"Di Jun, I'm here!"

"Ten thousand double shadows are divided into two parts, which is the art of spirit control!"

"Let me control it!"

This way.

Lu Zixuan, like a flash of lightning, broke through the air with a Shua sound and burst out.

It appeared at the top of the hibiscus tree.

As soon as he came here, he immediately put out ten thousand shadows.


Ten thousand separate bodies, as well as the noumenon, Qi Qi exerts the imperial spirit skill, and throws it madly towards emperor Jun.


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host. The skill of spirit control is increased by 10 if he fails."


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host. The skill of spirit control is increased by 8 if he fails."


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for the failure of spirit control. The skill of spirit control is increased by 23."



One after another, the magic was thrown out like a rainstorm.


But none of them succeeded and all ended in failure.

"Ma De, I don't believe I can accept you!"

"Go on!"

"Spirit control, keep on controlling me!"

Lu Zixuan roared.

No madness, no survival, today he must take emperor Jun!

It's impossible for him to leave!



Aura continues to fall.


With the fall of spirit control, in the sea of emperor Jun's soul, an angry cry appeared.

The cry, with endless killing intention and anger, towards the landing Zixuan and those who separate to kill.




In that cry, Lu Zixuan's parts were smashed.

In an instant, hundreds of separate bodies disappeared.

Even Lu Zixuan's face turned pale, and a bloodstain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, that guy's soul has been touched, there are signs of awakening."

"That soul, though it has only the last instinct left, is not something we can deal with once we wake up."

"Get out of here. If you don't leave, it's too late!"

The ancestor of the ancient Titan was shocked. He was always worried about the danger of Lu Zixuan.

At the moment, he quickly reminded Lu Zixuan to withdraw.

"No, absolutely not!"

"I don't care whether he wakes up or not. I'll take him in today!"

"The soul wakes up, doesn't it?"

"Soul hunting arrow, kill me!"

Lu Zixuan roared.

Has come to this point, let him give up absolutely impossible!

Once emperor Jun is subdued, he can sweep the magic temple, the demon Seminary and the Dragon kingdom.

In the whole world of Wushen, he can act as he likes.

Don't you agree?

Let Dijun go!


"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The soul hunting arrows were condensed and shot towards Dijun.

The art of spirit control has not stopped and is still falling.



This way.

Dijun's sea of soul is shaking violently, and the soul is attacked by Lu Zixuan.


The sign of awakening is more and more obvious, even the body of emperor Jun, began to burn a layer of golden flame out.

Those flames in the blazing burning, so that the space are stirred up layers of waves, there is a kind of boiling feeling.


Dijun's soul instinctively releases his killing intention against Lu Zixuan.

A cry, more and more high pitched, more and more powerful.

It also contains the horror of the soul attack, all fell on Lu Zixuan's body, let his soul incomparable sting.

"Damn human, you want to die!"

"Kill, kill them all!"

"Never let them wake adults up, or they will be in danger."

On the other side.

Those three legged Jinwu see Lu Zixuan in Dijun hands, let them angry, toward in desperately free.

Regardless of everything, they are burning themselves and killing the golden bimonths.

"Stop it

"Stop them!"

Fire glass into the body, her strength is not weak, also is the sixth level martial god.

At this time.She also regardless of everything, into the body, death around a three legged Jinwu, fighting hard, fighting for this time for Lu Zixuan.


"Success to Laozi, spirit control skill!"

"Old man, if you fail, take them away!"

The fierce fighting on the other side makes Lu Zixuan worried.

Dijun's soul is about to wake up.

The rest of the three legged crows are going to rush up.

If they fail, they may not be able to leave!

At this time.

He said to the ancient Titan, his eyes became more crazy.


"I'm crazy to accompany you!"

"Although it has not been completely integrated with the body of the great spirit, it can still use part of its strength."

"Let me show you the power of the troll!"

The ancestors of the ancient Titans gritted their teeth.

After hearing Lu Zixuan's words, he laughed wildly and walked out of the Dragon tripod regardless of everything.



"Step on the feet of heaven!"

Jiulong God tripod appeared, from which the ancestors of the ancient Titans stepped out fiercely.

After merging with the body of the giant spirit God, his body size was reduced instead of increased, becoming the size of kilometers.


The reduction of body shape, did not affect his strength, but more suitable for his current outbreak.



I can only see.

At the moment when the ancestor of the ancient Titan appeared, his big foot stepped on Dijun fiercely and turned into a footprints with the size of ten thousand meters, with a roar in his mouth.

The explosion sounds like destroying the sky and the earth. Under the attack of terror, all the golden flames on emperor Jun's body have been extinguished.

"Boy, control him quickly!"

"Now I haven't completely integrated, I can only help you suppress him for ten seconds!"

Cried the ancestor of the ancient Titan.

He tried to suppress the emperor Jun, let Lu Zixuan speed up.

"It's special!"

"Spirit control, let me explode!"

Lu Zixuan gave a low drink in his mouth.

His eyes were red and red, and he was exerting his spirit control skill with all his strength.

The rest of those parts, also one by one in the show.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!


Ten seconds!

Time in the rapid passage of time, just ten seconds, the moment arrived.


"Boy, I can't do it. Get out of here!"

This way.

As soon as the time came, the ancestor of the ancient Titan was blasted out. He vomited blood in his mouth and yelled at Lu Zixuan.

At the same time.

Emperor Jun body, the golden flame of fierce inflation, toward the landing son Xuan.

"Golden body!"

"Damn it, I don't believe it!"

The golden flames are all over the sky, and those flames are very powerful. Even if the eighth level martial god is here, it will also be badly damaged.


Lu Zixuan did not back down, he was not reconciled, very not reconciled!

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