"Level three, they're on level three?"

"Die, he will die in it."

The practitioners of Buddhism are more and more shocked.

Lu Zixuan showed the strength, let their hearts set off a terrible wave, just like a dream.

Right now.

Lu Zixuan directly into the third floor, let no equal person a face more ferocious cold.


"You still have a hard mouth? Didn't you say that I couldn't get into the Buddhist kingdom of Dalian before? "

"And then, was he beaten in the face?"

"When my boss goes in, you say you can't refine the core, and you will be killed."

"But I was beaten in the face again!"

"And then, you said that my boss would be killed in the second floor, unable to refine the core, or be beaten in the face."

"A group of idiots, still say so now, you are not afraid to be beaten in the face again?"

Ge Yi raised his middle finger high. He adored Lu Zixuan very much.

After hearing the words of no equal, he laughed.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Fat man, is that too obvious? After all, they are also big traitors. "

"You see, the master of Wuxiang is blushing."

Each of the nine fire dragons is a master with one mouth to scold, not to mention the nine of them.

It's definitely not as simple as adding nine together. Its power is absolutely extreme.

Wu Xiang's face, red incomparably, like the red charcoal.

"How do you talk?"

"How could the master of Wuxiang blush because of slapping?"

"Don't you know that there is a martial art of Buddhism, which is called code setting, copper wall and iron wall, or some kind of golden bell covering and iron cloth shirt. The face of the master of Wuxiang is comparable to that of a supernatural treasure. How can he become red because of beating his face? "

"Only I know the real reason. Are you curious?"

The second of the nine fire dragons is the most powerful one.

"Because of what?"

"We are very curious. Please tell us quickly."

The next moment.

The rest of the practitioners said with great cooperation.

"Cough Well, it's because elder Wuliang has practiced the golden spear skill. "

"Well, it's hard to say."

The second one looks like an enigmatic figure and sighs. There seems to be an inextricable sadness between his brows.

They all know what they are sighing for.

"Golden spear skill?"

"Second brother, what kind of Kung Fu is this? It sounds very strong. It's very big! "

The curiosity on those practitioners' faces is more intense.

The rest of the nine fire dragons were also frightened by the second one.

The trough.

The second one is a wise pearl. Does he really know?


"Very strong, and very big!"

"I'll think about the words that describe this skill."

The second one smiles mysteriously, and then someone gets lost in meditation. The palm of his hand flicks his chin, and he almost has no beard. Otherwise, he will be even more forced.

On the other side.

Even the practitioners of Buddhism could not help looking at the past, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Ya Ya's, don't have mutually grow old blush, really is because of gold stab magic gun? Why have we heard so much about martial arts before?

Is it the unique secret collection of elder Wuliang?


Yes, absolutely!

The more people think about it, the more likely it is.

However, the person concerned was so angry that he was staring at the second child. In his anger, they even forgot to refute.

"I remember!" As soon as he patted his head, he made a sudden realization, and then said, "this golden spear skill, there is a saying to describe it, that is, Xiao Lu is happy, Da Lu is hurt, and Qiang Lu is gone!"

"This golden spear skill can be practiced to the extreme, just like teddy, and it's known as everything That's what. "

"Gaga, you know!"

"Master Wuxiang's face is so red. That's why elder Wuliang used his golden spear skill on master Wuxiang last night. Master Wuxiang can't help it now."

Second Gaga strange smile, let a public mouth smoke up.

"Ha ha, bull!"

"Elder Wuliang is too powerful. This skill is absolutely extreme."

"Yes, I can't help but look at the face of the prime minister."

With a bang, the practitioners in the square laughed wildly.Nima, we are so scared that we are waiting here.

Lying trough, talent.


"You want to die!"

"I'll kill you!"

Many of the practitioners of Buddhism turned red and tried to suppress the impulse to laugh.

They look at infinite and formless eyes, full of ambiguity.

"Kill me?"

"Come on, you come in!"

Cried the second.

Kill me? Yap, you come in!


"Come in, isn't elder Wuliang's golden spear very powerful? It's just a big battle. One shot will pierce it."

"The iron cloth shirt of the prime minister is so hard that I can't help it, not to mention a big array?"

After Lu Zixuan refined the second core, the seal array of Ten Thousand Buddhas was weakened again.

Although that group of people can't get out, there's no danger. It makes them feel a little painful here.

One after another echoed.

"Second, they are both men."

"Are you really going to explode chrysanthemums together?"

This way.

The eldest brother applies for serious way, a pair still can be like this? Ah, can it really look like this.

"Boss, you have to know that when you feel deep, you will be straight."

"The two elders complement each other in their skills. They both need consolation."

"There's no need to be puzzled at all about comforting your inner tenderness with your partner. We can't despise or aim at them these days. "

"Don't worry, you two. We understand you!"

The second one's mouth was absolutely open. What he said was extravagant.

"I understand you

"You wait, you wait for me!"

"That Lu Zixuan, just refined the second layer. If you want to come out, he is the only one who refined all the 33 days."

"Otherwise, as time goes by, you will still die!"

Wuxiang and Wuliang are furious.

Trough, trough!

What gold stab magic gun skill, what comfort each other!

We have a woolen one!


The two of them can only roar here and dare not enter the seal array of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Inside, but the strongest group of people in the whole martial god world. After entering, they are looking for death.

"Hey, hey..."

"You see, elder Wuxiang's face is more red."

Ge Yi laughs.

Let many practitioners look at the past together.

"It's really more red."


"I envy elder Wuliang. This Kung Fu is really special!"


"I've learned this move, and I'll be invincible in the future!"


"Thanks to the powerful body and amazing defense of the Wuxiang patriarch, wouldn't ordinary people die directly? This is Yama's life-threatening gun. "


One by one, the idle eggs hurt so much that all the remaining ones came in.

Each person said a word, it is enough to let no equal person rage, not to mention those people more said more happy, finally chat in full swing, let no phase Wula, spit out a mouthful of blood.

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