"Boy, tiger soul sword is ours."

"And what's in you, too, is ours."

"Go to hell. If you want to blame it, it's because you're so rampant!"

At this time.

Those super God level practitioners, all around.

Tiger spirit magic sword!

And the good things on Lu Zixuan!

If you kill Lu Zixuan, they will get those.


Lu Zixuan's breath of terror has disappeared, and the weakness brought by the rage also appears. They are a group of supernatural level practitioners. Are they afraid of wool?

"Dregs, are you going to kill Laozi?"

"It seems that you just said that. If Lao Tzu kills the sword puppet, you will kneel down and admit that you are a weak force?"

Lu Zixuan turned around, he looked at the practitioners around him and said with disdain.

Sweeping those arrogant faces, he did not have any arrogant eyes.


"Boy, you want to die!"

Those people's faces turned red, and they were beaten hard in the face and roared angrily.

"Looking for death?"

"Come up and have a try!"

"Lao Tzu can even kill a knife or a puppet. Is it still up to you weak forces?"


Lu Zixuan roared again.

Although the anger killing brought weakness, his eyes were full of killing intention at the moment, which made the practitioners around him stop immediately.

To frighten everyone.

"Don't be afraid of him!"

"He's out of cards, and he's in a state of weakness. He's just pretending."

"How can he still have the card to kill the sword puppet?"


All the practitioners were shocked.

It took more than ten minutes to breathe before the practitioners responded and said to the rest of the practitioners.


"Don't be afraid. He's so arrogant. If there were any cards like that, he would have done it long ago."

"Up! Let's kill the boy

The rest of the practitioners also responded.

They were even more irritated.


How dare a group of supernatural beings be frightened by a fifth level martial god?

if it gets out, how can they get along with it?

"Boy, go to hell!"

"Don't pretend to be forced!"

The next moment.

Those practitioners continued to circle up, looking at Lu Zixuan's eyes, full of ferocious killing intention.


"Damn it, since you are looking for death, I will help you."

"There's no such card, is there?"

"Eyes of the devil, let me free!"

Those practitioners rush up.

At this time, Lu Zixuan's mouth grinned, and the eyes of the demon God were opened.

A huge knife light flickered in the left eye.

Big move!

This is the strike just copied by the eye of the devil!

"Go ahead!"

"A group of super gods, I will kill you!"

Lu Zixuan's gloomy voice.



As his voice fell, the huge light of the sword flew out of his left eye and chopped at those super God level practitioners.

In an instant.

The violent power roared here, and the space was cut out of a huge gap.


Those practitioners who rushed up suddenly turned pale.

One by one, they screamed miserably.


That Dao light, but Chi You demon God strength card next full strength blow burst out.

The power can be imagined.

Even the sword puppets were killed, not to mention them?






A large number of system prompt sound appeared, continuous resounding up.


"It's a great rhythm. Don't stop!"


Those practitioners are all supernatural beings. After each one is killed, a series of things burst out to make Lu Zixuan excited.

He roared, feeling the real gas point and exchange value in the crazy surge.

The distance to upgrade is getting closer and closer!


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for upgrading to the sixth level martial god."Finally.

After all the practitioners were killed, his strength soared and he became the sixth level martial god.

"Ha ha..."

"Still so cool, but the strength is not enough, I want to continue to upgrade!"

"I'll be happy if I kill another wave of supernatural beings."

Lu Zixuan laughs. He takes out the pill and swallows it, which makes the weak feeling dissipate quickly.

Then, he went to the tiger soul sword on the altar.


Tiger soul sword, inserted in the center of the altar.

When Lu Zixuan approached, the virtual shadow of a magic tiger appeared from above, making a roaring sound.

In the roar, Lu Zixuan's sword point and body flew out in an instant.

At the moment of flying out, it became a complete tiger soul sword.


"Congratulations to the host" Lu Zixuan "for obtaining the handle of the tiger spirit magic sword and completing the task of the tiger spirit magic sword."


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for completing the task of tiger spirit magic sword and becoming the descendant of Chiyou."


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for completing the task of tiger spirit magic sword. The mask of Chiyou has been upgraded to become a super God treasure."




Tiger soul sword task completed, Lu Zixuan attributes column, more than a Chiyou descendant of the title.


On his forehead, there was also a black mark.

The mark is very strange, like a rune, but also like the figure of Chiyou.

It is the symbol of Chiyou's descendants!

"Purgatory, merge the meaning of this sword!"

"And this broadsword is also fused with me."

At this time.

Lu Zixuan took out the meaning of the sword and the powerful sword and gave it to purgatory for him to absorb and fuse.

And he did.

Then his eyes fell on the tiger soul sword.

"It's Chiyou's weapon, but it's too weak."

"It's just nine grades. Is there anything wrong?"

"System, view properties!"

Tiger soul sword has been integrated, but the grade makes Lu Zixuan very unhappy.

God level nine?

Although it sounds like a loser, there are a lot of supernatural treasures in him. If you compare them, there will be no comparability in an instant.

Item: Tiger soul sword.

Grade: God grade nine.

Attribute: damage to demons increased by 100%.

Attribute: with magic power.

Attributes: devour, can devour and kill the cultivator, let the tiger spirit sword upgrade.


"Shit, swallow it?"

"Ah, I found another eater!"

When Lu Zixuan point open property view, the moment was stunned.


Food again!

Swallowing attribute can improve the treasure itself. This loser explodes the sky.

But he has a lot to eat.

Fusang tree, purgatory blood evil sword, juexian sword, killing immortal sword One can eat more than the other. Now what he has revealed is not enough for them.

Still coming?

Let Lu Zixuan feel the egg is very painful.

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