"All of them are equivalent to nine ranks of martial saints."

"Don't fight with them later, just try to rush to the altar."

"Once they get to the altar, they won't do it again."

"If you can't rush up, get out at once!"

The ancestors of the ancient Titans were startled.


You're really awesome.

Be careful.

It's a group of nine level martial arts sages.

Even if you have that big guy who is full of bravado to follow, we are not rivals.


"Old man, you said that earlier."

"Just rush to the altar?"

"It's dog's day, isn't it easier?"

"Wait, brother. I'll take you up."

Lu Zixuan said in a loud voice.

Ah, he thought he was going to kill all those big guys.

I just need to rush to the altar.

Is that too simple?

Do you think my brother's alpha raid is a decoration?


"That's the Ninth level martial arts sage! Eight nine level martial saints

"Don't be impulsive. Don't be impulsive."

"Besides, there is a big array and prestige around the altar. Don't be impulsive."

The ancestors of the ancient Titans were grinning.


I lost my body because of this.

Let's get a little straight, shall we?

That's great, really.

It's not for fun.

"Old man, just follow me."

"Isn't that the eight nine level martial saints?"

"Wait, I'll let you know how I got there."

Lu Zixuan's eyes were shining.

The blood around him, constantly dissipated.


"Damn, Temo is really under a lot of pressure!"

"Ancient Titan blood!"

"Open up!"

Lu Zixuan strides forward.

At the moment when the blood completely disappeared, a powerful pressure oppressed him.

Let his body, all fiercely sink.


The big formation here, wrapped him up, evolved from attack after attack.

Lu Zixuan took a deep breath and kept walking.

"Be careful."

"Be careful, don't force it."

"If we can't, let's quit at once."

Ancient Titan ancestors, looking at Lu Zixuan without any worry.

Scared want to pull Lu Zixuan immediately back.


"Disturb the giant spirit God, the Lord is sleeping, there is no mercy to kill!"


Lu Zixuan, however, did not hear of it and stepped forward step by step.

Approaching the altar.

This way.

Just as he was close to the altar, only about 500 meters away, a golden stone statue moved.

There's a growl in my mouth.

"Old man, shut up

"Just be ready to get the inheritance, and leave the rest to my brother!"

"Sword Saint Megatron, open the way!"

Lu Zixuan took the lead in rushing up without waiting for the golden statues to kill him.

"I'll go..."

"Boy, you can't play like this."

"It's crazy!"

The ancestors of the ancient Titans, in front of a dark.

I almost got on my knees.

That's eight nine level martial arts saints!

At the beginning, he was careful, and other martial Saint level experts came here together.

Or the loss is heavy, let him return in vain.


Lu Zixuan even took the initiative to rush up?


The eight golden stone statues also moved.

The huge body is very flexible, very fast, like eight lightning, towards the landing Zixuan.

Eight breath of terror, but also an instant.

"Plateau blood!"

"Alpha raid!"

Megatron roars.

The highland lineage was immediately opened, and there was an alpha raid.

"Old man, let's go too!"

"Are you ready?"

This way.

Lu Zixuan opened his mouth, his face full of excitement.

"Prepare a piece of wool."

"Don't be impulsive. We can't make it."

"The eight golden stone statues are sealed off by the air."

"The moment we rush up, we will be stopped by them.""Unless you are a nine level martial saint!"

The ancestors of the ancient Titans.

"Nine rank martial saint, isn't it?"

"Calm down, old man!"

"Look at me

"Eye of the devil, alpha raid!"

Lu Zixuan moved.

His eyes darkened for a moment.


The copy of alpha raids covered his body, making him flash in a flash.

There's no way to capture the trajectory.

Once, it crossed the distance of 500 meters and appeared in front of the altar.

"Lying trough!"


"Oh, my God, you are so awesome!"

The ancestor of the ancient pagoda, stunned!

Of course he knows the power of the eye of the devil.


He did not expect that Lu Zixuan would copy such a powerful move.

"If you have my brother, you can rest assured!"

"Let's go!"

Lu Zixuan said, his eyes fell on the body of the giant spirit God on the altar.

"Come back to me!"

"No one can break into the place where the adults are sleeping!"

And the eight golden statues.

Now it's coming up.

Sword Saint Wei Zhentian's huge body, under the joint force of eight people, to retreat, toward landing Zixuan kill.


"They're coming!"

The eyes of Titan's ancestors changed suddenly.

The eight golden statues are too fast.

The distance of more than 500 meters is nothing to them.


The pressure and array around the altar are too strong.




At this time.

The rapid operation of the array evolves thousands of attacks, like a waterfall, pouring down to the landing Zixuan.

Terrible pressure, pressure on Lu Zixuan's body, let his speed in a hurry.

"So fast?"

"But So what? "

"Super air cannon!"

"Dragon drill!"

"Fury blood Dragon Armor, golden body!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes narrowed.


But there is no panic, instead, the smile from the corner of the mouth, more and more big.


The attack fell.

Eight golden statues rushed in.

Lu Zixuan also moved at this moment.

The super air cannon burst out, and all of them went to the eight golden statues.

At the same time.

Dragon drill display, toward the nearby altar gallop.


The golden body is also opened.




This moment.

Between heaven and earth, there is only the sound of power.

Around the altar, it was covered by thousands of attacks, making it impossible for people to know what happened inside.


"It's really strong. If only I could take it as my younger brother!"

Power roars.

On the altar, Lu Zixuan appeared here unharmed.

The pressure around him disappeared instantly, making him relaxed.

Looking back at the eight golden stone statues blocked outside the altar, Lu Zixuan's eyes were blazing.

"It scared the hell out of me."

"It's a success, boy. You're so awesome!"

The ancestor of the ancient Titan, was so scared that he gasped for breath.

Right now.

He can't wait to fly out of the Dantian, his face is full of ecstasy.

"Old man, it's your turn!"

"Pass on the spirit and occupy the body!"

At this time.

Lu Zixuan said.

At the same time, the system prompt sound appears.


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for completing the mission of the giant spirit God. Do you want to open the fury card?"


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