
"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for killing the queen of cold ice venom and gaining the exchange value of 180000000000 and Zhenqi point of 900000000."


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for completing the compulsory task, the ice plain task."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for completing the ice plain mission. The blood of the black ice exploding bear has been upgraded to become a god level third grade black ice exploding bear."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for completing the mission of ice plain and gaining the exchange value of 10000000000."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for completing the mission of the ice plain. The thousand shadows have been promoted and become the ten thousand shadows."

Tip: ten thousand double shadows are divided into four parts, which can be improved and proficient.

Tip: using ten thousand ghost avatars can form ten thousand avatars at most, and avatars have 10% strength of noumenon.

Tip: each separation consumes 1 million Qi points.

Tip: separate body condensation, can not agglomerate again within an hour.

It is suggested that the normal state of separation can be maintained for half an hour.



"Ten thousand double shadows?"

"Lying trough, it's OK. It's a loser!"

When the attack falls, the queen of cold ice poison is killed.

At this time.

System prompt sound crazy appear, a series of reward, let Lu Zixuan feel dizzy.

In particular, the promotion of qianchongying's separation made him feel great.

"Well, that old man is so insidious that he put the token here!"

"After you go out, look at the dregs of Tema. How can you bang it?"

"If you dare to use means against me, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes were shining.

Here, he found a token.

That token is the key to leave from the secret space!

Only if you find the token in half a day can you leave here and complete this assessment.


Demon Seminary, on the square.

From the secret space, the figure comes out.

Every practitioner comes out with a look of excitement, which means that they are a step closer to the demon Seminary.

"Thank you for your help."

"When the assessment is over, we'll tell the elders in the family."

Tiger dove and others, early from the space in the secret.

They said with a smile to the elder.

"Yes, that boy is too arrogant."

"There is still one final assessment left, and some of you will pass it."

The iron elder also said with a happy face.

It's too easy for him to kill a boy who has no influence.

"Why hasn't the boss come out yet?"

"Is there any danger?"

This way.

Yan Li was covered with blood and appeared on the square.

As soon as he appears, he looks for Lu Zixuan.

Then, frowning tightly, he said.

"Oh, that junk is still alive?"

"I didn't expect that life was really hard."

"Hillbilly, don't look for your boss. He's already dead in it."

Tiger dove looks at Yan Li.

The corner of the mouth starts to sneer and says sarcastically.

"That's it."

"You've been dead in it for a long time."

"Don't look for it, boy."

The others, too, burst into laughter, laughing wantonly.

"My boss died in it? Go, madder

"It's you who are playing tricks. You must have done something!"

Yan Li exclaimed angrily.

When he entered the secret space, he met the other practitioners to attack him.

Had it not been for the nine fire dragons in the Dragon tripod, he might have died long ago.

Right now.

Hear the words of tiger dove and others, make him angry.

"Don't talk nonsense, boy."

"It's just that you're a big loser. What's the matter with us?"

"If you are afraid of death, don't come to the demon seminary!"

"If rubbish is rubbish, it's someone else's fault when they die."

Tiger dove disdains the way.

His eyes were cold, and he wanted to enrage Yanli completely, and then he took the opportunity to get rid of it.


"I'll kill you!"

Yan Li's eyes were red, and a roar came from his throat.If you hold a huge axe, you will kill it.

"Ha ha."

"Elder iron, this is what he wants to do to us."

"I don't know if we will be punished if we kill him?"

Tiger dove laughs wildly. He turns his head and asks elder tie.

The tone is full of murders.

"Frame up the rest of the examination disciples, and also frame up the elders."

"What's more, I want to do something to the assessment disciple. As long as he does it, what about killing him?"

"What's the matter, I'll take it!"

Said the iron elder.

He scoffs at Yan Li and doesn't look at him at all.

Kill one, kill two, kill two.

What's more.

But he took over the truth and killed Yan Li. He would get more benefits in the tiger family and other families.


"Since you want to die, I'll help you!"

"Your boss is rubbish, and so are you."

"Come on!"

Tiger dove laughs wildly.

The real Qi gushed out of his body and continued to irritate Yan Li.

Waiting for Yanli to take the lead.

"You bastards, I'm going to kill you."


Yan Li is murderous and rushes towards hujiu and others.


He has long been reluctant to take revenge on Lu Zixuan.


"Yanli, stop it!"

But at this time.

Lu Zixuan's figure suddenly came out of the secret space.

Make a loud voice to the rock.


"Are you ok? Ha ha, I knew you must be OK, boss! "

The rock that rushes up, stops abruptly.

He looked at Lu Zixuan with great joy.

"He Is he still alive? "

"That's level three secret space. How can he still be alive?"

"What's more, there is no injury on the body!"

Tiger dove and others, but also a stagnation of vision.

Looking at the appearance of Lu Zixuan, they were shocked and had a feeling of disbelief.

Level 3 secret place.

There is also a nine level wusheng monster in it.

Don't talk about Emperor Wu.

Even if they go in, they can't get out.

The third level secret place is not for practitioners of their level to enter.

"It's impossible!"

"Absolutely cheating!"

"Boy, it must be you who cheated and used some special means to evade the monsters and use some means to come out."

"This assessment is for you to kill the monsters in it. If we use special means to avoid those monsters, we will lose the result of this assessment. "

The iron elder took a deep breath.

Speak up at once.

He knows the monsters in the secret space.

No matter in strength or quantity, they are extremely terrifying, which can't be dealt with by the cultivators at the fifth level of Wudi.

Even if the general cold ice poisonous bee, the Martial Emperor level practitioners enter, there is only one way to die.


He knew that the token was in the place where the queen of cold ice poison was.

Lu Zixuan came out unscathed, absolutely cheating!


"You must be cheating!"

"Boy, if you dare to cheat in the examination of demon Seminary, I think you are tired of living."

"Iron elder, let's kill this guy!"

Tiger dove said.

This is better than any other reason.

Kill him. Who's going to say what?

"I said I cheated, didn't I?"

"Then you give me big dog eyes, see what this is?"

This way.

Lu Zixuan cold hum a, get that token, mercilessly throw out.

The real Qi surged up.

Arrogance to the limit, to tiger dove and other people's voice.

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