"Big gift pack?"

"The troughs, and this gift bag?"

Hearing the system prompt, Lu Zixuan was stunned.


What happened to the system?

Big gift pack? !

is it a special item?

It seems that this can have!

"Open up!"

"Open the big gift package for me!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes were blazing.

Life is long, pretend to be company!

Since the system has revealed a big gift package, it is absolutely a magic weapon.


"Congratulations to the host Lu Zixuan for opening the package."


"Congratulations to the host Lu Zixuan for his cigar."


"Congratulations to the host Lu Zixuan for getting sunglasses."


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for getting the recommended seat of trumpet broadcasting."


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for getting the transfiguration card."


Loading force big gift bag open, see the things inside, Lu Zixuan is really muddled force.

I'm so excited!


"Damn it

"Do you want that? Do you want to give it so awesome? "

"Four piece suit! Cigar Sunglasses recommended position, coupled with the transformation card, do not want to install forced ah

He's very short of breath.

Looking at the things in the big gift bag, he had a feeling of falling in love with the system.

Cigars, sunglasses, these are common things.

In the last life, it was very common.

However, it's indispensable.

What's more.

What excited Lu Zixuan most was the latter two.

Trumpet broadcast recommendation!

And the transfiguration card!

"The name of the recommended bit of trumpet broadcasting is the same as the name of the recommended bit in some website novels of the last generation, and it is also similar to that of the trumpet broadcasting in the game."

"But! Brother, this is displayed in the sky. You can input text and then display it in the form of thunder and lightning. "

"as like as two peas, it can be turned into another person perfectly, even with the same strength."

"Damn, I can't. I'm so excited that I'm going to run away!"

Lu Zixuan tries to calm down!


What a loser!

When I think of myself smoking cigars and wearing sunglasses, I still have my own big words in the sky, which is still a colorful version.

If you think about it, you will be forced to fly.


"Who else?"

"Put it out, all of it!"

This way.

Lu Zixuan finally recovered a trace of calmness, carefully put the four piece suit away.


He stepped on the huge corpse of Thunder Dragon, swept his eyes to the rest of the practitioners in red fire City, and made a low drink in his mouth.


"Kill them, kill the traitors!"


Xuanyin evil tiger and others, blood boiling shouting.




Those practitioners in red fire city have been scared into idiots by Lu Zixuan, and their eyes are full of fear.

Under the attack of Xuanyin evil tiger and others, they were unable to resist.

What's more.

It's not time for Big Mac tanks to go out one shot at a time.

Red fire city is smashing!

The ground burst apart one by one.

The exchange value is soaring!

The real anger is soaring!

The system's beeping.


"Boss, it's all settled!"

"These dregs are dead!"

The practitioners of red fire City, under the abuse of Xuanyin evil tiger and others, all became corpses.

Under the Regiment Battle Card, their strength has also soared a lot, making them all look ecstatic. I wish they could kill again now.

"Thunder devil, refine and fuse the heart of Thunder Dragon."

"You all go back, and I'll call you back then!"

The weakness brought by the rage has disappeared.

Lu Zixuan throws Lei Long's body under the Fusang tree. Lei Long's heart is given to Lei mo.

"Thank you, master!"

"With this heart of Thunder Dragon, my blood will certainly be improved!"

Thunder devil ecstatic way, finish saying, immediately into the Dragon God Ding, can't wait to refine the heart of Thunder Dragon."Boss, we're gone, too."

"Call us next time!"

Ghosts and other people also left.

The corpses of those monsters are also good things for them, which can improve their blood and strength to a certain extent.

"Longhe, follow me to save the dragon people who are held here."

"Then go to the outsiders and kill them all."

This way.

Lu Zixuan said to Longhe and others.

Red fire city has become a ruins, in the induction of Lu Zixuan, soon found those imprisoned dragon.

"Damn it!"

"They treat us like this!"

The dragon people, who were imprisoned in a dungeon, were not affected by the fighting.

Before and after arriving at the dungeon, Longhe let out a low roar.

I can only see.

The dragon people who are imprisoned here are all depressed and lie here one by one.

There was only a little power left in them.

"Longhe clan leader?"

"Our blood was taken away by those bastards..."

Seeing the dragon river, there was a wave in the eyes of the dragon people.

Some practitioners said weakly.

"To draw your blood?"

"Where are those veins?"

Lu Zixuan's eyes, fiercely release senhan's killing intention.


The dragon people in the East were taken away by the lizards in the West!

Can't stand it, absolutely can't stand it!

"This is to help us fight Lu Zixuan, Lord Lu. The Western Thunder Dragon outside was also killed by Lord Lu."

"Your strength is strong. You can avenge us. Maybe you can recover!"

Dragon River also opens a way at this time, he has been completely convinced to Lu Zixuan.

Especially when thunder dragon was killed, he was shocked.


"It's very difficult to recover blood. You need to enter Hualong pool."

"And Hualong pool, in the legendary tomb of the Dragon God, how can we enter?"

"Our blood has long been used by outsiders to refine or open the tomb of the Dragon God."

There are dragon shook his head.

They have been disheartened.

Blood has been stripped, power has been abolished, and they are no more than waste.


"Impossible to enter?"

"You counsellors, I risked my life to save you, so you gave up?"

"You are dragon people, not lizards with wings who can bully you at will!"

"Do you want to raise your head for me and tell me if you are a counsellor?"

"No blood, no strength. What's the matter? Can't we practice again? "

"An ordinary person without blood can become a martial god and a super God. Is it true that the dragon people are all your counsellors? Without blood, they are nothing?"

"Dragon? I think you are earthworms

All of a sudden.

Lu Zixuan yelled.

His eyes were pressing and his voice sounded like thunder in the ears of the dragon people.


"What did you say? We dragon people should not be insulted. Even if you die, you are not allowed to trample on your dignity! "

"We're not even a counsellor!"

Lu Zixuan, in the eyes of the Dragon cultivators, was inspired by the dignity of the dragon.

Yelled one by one.

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