
"I'll go. How long will it take? It's an eight level supernatural being who's going crazy. Although it's tied, it's too fucked, isn't it

Lu Zixuan's egg is very painful. He looks at the mad cow demon king and wants to slap himself in the face.

It's OK for the dog to pretend.

This is a special cow demon, cow!

Is there anything better than this?

That's what other people do.

"About half an hour to go."

"Master, you must hold on. We'll cheer you on."

Killing fairy mouth way, her innocent appearance, let Lu Zixuan a mouthful of old blood almost did not spray out.

Come on Add wool oil at this time.



The ox demon king is still walking violently, the attack can't stop at all, and he smashes down towards Lu Zixuan.

The chains, which he pulled, clattered and rattled. Lu Zixuan was frightened to see them, for fear that the chains would be torn off.


"I gave you a face, didn't I?"

"Not half an hour? After waiting for half an hour, I'll kill you! "

See huge cattle hoof stepped on again, Lu Zixuan hate said.

Mad, I'm just pretending. What's the matter?

Level 8 super God, what are you? Half an hour later, I'll kill you!

"Feng Tianzhen!"

"Taiji Hunyuan kill!"

"Kill the Dragon God!"


The scope of the square is not small, but the Bull Demon is too terrible. Even if he is bound by countless chains, his attack can still cover the whole square.

Lu Zixuan is running wildly, showing his cards to avoid the attack of the ox demon king.

That scene, miserable, in the state of rampage, under the attack of the Bull Demon King, he did not have the opportunity to backhand, can only continue to run!

"Niuduzi, wait for me!"

"Mad, I have to poke your chrysanthemums to let you know why they are so red!"




The attacks continued to fall, like the end of the world.

The ground is shaking and the space is torn, but the chains and stone pillars are too strong for the Bull Demon to break away.

Also let Lu Zixuan slightly relieved.

"Ah, how long will it be over?"

"This calf is so crazy!"

With the passage of time, Lu Zixuan was sweating and in a mess. If it wasn't for Feng Tianzhen and a lot of cards, he couldn't hold on until now.

He was very upset.

He has always abused others, but now he has been abused by a cow. Even if he is the Bull Demon King, Lu Zixuan is upset to the limit.

"Ten minutes to go!"

"Master, you need to come on, and kill that calf later."

The sword is counting the time.

Don't forget to encourage Lu Zixuan.

"Ten minutes?"

"Trough, ten minutes to go!"

"Keep running!"

Lu Zixuan's mouth sucks, but the ox demon king's attack falls down again. He quickly takes a breath and runs wildly on the square.





In the whole world of martial arts gods, the eighth level super God is absolutely the strong among the strong. He can be superior to the others, and even one person can sweep a field!

It can be imagined that the existence of this level, how terrible the attack is.

But for the array, the square would have collapsed.

"What's going on inside?"

"Why is the wave of fighting so strong? At least seven levels of supernatural level to be able to do this step, right

"No, it should be the eighth level super God!"

Outside the square.

The three practitioners hid here, and the fog rolled violently with the attack of the ox demon king.

It's like a raging wave, and it's hard to fight down. The surrounding ground has collapsed.


There is also a strong force, and the cracks in the space wantonly distributed here, let them three eyes stare rolling big.

"What's in it?"

"Is that Lu Zixuan fighting with the existence inside?"

"No way? That boy is only the sixth level martial god. The explosive power in it is the seventh level or even the eighth level super God. It has lasted so long? "

A person tightly wrinkly brow, how to think also don't understand what happened inside in the end."Wait!"

"It's too scary. We can't get close to it."

The third-order supernatural level practitioner took a deep breath.

He didn't dare to break in at all, just those scattered forces were enough to tear them up and kill them easily.


"Three seconds!"

"Two seconds!"

"One second!"

"It's time, madder, at last!"

Full half an hour later, the ox demon king finally walked out in a rage. Lu Zixuan also breathed a long sigh of relief, and then his face was cold.


It is too tired, this half disappeared, he is almost in the desperate escape, a big move and magic power, regardless of the release.

The spirit is even more tense, completely in its own limit.


Even he didn't think that he could persist so much.

You know.

The Bull Demon King is in a violent state, but there is an eight level super God, and he is only a six level martial god.

This kind of awareness is too powerful. If you were the other practitioners, you would not last a minute!

"Calf, do you want to go on now?"

"It's really cool to chase me for such a long time, isn't it?"

"Now I'll give you a chance to surrender or to be beaten by me?"

This way.

Lu Zixuan put a few pills into his mouth. After recovering some strength, he said loudly to the panting ox demon king.

His tone, overbearing to the limit, as if just things have not happened in general.

Pretend to be!

You have to pretend!

Lao Tzu even survived when the Bull Demon King was the most powerful. Would he be afraid of a wheezing calf now?

Lu Zixuan is tired!

The ox devil is more tired!

The state of violent walking is equivalent to Lu Zixuan's fierce killing. Although it can bring violent power, once you retreat from the violent walking, you will also have some weakness.

What's more.

However, the Bull Demon continued to attack for half an hour, and almost all of them tried their best. We can imagine how bad his condition is now.

"Damn boy, do you want me to surrender?"

"No way!"


As soon as the Bull Demon's eyes kick, the next moment's huge hoof blows down again. Although the power is not as terrible as before, it is still very fierce, breaking a gap in the space.

"Lying trough!"

"It's on your face, isn't it?"

"If you don't accept it, I'll beat you until you accept it!"

Lu Zixuan grinned and said in a loud voice.

It's easy to refuse to accept!

Then don't blame me for being rude.

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