"Dong Dong!"

"Dong Dong! Dong Dong... "

Dead air, more and more rich.

Lu Zixuan they are still here in-depth, with the deepening of those around the strong dead, suddenly came the sound of Dong Dong.

The sounds were very dense, as if there were troops.


"Lying troughs, and skeletons? What kind of ghosts are they? "

"Reap by death, explode by Laozi!"

In the sound of thumping.

A large group of white haired zombies, and some skeletons appeared here.

The number of zombies and skeletons is very large, dense enough tens of thousands, instantly blocked their way.

This way.

Lu Zixuan's eyes brightened, and he directly used the big move of reaping death.


Or a large group of strange, is to send their own experience, must be according to the single all accept!


"Ding, Ding, Ding..."

The scythes of death are flying, which makes Lu Zixuan become the God of death. He is harvesting the zombies and skeletons wantonly.

The system prompt sound, appears crazily at this moment.

Exchange value, real gas point, is soaring!

"These are the lowest level zombies and skeletons. I don't know what's in the deepest place."

"Speed up and empty them all!"

"The more, the better. Let me continue to improve!"

Countless zombies and skeletons were killed.


More zombies and skeletons continue to pour in, as if endless.

Lu Zixuan said excitedly to the ghosts and gods, hoping that the zombies and skeletons could never be killed.



The ghosts and gods roar, and the flames on their bodies are rising. The zombies and skeletons within tens of meters around them will die if they touch them.

Moyu and Molong are also killing madly.


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for killing white haired zombies. The blood concentration of death is increased by 1."



"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for killing low-level skeletons and upgrading the demons."




Those zombies and skeletons are the lowest level of existence. They were killed crazily by Lu Zixuan.

Kill as many as you come. There is no waste at all.


They're going deeper.

All of a sudden.

The ground is broken open, and a black haired zombie appears. Its strength is more than twice that of the white haired zombie before.


"Who dares to stop me?"

"Reaper, death

"Shake the ground!"


"Harvest for me!"



Lu Zixuan is switching back and forth various physiques, breaking out a group of offensive moves, like crushing mole ants, frantically harvesting.

System prompt sound resounds!

His exchange value and true Qi point are in a frenzy of promotion.

Beside him, ghosts, dragons and demons are also killing madly.

"Here it is

"They're here. Bring out all the zombies and skeletons around them!"

"If we can kill them, we won't have to go to that dangerous place."

At this time.

Those practitioners also appear here.

They found the trace of Lu Zixuan, immediately scattered from here, to attract groups of zombies and skeletons.

"Boss, it's the scum."

"Let's kill them and kill them!"

Lured by those practitioners, countless zombies and skeletons formed a wave and poured in.

Everywhere you look, you see the monsters.

Ghosts and gods also found those practitioners, and he was murderous.

"Kill them?"

"No, it's better to have someone bring these things to us!"

"Damn, these are good people!"

"Let's kill them quickly and kill them all. The more we kill, the more good things we get!"

Lu Zixuan excited.

It's all weird, it's all experience!

After killing them, their exchange value and Qi point can be improved, and some good things can be revealed.

Of course, the more the better!Now those practitioners help them to attract all the zombies and skeletons around them. For Lu Zixuan, this is a good thing!

It's still a good thing!

I'm not willing to pay any reward for the trouble.

Where can I find such people?

There is a large group now. We must not kill them!

They are the bait!

"Ha ha..."

"Lu Zixuan, I don't know how long you can go."

"Even if you have a lot of cards, you can't finish it with a few of their helpers."

"You're dead!"

Those practitioners laughed wildly in the distance, watching Lu Zixuan and others drowned by countless zombies and skeletons.

The zombies they attract are not only black haired, but also high-level zombies such as jumping corpses. Some of them have reached the level of Emperor Wu and sage Wu!




Zombies and skeletons are pouring in, and the ground is shaking violently.

And this way.

Lu Zixuan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"You go back first. I'll give it to you."

"The Dragon destroys the sky cannon, blast me!"

Lu Zixuan said in a loud voice.

Ghosts and gods fight one after another, and the consumption of true Qi almost reaches the bottom, but Lu Zixuan has no problem. On the contrary, the consumption of true Qi is increasing.

This way.

At the same time, the Dragon destroyer appeared in front of him.

One ammo, straight in.




The ammunition was launched, and a ten thousand meter long dragon evolved and rushed into the monster group.

In a flash.

The sound of the system prompt exploded in Lu Zixuan's mind.

"Go on!"

"Mad, it's so cool. It's here that the Dragon destroyer can really exert its strongest power."

"Blast me!"

After one ammunition, Lu Zixuan took out another.

He sweeps the secret space everywhere. He doesn't know how much exchange value he has accumulated. All of it is used for lucky draw.


There are dozens of ammunition on the body.

Even the Dragon destroyer was strengthened several times by him.


"Ding, Ding, Ding..."

With one shot, tens of thousands of monsters will be cleared.

One shot after another, Lu Zixuan didn't have any hesitation at all. He let the zombies and skeletons coming in like a flood be quickly killed.

The monsters here are so dense that they can spit on a few.

After using the Dragon sky destroying cannon, the effect can be imagined, and the power of the Dragon sky destroying cannon is fully exerted to the limit!

Don't let Lu Zixuan be cool.

"Dregs, with these, you want to kill me?"

"Rubbish! Next, it's you! "

When there was no more zombies and skeletons left around, Lu Zixuan put away the Dragon sky cannon.

Looking at the soaring exchange value and the real anger, he was very excited.

Looking at those practitioners in the distance, he said arrogantly.

"Damn, that's his card!"

"It's terrible. It's too terrible. The practitioners under the fifth level martial god can't kill him enough."

"Let's go quickly and lead him to the place where the martial god level is."

"At that time, even if he uses that card, it will be useless."


Those practitioners are like a dream, one by one confused.

When they heard Lu Zixuan's words, they trembled behind them and left here in a hurry, galloping in a direction.

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