"Ungrateful dog, since you are so anxious to die, I will help you!"


Wuhua is angry!

Also took out an alchemy stove to come out, eyes Yin measure of stare at Lu Zixuan, full of ice cold kill idea.

"Zixuan, don't be impulsive."

"He's a nine grade alchemist. Even if you can make five grade pills, it won't help."

"Don't compete, don't bet with him, OK? It's a big deal. We won't take part in the examination, and we won't enter the fire god. I'll leave here with you. "

At this time.

Zhao jing'er grabs Lu Zixuan in a hurry.

Wuhua, the most powerful alchemy of the whole fire god Yanzong, has reached the level of nine super gods!

Even in the whole martial god world, who dares to compare with him in alchemy?

Even if there are several alchemists, they can't guarantee that they will win Wuhua.

And Lu Zixuan, how to compare?

It's too weak. The alchemy of supernatural five products can't compete with Wuhua at all.

It's not a fight. There's going to be leapfrogging.

Alchemy, how can you skip the level?

"Lu Zixuan, since you just agreed, don't counsellor!"

"Aren't you a loser? Isn't it very pretentious? "

"If you go back, even if you take the initiative to admit defeat, the result will be the same, kneeling and slapping are indispensable!"

Lin Lang Tian got up from the ground. Although the injury on his face was recovering rapidly, he was still bleeding and miserable.

He is murderous to Lu Zixuan. The two slaps just made him bear a grudge. Now his master Wuhua comes out and makes him confident. He wants to watch Lu Zixuan be abused and killed!

"Believe me!"

"It's just alchemy. I'll step on him!"

"Don't say it's Wuhua, even if it's another ye Liangchen, Zhao Litian or something."

Lu Zixuan ignored Lin langtian and said to Zhao Jinger.

After that, he looked at Wuhua not far away, and his mouth was full of sneers.

"Boy, you're dead!"

"Let's start!"

"Taishanglaojun blood!"

Wuhua said with a smile. At this time, the blood in his body was stimulated. Behind him, a virtual shadow condensed.

That virtual shadow, very illusory, the appearance of people can not see.


Wuhua's words were heard by everyone.

"Taishanglaojun blood!"

"Elder Wuhua also has the blood of taishanglaojun, and his grade is higher and purer than elder martial brother Lin's!"

"That Lu Zixuan is really dead this time!"

"Elder Wuhua's alchemy has been out of reach, and now he has the blood of the Supreme Lord. Who can compare it?"

That virtual shadow is just the virtual shadow of the emperor.

With the appearance of the virtual shadow, the faces of many practitioners in the square will change in vain and be shocked.

"Taishanglaojun blood, compared with the pure and rich of Lin langtian, I don't know how much."

"It seems that elder Wuhua is really angry and has exerted all his strength."

"Today, I'm afraid Lu Zixuan..."

The elders look more and more ugly.

They all attach great importance to Lu Zixuan, but elder Wuhua's position in the fire god Yanzong is too high, second only to the patriarch, so they can't stop him at all.


Lu Zixuan himself said about the contest. He wanted to die!

"Zixuan, don't go on!"

Zhao jing'er is more anxious and says in a loud voice to Lu Zixuan.

"Jie Jie..."

"Back off? Yes, but I've already said that if you step down, you will automatically admit defeat, and the bet will still take effect! "

"Today, I'm going to watch him die here."

Lin langtian said with a wild smile.

"Lin langtian, what are you arrogant about?"

"You're so arrogant, aren't you beaten by Zixuan?"

"Don't laugh here. Don't let your master come. You can compare yourself!"

Zhao jing'er is angry. She says disgustedly to Lin Lang Tian.


"After that, Lu Zixuan will die. I see what else you can rely on!"

"Don't worry, I will take good care of you, let you become my pet!"

Lin langtian was blown up by the green veins of Qi.

After dropping a sentence, he turned his eyes directly to Lu Zixuan and Wuhua.

"Dog thing, do you know why I can urge the blood of taishanglaojun?"

"Because I like the feeling of crushing others best!""I want to crush you so that you can't look up and let you know what you can't look up to and what is the difference between heaven and earth!"

"Even if Jiujun fails, there is only one master in the blood market!"

"Enjoy it!"

Taishanglaojun's shadow is floating behind Wuhua.

As soon as the words fell, the fire in the alchemy furnace was boiling and roaring.

A golden flame, also in Wuhua's body burning up, let him look like a god!

Behind the scenes, taishanglaojun's hands are also changing, making the fire in the alchemy furnace as if he had life.

Right now.

The alchemy displayed by Wuhua is really strong, even to the point that it is beyond the mark. He can become a nine grade alchemy master of the supernatural. He is not simply forced to pretend like Wuhua God, but really powerful.

However, no matter how powerful he is, it will not hinder Lu Zixuan's determination to turn him over.

"It's just taishanglaojun's blood, and it's just a part of his impurity blood."

"It's better for you to spare no effort. I'll bully you later. I'll make excuses if I lose."

"You like rolling? Actually I like it, too! "

"Let's go!"

Lu Zixuan disdains the way.

At the same time, taishanglaojun's body card was opened.

"Do you have the blood of the impurity taishanglaojun?"

"Laozi has a real emperor!"


Lu Zixuan sneered in his heart.

At the moment when taishanglaojun's possession card was opened, he felt that there was a kind of unspeakable power in his body.


At this moment, his understanding of alchemy reached an unfathomable level. With an idea in his mind, there were tens of thousands of alchemy techniques.


There is also a variety of Dan Fang.


Those danfang and sentiment, and can't really let him get, otherwise his alchemy, absolutely can force to the limit.


"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for opening his card."

Alchemy suggests that jiutaijun is in the state of being a super God.

Tip: in the state of taishanglaojun's possession card, there is 80% possibility of refining legendary pills.

Tip: the host can transform decay into magic, which can make any grade of elixir, 100% of which can be refined into nine super gods, 80% of which can produce legendary elixir.


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