


The regiment war starts!

The army of monsters is out!

Ghosts and gods, blood demons and others, as well as the eight golden stone statues, all shot.

Their strength is not what it used to be. As soon as they appear, they begin to kill wildly.

And Dijun is more powerful.

The strength of super God level burst out, and instantly put those six level, seven level and eight level martial gods down.

Second kill.

Or a second kill!

In front of him, the existence below the level of super God is not enough to see. No matter how much it comes, it is just a moment.

"The title of commander, open up!"

"Kill me all!"

After all the practitioners of the fire demon wolf clan above the sixth level martial god are killed, Lu Zixuan quickly asks Dijun to return to the Dragon tripod.

Too much consumption!

Dijun really pushed to the limit, but every second, the Fusang tree shrank at the speed visible to the naked eye.

If the strength is enough, Lu Zixuan absolutely let Dijun kill all the practitioners of the flame demon wolf clan.


Dijun went back, and he didn't have any worries.



This way.

When the title of commander was opened, the monsters in the Legion roared and roared one by one, and their attack became more fierce.


How fierce!

What is momentum, what is pulling dry and destroying decay?

This is it!

Where the ghosts and gods passed, the practitioners of the flame demon wolf clan were unable to resist, and they had to be tortured and killed.

Five level martial god level exists, be killed!

The fourth order martial god level exists, and is killed!

Third order martial god level exists, and it's more crazy to kill!

They are like a ferocious tide, where all the flame demon wolf practitioners can only become corpses lying on the ground.


Resist a wool, in front of killing the ghosts and gods with red eyes, they don't even have the chance to resist.


"That's great. My strength is soaring!"

"Mine too, get them all down!"

Super group battle card, plus double experience card, their strength is soaring, let them completely hi up.

I can't stop!




Double experience card, plus super group battle card.

This moment.

Lu Zixuan's mind, only the crazy sound of system prompts.

A good thing, constantly burst out, let him fall into the incomparable excitement.

He looked at it.

Every second, his true Qi points increase by ten million points!

What's the concept?

Ten million in one second!

It's all about lying down and hanging. What's more, it's super powerful!


It's so fierce that he just wants to shout, mad, who else?

"Ha ha..."

"I feel that I'm going to fly. I'll make some regiment combat cards and double experience cards in the future. It's so cool."

"I'd like to take more kids!"

Real gas point, exchange value, are growing furiously, looking at the experience soaring, Lu Zixuan said with a laugh.

I want to fill up the Legion and upgrade it.

In the future, I will fight with a group of younger brothers and open the Regiment Battle Card and double experience card.




This way.

Xuanyin demon tiger and others are still killing wildly. Bursts of explosive sounds of power are constantly appearing here, making the world shaking violently.

That kind of scene was so shocking that all the practitioners of the three legged Jinwu clan were shocked into silence. Looking at what happened in front of them, they were stunned.

What's going on?

A man, the flame demon wolf family of practitioners to stop!

Not only that, but also killing!

What's more, how did he summon all the powerful men of martial god level?

Crouching trough, is this really shocking?

The eyes of the practitioners of the three legged Jinwu clan are wide open.

At this moment.

In their eyes, Lu Zixuan seemed like an emperor.



Before, all of them did not expect that Lu Zixuan could resist the attack of the fire demon wolf clan.


They all think that Lu Zixuan is looking for death.


Lu Zixuan summoned the three legged Jinwu ancestors, and also summoned countless powerful martial gods.

That huge turn, let them in addition to shock, or shock.

"Keep killing me!"

"Kill all of them for me."

Lu Zixuan stands in the mid air, his arrogant voice is incomparable.

Let those practitioners of the flame demon wolf clan fear thoroughly.

Right now.

Those practitioners of the flame demon wolf clan can't care to kill the three legged Jinwu clan any more. They just want to leave here, far away, and never come to this place again.

"Run away!"

"Look, those practitioners of the flame demon wolf clan have run away."

"Powerful, brother Lu, you are so powerful!"

Wu Ling and others, excited and loud, worship Lu Zixuan to the limit, intimacy, once again increased by 10 points.


"Our three legged Jinwu people are safe at last."

At this time.

The rest of the three legged Jinwu people also breathed a sigh of relief.


Lu Zixuan did not end there.

He looked at the practitioners of the flame demon wolf family who wanted to escape, and his mouth showed a touch of coldness.


How can it be!

I've used all my cards. It's absolutely impossible if I don't blow all of you out!

"Chase me!"

"Damn, it's too late to leave now!"

"Level five rage!"

"Ten thousand shadows are separated, killing immortal sword array and Jue immortal sword array!"

"Dragon sting!"

"Tai Chi God lotus is destroyed!"

"The flame burns the sky!"


Lu Zixuan in mid air suddenly moved at this time.

In the moment of his body movement, ten thousand separate bodies appeared here, standing in different positions.


His powers began to release.




Those cards are all big moves of group attack, and those splits are all played simultaneously.


The power of the storm is like a rainstorm. The big moves are overlapping and exploding.

Release it among the practitioners of the flame demon wolf clan.

The scene, shocked to the limit.

The whole world, as if only left the figure of Lu Zixuan.

If Lu Zixuan was an emperor, now he is a god!

Turn over your hands and kill the gods!




One after another, the practitioners of the flame demon wolf family were quickly taken away and turned into waves of experience.

Wuling and others were deeply shocked again.

They have forgotten the excitement and the cheers.

All that's left is horror!

One by one, looking at Lu Zixuan in mid air, he left an indelible mark in his heart.

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