
"Continue to bang for me, smash for me!"

Simple, violent!

Lu Zixuan stood on the Big Mac tank, looking at the shaking Wall, shouting excitedly.




The bombardment is continuous, the output is continuous.

Under the bombardment of Big Mac tanks, the city of red fire was shaken, and a gap appeared in less than half a minute.


With the continuous attack of Big Mac tanks, the gap continues to grow rapidly.

"Cow My Lord, how awesome

"The defense of red fire city was destroyed by the adults!"

Not only the practitioners in red fire city are confused.

Even long he and others were deeply shocked.

They knew the defense of red fire city. Now they were devastated, and they were so excited that they could hardly breathe.

"Dregs, remember what you just said?"

"Stand up for me, I'm going to do it."

The gap above the city is already thousands of meters in size.

Lu Zixuan arrogantly said, controlling the Big Mac tanks rolling towards the city.

"Boy, you want to die!"

"I wanted to play with you and let you live longer."

"But since you want to die, don't blame us for being rude."

"What if there is such a treasure? It's just a matter of minutes to kill you. "

The seven level martial god practitioner said coldly.

Slap in the face!

What a slap!

How long did they say that they were beaten in the face by Lu Zixuan, making him angry.

At the same time, he killed Lu Zixuan.

"Just in time!"

"The boss of the seventh level God of martial arts doesn't know what good things can come out after he is killed."

Lu Zixuan laughed excitedly.

He didn't mean to make a move. He controlled the Big Mac tank and turned the gun barrel.


One shot out.

Fierce roar filled here, a layer of air waves from the center to the surrounding rapid spread.

The aftereffect of the power of terror took away several practitioners of red fire city in an instant.


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for killing the seventh level martial god cultivator and gaining exchange value..."


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for killing the fifth level martial god cultivator and gaining exchange value..."



With one shot down, the seven level martial arts God cultivator, as well as several other cultivators, were all killed.

The system beeps here.


"Kill them, kill them together!"

"Especially that boy, he must be broken into pieces."

I'm angry.

The practitioners of red fire city were murderous and roared one by one.

Some practitioners even become ontological states.

"Boy, you are too arrogant."

"Red fire city is not the place where you can come. It depends on you, who are our opponents?"

"See how we crush you!"

All the practitioners on the wall of the red fire city rushed up.

At the same time.

The rest of the practitioners in the red fire city were also startled and rushed to this side one by one.

"If there are many people, I will kill them if I don't come here!"

"Regiment card!"

"Ghosts and gods, show up and start the group battle!"

After one shot, Lu Zixuan's face was more excited.


There are too many practitioners in red fire city!

Experience, these are upgrade experience!

"Boss, here we are!"

"It's quite a lot this time, but the more the better!"

"Brothers, let's go, get them."

Ghosts and gods are called out.

With the opening of the Regiment Battle Card, they feel the improvement of their strength and let them look at the practitioners who rush up without any fear.

On the contrary.

One by one, their eyes glowed, and they were all trembling with excitement.


"Look at my big move!"

The dark evil tiger roared, and the first one rushed up. Under a pair of tiger's claws, all the practices that he had passed were torn to pieces."Add blood, I'll give you blood!"

"Kill them all, get them all down!"

"Cool, that's cool!"

The blood devil is in the rear.

He didn't rush up, but constantly added blood to the people to recover.

At the same time, he turned into noumenon, countless roots and branches spread, wantonly devouring the blood of those monsters, so that his whole person was covered by a layer of blood fog.

"Where is the outsider?"

"Blow him up, you have to blow him up!"

The Big Mac tank takes away a large number of practitioners with each bombardment.

Red fire city is very good!

However, the martial arts practitioners are not everywhere.

After killing all those martial god level practitioners, Lu Zixuan completely crushed them and fell into a state of falling on one side.

And this way.

Lu Zixuan is looking for the outsider in the red fire city.


That outsider is definitely a boss!




The sound of system prompt is continuous.

Let Lu Zixuan's real point and exchange value soar.

Every good thing is exploded.


There is also a group of blood, Lu Zixuan into the blood fusion crystal.


"You're tired of people who dare to kill me in my territory!"

At this time.

A breath of terror came from the center of red fire city.

A roar, but also in here.

"First order supernatural?"

"Here, at last!"

"Still a super boss!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes brightened.

There is an unspeakable excitement in the fundus of the eye.


"The first level super God is the existence of super God level!"

"My Lord, hurry up. We are not rivals for the supernatural existence. We will delay for you and get out of here."

The owner of that breath is not here yet.


The face of long he et al. Has already become very white, and hastily shouts to Lu Zixuan.

At the same time, they all turned into noumenon and became giant dragons, full of determination.

"Calm down!"

"Isn't it the existence of a first-order supernatural level?"

"You go on killing the rest, and I'll take care of this guy!"

Lu Zixuan's mouth turned.

Eight winged bloodthirsty Dragon Armor appeared on his body. Instead of calling out emperor Jun, he strode toward the source of the sound step by step.

"Scum, come out quickly."

"Damn it, why are you so inky?"

"The eldest brother's broadsword has long been hungry and thirsty."

In the middle of the sky, Lu Zixuan yelled fiercely.

He is very arrogant, very arrogant, standing in mid air, actively provoking the level of super God.

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