lu Zixuan said angrily.

Slap it in the face.

"You are a bull, you kill me!"

"I'm rubbish. What's the matter?"

"The same to you!"



Fan out again.


"Pa! Pop! "Ha..."


Slap, fan out constantly.

More than ten minutes later.

Yang Lin finally couldn't bear it.

Head Peng of a, be fanned rotten.


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing Yang Lin and gaining exchange value of 2000000 and true Qi point of 1000000."



"Kill all the others!"

"Jujianmen, I didn't kill you last time."

"I dare you, don't I?"

"This time, I will kill none of you!"

Kick Yang Lin's body.

Lu Zixuan is a murderous man.





"Spare my life!"

"Let us go."

"We don't dare any more..."

Originally arrogant giant sword door practitioner.

It's all gone now.


Make a sad cry.

"Not one!"


Lu Zixuan's eyes were cold.

The left hand is bloodthirsty, and the right hand is immortal sword.

It's killing like crazy.

Fang Ze and others, also all shot.


All the people in jujianmen became corpses.

"Old man!"

"No one's bothering me now."

"Let's go on!"

"Lao Tzu said that it would make you feel great!"

This way.

Lu Zixuan comes to Xiao Tie step by step.

Word by word.

The tone is full of Mori Han's killing intention.

"Don't kill me."

"Please, don't kill me."

"I will do whatever you want me to do."

"I have the master's token!"

"I'm the master of Jujian now."

"You spare me. I'll make you the master of Jujian."

Xiao Tie's body trembled.

Looking at Lu Zixuan step by step.

He said hastily.

Kneeling on the ground, Peng Peng's kowtow.


"Xiao Tie, the leader of jujianmen, is willing to accept it?"

Tip: if the host accepts it, he can become the leader of the giant sword sect and command the whole giant sword sect.



"I don't accept it!"

"I just want to kill him!"

The system prompt sound appears.


Lu Zixuan resolutely refused.

One hand was clinging to Xiao Tie's neck.

The other hand is on Xiao Tie's body.

Bones, crushed.




"Don't worry, I will make you happy to heaven!"

"Let you know, the taste!"




Xiao Tie's breath became weaker and weaker.

At this time.

Lu Zixuan took out some pills.

It went right into his mouth.

Continue to pinch up.

"Is it good?"

"It's not over yet!"

"I won't let you die easily!"

"Let's go on!"

Lu Zixuan is ferocious.Tough? Cruel?


But what?

Dare to step on Lao Jiang's bones.

Then I'll crush you!

Ten times, a hundred times.

Laozi is so selfish and arrogant. What's the matter?


"You killed me."

"Kill me now."



Under the pill.

Xiao Tie's breath is recovering.


He was completely scared.

If you want to die, you can't do it.

Can only bear endless pain.

This kind of feeling, let his psychology collapse completely.

The original Xuanshi did not persist.

Not to mention him?

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