Deep in the mountain of death, the magic here is more intense.

A stream of dark magic gas evolved into a general existence of black fog.


There are still some spaces that break up into holes, the thickest of which are the arms, but they release a lot of violent power.


At the other end of those space openings is the demon world!

"The treasure left by Chiyou is in this area."

"Boss, be careful. Those who fight for Chiyou's treasures are all supernatural. Maybe there is a powerful presence in the demon world."

Lu Zixuan came here with Niu Dazhuang.

After coming here, Niu Dazhuang said.

Although he was a little worried, he had unlimited expectations in his heart.

"Believe me

"Even if they are bullied, I will kill them as well."

"The more you come, the better. Then maybe I can upgrade."

Lu Zixuan didn't have any worries, he said excitedly.

Are they all supernatural?

It's cool. How much experience can you get after exploding?

How many good things can be revealed?

Lying trough, think about it and feel very excited!




Just when the two of them came here, a practitioner rushed out of the dark fog.

Dozens of attacks, together toward Lu Zixuan and Niu Dazhuang.

"Ha ha..."

"A sixth order martial god, a fifth order martial god!"

"Two trash also dare to come here, you go to die, the thing on the body is ours."

When the attack fell, the practitioners laughed wildly.

Lu Zixuan's and Niu Dazhuang's treasures make their eyes hot.

"The robber?"

"Kill the Dragon God!"


Lu Zixuan's eyes were grim.

Robbing Laozi?

It's just for you to improve your experience.



This is the first time that Lu Zixuan used the transformed Dragon God to kill.

In an instant.

His body was wrapped in a virtual shadow of the Dragon God, disappeared from the original place, directly through those attacks, appeared in front of the practitioners.

The huge dragon claws are pulled out, and the practitioners are easily torn and blasted off.

"A group of six level martial gods, there is no challenge at all!"

"Big man, keep up with me, I'll take you to continue pushing!"

Second kill!

All the practitioners were killed by Lu Zixuan, and the soul taking skill was used to collect the souls of those practitioners.


He took out the treasure map of HUPO Dao. He had a general impression of the location of HUPO Dao by comparing with the surroundings.

"That tiger soul sword should be in this valley."

"Let's go in!"

In the end.

They came to a valley, where the evil spirit was more intense, and almost reached the stage of metamorphosis.

Lu Zixuan's eyes are shining, and he takes Niu Dazhuang into it.


There are many cracks in the valley.

The roar of a monster came one after another.

"So many monsters!"

"I wipe, brother is coming!"

"Blood devil, you give elder brother to come out, follow elder brother to open to kill."

Hearing the roar of those monsters, Lu Zixuan cheered excitedly and pulled out seven of them.


They are real demons, and with the help of Lu Zixuan, their blood and strength have been improved.

"Good place!"

"Boss, it's up to us. With us, those monsters can't resist."

"Brothers, do it!"

The blood devil and others appeared, and their eyes were full of excitement.

Let Niu Dazhuang see it in a daze.

The trough.

And little brother?

And these little brothers are more and more crazy!



The next moment.

Lu Zixuan took the blood demon and they rushed up, sweeping the monsters here and driving towards the deep of the valley.

There was a loud roar here.

Lu Zixuan's real point and exchange value are also soaring.

"Another one?""I don't know which master it is. It should be Leng Rufeng from the demon temple."

"He is very strong, and the blood level is very high, the possibility of getting Chiyou treasure this time is great."

Deep in the valley.

Dozens of practitioners have gathered here.

Someone heard the loud roar and said.

"His eldest brother Leng blade is the descendant of Chiyou and the strongest one."

"If he becomes Chiyou's descendant again, the whole hall of the demon God will be theirs."

"They can't provoke."

Some practitioners said.

"Look, they're coming!"

"Well? What's the matter, isn't it as cold as the wind? Who are they? "

At this time, Lu Zixuan and others are killing blood.

Those practitioners who talked about it came to see it in an instant.


After seeing Lu Zixuan and others clearly, they fell into a short silence one by one.

Isn't it as cold as the wind?

Isn't it as cold as the wind?

Wocao is also a group of martial arts level guys. The most powerful one is the sixth level martial arts God.

How dare they get in here?

"Sun, many practitioners!"

"Boss, it's all boss!"

Once in here, Lu Zixuan's eyes became straight.

His eyes swept back and forth on those practitioners.

Super God!

The dozens of practitioners are all supernatural beings.

He couldn't help swallowing.

"So many super gods!"

"Boss, don't be impulsive. Don't provoke them."

The breath of supernatural level is released here.

Let Niu Dazhuang say in a hurry, for fear that Lu Zixuan will rush up and want to work with those people.

All the way here, he was incisively and vividly aware of Lu Zixuan's bravery.

It's all about seeing monsters and practitioners rush up. The stronger the strength, the more excited they are.

But this is a group of super gods.

If Lu Zixuan rushes up That scene, let him dare not think.

"Boy, get out of here!"

"This is not where you can come. Don't you see what strength we are?"

"A group of Wushen level rubbish also want to fight for Chiyou's treasure?"

"You are not qualified!"

Said a first-order supernatural practitioner.

He disdained the strength of Lu Zixuan and others, and his tone was full of pride and contempt, as if he was talking to a fly.

"Get out of here?"

"Old man, are you a loser?"

"Isn't it just the first-order super God? It's not you that's the loser?"

"You're tired of letting me get out of here, aren't you?"

"Not qualified? Good, dare to challenge me alone, I will tell you what is qualification

"I teach you to be a man every minute!"

In the deepest part of the valley, there are dozens of supernatural beings.

In the distance, countless practitioners are watching.

Right now.

Lu Zixuan's arrogant voice appeared, which stunned all the practitioners.

Niu Dazhuang began to smoke.

Finally, Lu Zixuan didn't take the initiative to rush up. The goods were delivered to the door by himself.

Damn it.

This is to do something.

"What's that kid doing?"

"Is he crazy to be in the first level of super God? Do you want to go it alone? "

In the distance.

There are practitioners who are shocked.

They look at Lu Zixuan's eyes, all have a kind of ignorant force.

Level five martial god, challenge level one super God?

Is it the same as scolding your grandson?

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