Li family is one of the strongest families of xuanjianzong.

It occupies dozens of mountain peaks and countless buildings in xuanjianzong's sphere of influence.

It's like an ancient beast hovering here.

Right now.

A mountain peak in a secret room.

"It's true that the body containing the blood of ancient Titans can withstand the erosion of blood and semen for such a long time."

"The longer you endure, the more your strength will be improved. Even your blood concentration can be improved."

"After refining into a puppet, his strength can at least become the Ninth level king of martial arts, and even continue to improve."

"Big fool, blame you for following the wrong master!"

"How dare you offend me with that rubbish? I'm tired of living

"Have a good time, wait, you can go with him!"

Niuman was imprisoned in a pool full of countless blood red liquid.

The liquid, constantly rolling, crazy into his body.

At the same time.

With unimaginable pain.


But he couldn't get away from it. He couldn't even shout.

Under the erosion of those blood semen, the mind in his eyes is constantly weakening.

"Ha ha!"

"With this puppet, add that sword picture!"

"My status in the Li family will be promoted like flying."

"In the whole xuanjianzong, it can also occupy a place."

"I'll kill anyone who dares to fight me!"

"Big fool, let's go on!"

Li Qing laughed wildly.

Looking at Niu's excited face, he was imprisoned.


And this way.

Lu Zixuan appeared in front of a mountain in the Li family with bloodthirsty sword and sword.

"Ten thousand swords belong to the clan!"

"The tyrant is killing me

"Special Li Qing, get out of here!"


The murderous Lu Zixuan, after coming here, roared loudly.

Violent attack, instant fall.

Blow up buildings.

"Who dares to come to our Li family's territory?"

"I don't want to live, do I?"

"Go ahead, kill them for me and let them know the end of offending our Li family!"

"If you don't measure your strength, you'll die at the level of Wu Jun!"


Several Li family practitioners rushed up.

"It's special!"

"What happened to the Li family?"

"If you offend me, I will be destroyed as well."


Lu Zixuan disdains the way.

The sword of killing immortal moves, and several people who rush up are killed instantly.


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing Li Hu and gaining exchange value of 12000000 and Zhenqi point of 6000000."


"Congratulations on Lu Zixuan's killing..."

The system prompt sound appears.

Exchange value and real gas point are increasing.

"Kill them!"

"Damned guy, I don't want to see where this is. Little Wuji Wujun dares to come here to be reckless!"


This way.

The bodies of those people have not yet fallen to the ground.

Several practitioners came.

Cried out.


"Die for me, eighteen dragon subduing palms!"


Lu Zixuan waved his fist and eighteen fire dragons appeared.

The people who rushed up were blown away.

The body exploded in mid air.


"The Li family is very big, and the most peripheral ones are only some outside disciples, as well as some cultivators of vassals in the Li family."

"That Li Qing's position in the Li family is not low."

"And the strength is very strong, should still be in the area inside."

"Let's rush in, or niuman might be in danger."

The fat man is carrying the xuanming sword and is following closely.

He said to Lu Zixuan.

He was murderous, and he was also killing the Li family.


"Lend me strength, old man!"

"Supreme sword body!"

"Sword demon blood!"

"Kill the immortal sword!"

"The meaning of the sword!"


Lu Zixuan gave a low roar.Countless sword Qi and sword Qi appeared around him.


It's like the water breaking the dyke.





The roar resounded.

The practitioners who rushed over at the sound were killed one by one.

Lu Zixuan and fat man.

One hand is holding the bloodthirsty sword, the other hand is holding the killing immortal sword.

Rush in here fast.

"Tell me!"

"Where is Li Qing?"

This way.

He put out his palm and caught a seventh level martial arts practitioner.

There are countless sword attacks.

The body of the seven step martial arts practitioner was penetrated like a sieve.

He didn't have time to ask slowly.

He asked in the most overbearing and direct way.

"Over there!"

"Don't kill me!"


The seventh level martial arts practitioner's body trembled and blood gushed out.

He cried with a look of fear.


The next moment.

The soul hunting arrow flashed away, and the practitioner's head exploded.

"It's special!"

"Keep killing!"

"If niuman is in danger, I will destroy it today!"

Lu Zixuan was furious.

The body of the practitioner was thrown out by him.

He smashed at the rest of the practitioners and exploded. Countless sword Qi shot from them.

A large number of practitioners were killed one after another.





He went to kill Li Qing.

Along the way, a cultivator at the level of martial king was killed.

Turn into a corpse and lie on the ground.

With the power of the ancestors of the ancient Titans, even the appearance of the nine level warriors could not stop him.


"You want to die!"

"Anyone who dares to come to our Li family to act wild, even King Wu, will never come back."

"Die for me!"

This way.

With the entry of Lu Zixuan.

There are more and more experts.

There are hundreds of martial arts practitioners.

The leader is still an elder.

A ferocious roar.

"It's special!"

"There are many people, aren't there?"

"Dementor, all come out by Laozi!"

"Thousand double shadows split up, level 2 rage!"

"Ten thousand swords belong to the clan, killing immortal sword array!"

I saw those people show up.

Lu Zixuan roared fiercely.


What he needs now is time!

The sooner you get there, the less dangerous it will be.


After those people appeared, he broke out regardless of everything.



Dementor cast.

The souls of those practitioners who were killed all the way by Lu Zixuan were moved out.

It turns into ghosts here.

Run towards those people.

As they rush up, they explode.

Let those people, the moment was destroyed a large area.


"Don't delay!"

"Dragon sting!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes were ferocious.

A thousand separate hands, to kill a way of life.

He doesn't have time to pester here, and takes the fat man to kill Li Qing's residence.

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