"Lu Zixuan?"

"It's really arrogant!"

"But are you mistaken?"

"I dare to be so arrogant in front of us. Don't you know how death is written?"

A cultivator of the Ninth level martial arts, his eyes are gloomy looking at Lu Zixuan.

Said coldly.

A look of disdain.

"I think the boy is really stupid."

"Ha ha, any one of us can kill him dozens of times."

"I really think no one dares to touch you with the token of Nangong family?"

"Boy, do you see what strength we are?"

"Nine steps! All of them are the nine rank military lords! "

"To kill you, I really don't know what to do!"

Another sneered.

You look like a fool.

"Whatever, it'll kill him!"


"Kill him, and get the sword map. Let's go back and do the work."

"Don't let this boy run away!"

A person ferocious smile way.

The figure flashed and directly appeared beside Lu Zixuan.

The next moment.

The rest of the practitioners also flew into the air.

Lu Zixuan surrounded by the water!


"What's the matter with the Ninth level warrior?"

"I made you!"

"Are you all Li Shao's dogs? Today I will kill you all! "

Lu Zixuan is surrounded.

More than 200, nearly 300 ninth level martial arts practitioners surrounded him.


He didn't have any fear.

On the contrary, he was very excited.

On the face, peeps out the arrogant incomparable smile.


"Still arrogant, isn't it?"

"Kill him! Kill that fat man later

Those practitioners rub their hands.

One by one, they burst out laughing wildly and approached Lu Zixuan step by step.

On purpose, it exudes momentum.

Want to make Lu Zixuan tremble and panic.


"If you have any cards, take them out."

"Or I will die."

"I have a bad heart. Don't play with it anymore."

This way.

The ancestors of the ancient titans are in a hurry.

Last time we dealt with tauren, it was mad Dan.

Where is this time?

Those nine level martial princes join hands, which is not much worse than Niutou.

Even better.

He urged Lu Zixuan to take out his cards.

Or it's really over.

"What's the matter, old man?"

"To do great things, we should be fearless in the face of danger!"

"Just a few hundred idiots?"

"See how I killed them for you."

"It's just a matter of minutes!"

Lu Zixuan disdains the way.

The next moment.

He roared: "super Saiya, come out for me!"



The voice fell.

Super Saiya - Monkey King power card used out.


Lu Zixuan's strength rolled around him.

The power of the Super Saiyan Monkey King is attached to him.

"Ha ha!"

"There is a secret in you

"It can make your power turn into a nine level warrior in an instant!"


"Do you think that way, you can be our opponent?"

"All of us here are nine rank military lords!"

"One of us? In fact, I admire you very much, ha ha! "

"Boy, go to hell!"

The people laughed.

He disdained Lu Zixuan very much.

What can you do even if you become the Ninth level warrior?

Even if you become the first-class king of martial arts, so many of us will kill you!

"Brother, I don't want to play like this!"

"Let's run. Maybe there's another chance."

"I'll give you strength."

The ancestors of the ancient Titans cried.

What's the deal?

What's better than mad Dan?

My pants are all off. Can you show me this?

Do you want to do that?

"Hey, hey!""It's not over yet!"

"Look at me

"Come on, super Saiya

"What's more, you can continue to laugh!"

"Wait a minute, I'll pick you up!"

Lu Zixuan grinned.

He said with a laugh.




Lu Zixuan's breath is soaring.

"That's great!"

"Although it's different from the last dragon ball."

"But it's still so cool!"

"The first time I changed my body, it soared to the second rank king of martial arts!"

"Go on!"

"Keep changing for me!"

This moment.

Lu Zixuan's long black hair and eyebrows all turned to gold.

His eyes, turned green!




It's not over yet.

He let out a shout again and started the second transformation.

"The third change!"

"Go on!"




"The fourth change!"


"The fifth change!"


"It seems that Lao Tzu's luck is good!"

"It turns out that he has changed five times, making him the sixth level king of martial arts!"

"What's more, we can use some moves of Monkey King!"

Lu Zixuan, who has completed five transformations.

A head of long golden hair, straight to the heel.

The muscles of the body, a piece of uplift.

Around him, a layer of power rolled, forming a defensive shield.

Strength, but also reached the level of six king!

Although, there are some differences with the transformation of monkey king in the last life.


He's had a blast.

"Ha ha!"

"A bunch of scum, come on!"

"Thousand shadows are separated!"

"Try Lao Tzu's jiewang boxing!"

Lu Zixuan roared excitedly.

The thousand shadows are used separately.

One punch.

It's the king's boxing of the monkey king.

In an instant.

The power in him turned red.

Strength, speed and defense are all improving.

A thousand separate, together.






"Niubi, more than you, Dan, Niubi!"

"Ha ha, it's so cool, boy, kill them!"

The fist fell.

More than thirty ninth level martial arts practitioners were killed.

The ancient Titan laughed wildly.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him quickly!"

Those people, the face of laughter disappeared in an instant.

One by one, they are extremely white.

King of the sixth level!

One move, 30 of them!

What is this for?

What the hell?


"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

There are more than 200 practitioners of the Ninth level martial arts.

Suddenly rushed up.

Their faces, no longer before the disdain.

"Ha ha!"


"Come on, try Laozi's turtle Qigong wave!"

"And dragon boxing!"

Lu Zixuan laughs.

A beam of light came out between his hands.

The same is true of a thousand separate bodies.

Where the beam of light passes.

Those practitioners were crushed and hanged immediately.



After the turtle School of Qigong.

Dragon after dragon appeared.

Monkey King's signature move -- dragon boxing!

Lu Zixuan, one of his favorite moves in his last life!


Pull the wind!

Strong sense of picture!

Lethality does not explain!

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