
"Run, he's a super God!"

"Come on, we're not his match."

Those martial god level practitioners are all confused.


Super God!

They really blow up the sky.


In front of the supernatural level, they are a scum, a fart.

Don't say there are dozens of them. Even if there are dozens more, they are not Lu Zixuan's rivals.

"Like to pretend, don't you?"

"You want to destroy the Nangong family, don't you?"

Lu Zixuan was angry. He controlled the eighteen fire dragons and killed them.

"You're the bullshit

"Die for me!"

"No one can leave!"

The eighteen flame dragons fell down together, which did not give the practitioners any chance to escape.

Those practitioners, under the eighteen flame dragons, were easily torn and blasted off.

"Ouyang Xun!"

"You go on!"

This way.

After the explosion of 18 levels of fire, those dragon practitioners hit the gods.

Within tens of thousands of meters around, everything was blasted off and turned into ruins.

Lu Zixuan, with a flash of body shape, appears directly in front of Ouyang Xun, grabs Ouyang Xun's neck in one hand and says darkly.

"You're crazy, aren't you?"

"Come on!"


Lu Zixuan has a loud voice.

Peng's voice, Ouyang Xun's neck was broken, Lu Zixuan was a blow to fly out, in mid air burst, even the soul was hanged and swallowed up.

"Ouyang family!"

"All of you are going to die today!"

This way.

Lu Zixuan roared.

His fists went out again, evolved into 18 fire dragons, and went to kill the rest of the practitioners left in Ouyang family.





This blow, compared with the 18 fire dragons, was even more powerful and terrifying, containing Lu Zixuan's anger.

The ground is shaking and the sky is bursting.

The practitioners of Ouyang family turn their bodies into powder.

In front of Lu Zixuan, they have no resistance.


All of them!

"Keep killing!"

"Next, Liu family!"


The whole Ouyang family has become a ruin. All the practitioners have been killed, and the shattered space has not been completely healed.

Lu Zixuan's eyes were cold and he opened his mouth.


"Kill the Lius!"

The faces of those practitioners of Nangong family are full of ecstasy.

Especially when they look at Lu Zixuan, they all worship him.

Kill the family!

Although it seems very cruel, but the rules of the world of martial god is like this.

Respect for strength!


They Nangong family, also under the attack of Liu family and Ouyang family, lost many people.


If Lu Zixuan doesn't show up today, their Nangong family has been completely destroyed.


They're taking revenge!

"Boy, the Liu family gave it to me."

"I'll hold my hand in a hurry, or I'll hold it!"

Ancient Titans rub hands.

When he came to Liu's house, his eyes were shining.


"Hurry up and kill them all."

"Those super God level practitioners of tianque sect are not in Ouyang family. We have made so much noise, and they have not appeared. They must have entered the secret realm of sword god space."

"After destroying the Liu family, I immediately enter the secret place of the sword god space."

Lu Zixuan nodded.

Whether it is the Ouyang family or the Liu family, there is no attention in his eyes.

Like this kind of family power, even if he sends out a younger brother, he can turn it over.

The reason why they do it by themselves is that they touch Lu Zixuan's bottom line and make him furious.

"Lu Zixuan, what do you want to do?"

"Once the supernatural level practitioners of tianque sect come back, they will surely take revenge for us."

"As long as you don't do it, everything is negotiable."

The Ouyang family was exterminated.The whole xuanjianzong felt the movement.

Right now.

When Lu Zixuan appeared before the Liu family, the practitioners of the Liu family were ready.

They all turned pale.

"Easy to discuss?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not ready to discuss with them!"

"Take your hand and kill them!"

Lu Zixuan said disdainfully.



Want to destroy Nangong family, want to kill Nangong Yue and Ge Yi, Lao Tzu and you two farts!

"Hey, hey, give it to me!"

"Look at me!"

The ancestor of Titan in ancient times gave out a sneer.

His body suddenly rose to the height of tens of thousands of meters.

A big foot, towards the Liu family of those practitioners straight down.


Big feet fall.

Those practitioners could not resist and were trampled into dregs.


Those mountains were kicked out by the ancestors of the ancient Titans.




At the same time that those practitioners of the Liu family were killed, the sound of system prompt also rang out one after another.

Good things come out.


Those things have no attraction for Lu Zixuan.

"Fat man, take these things."

"Improve your strength, and then I will take you to kill all sides."

In less than five minutes.

The Liu family became a ruin, and there was no one left.

At this time.

Lu Zixuan took out a pill and good things from the heaven and earth bag.

Especially those pills.

It was exploded when Wu Hua was killed. Each one is extremely precious. For GE Yi, it can make their strength soar.


In the shortest time, the strength of Ge Yi and others can reach the level of martial god.

Especially nangongyue, her strength can even become the Ninth level martial god!

"Are you Lu Zixuan?"

At this time.

In the distance, dozens of practitioners came this way.

After appearing here, the leader asked, frowning tightly.


"The Liu family and the Ouyang family want to kill the Nangong family, so I'm going to kill them."

"If you want to avenge them, you can have a try!"

Seeing those practitioners, Lu Zixuan's eyes were fixed and said in a deep voice.


Master of xuanjianzong!

Now appeared here, let Lu Zixuan directly said.

What he was thinking about was the secret place of sword god space. He didn't want to waste time with Jianhe and others.

If you want revenge, just come!

Just say it!

"Zixuan, don't be impulsive."

"Master Jianhe is kind to our Nangong family. If it wasn't for master Jianhe, our Nangong family would have been destroyed."


Nangong month but hastily said, let Lu Zixuan in the eyes of the kill idea, also retreat scattered down.

The look at Jianhe changed.

Lu Zixuan will not be soft hearted to his enemies, but he will also be frank to his friends.

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