"There is their residual breath here, and most of the strong people in the world of martial arts gather here."

"They definitely killed our people!"

In the opening near the holy mountain, angels appeared here.

The number of those angels is dozens of times or even hundreds of times more than before.


The six archangels came out surrounded by many angels, and their eyes were locked on the holy mountain in a moment.

"Junkies of Wushen world, tell me who killed Gabriel?"

"Otherwise, you will all die!"

Michael's eyes, narrowed into a gap, asked.

As his voice fell, the space immediately stirred up layers of ripples, and the golden Scripture marks around the holy mountain also burst out.

A powerful incomparable majesty, hard pressure on the ghosts and other people's body, let people feel unable to breathe for a moment, the body as if the next moment will explode.


"You said that bird man with many wings? We ate it

"A group of birdmen, don't beep there. If you don't agree with me, I'm not comfortable when I see you rubbish. Son of a bitch, I eat too much wings and vomit at the thought of it. "

Heavy pressure, oppressive on the body.


But the ghost didn't mean to give in, he said arrogantly and made a vomiting action.

"That's right. These birdmen are fed up with eating too much of their wings."

"If I had known, I wouldn't have roasted them all."

The nine fire dragons also echoed the Tao.

"I will never eat roast wings in my life."

"I said a group of birdmen, don't force us. We are really fed up with eating. If you hang around in front of me, I feel sick."

Xuan Yin evil tiger also opens a way at the moment.

They hunted too many angels before. All the wings of those angels were roasted and eaten by them. They tasted good at the beginning.

Moreover, after eating, the strength can be improved.

Therefore, almost all the practitioners in the holy mountain ate a lot.


After eating too much roasted wings, they feel greasy and crooked. Now some of the wings are still on the fire and are scorched.

"How dare you

"My angel people dare to eat. It's against you."

"To die!"


Michael several people, only now noticed those things on the fire, after seeing clearly, they were furious one by one.

Have you eaten?

Are you tired of eating?

Damn, you are really birds when you are our angels!


"No, I can't stand it any more. Let's blow these birds to pieces."

"Now when I see them, I feel sick."

Nine white tigers, twitching their mouths.


Before the voice fell, the nine of them took the lead in rushing up and appeared in front of the angel army in an instant.

The tiger roars and its claws fall.

A large number of angels were blasted, completely into nothingness.


At the same time when the angels were killed, Lu Zixuan's mind, the system prompt sound has been resounding.

Alliance system!

As long as he is a member of the alliance and a practitioner of the western world, Lu Zixuan can gain some experience!

"Let's hurry up!"

"Kill all these birds!"

Ghosts and gods followed, and flames rose from their bodies.

In an instant, the fierce attack fell like a rainstorm, taking thousands of angels away.


This way.

Ye Chen and other great power practitioners also rushed up one by one.

Although they said relaxed, deliberately canceled the angels, but their hearts are heavier than anyone else, know how powerful these angels are.

They can only take the lead by surprise.

Otherwise, once they fall into passivity, they will be suppressed and killed.

"Damn it

"I want you to know what I'm good at!"


"Bright verdict!"

Michael and others, there is a cold light in their eyes.

Six of them turned into six Aurora, each with a sharp sword in his hand and appeared in front of ghosts and gods.


"A group of mole ants are beyond their capacity!"

"With your strength, you are not our opponent!"Michael, they shot, just for a moment, ghosts and other people were beaten back.


The gap between them is too big, Michael and others have been vaguely exposed to another level, so that ghosts and other people in front of them, even without the slightest resistance.


"When I kill you, I will kill all the practitioners in the martial god world and make atonement with your blood!"

Michael sneered.

The sword in his hand was raised high, and senbai's power gathered on it. Senbai's power was like a flame, but it was full of a strange force that could not be explained.


The sword fell in an instant.

Just listen to a stab, the space was torn out of a hole, full of ten thousand meters long sword light, towards the ghosts and other people.

This sword makes the holy mountain shake.

"Get out of my way!"

"You're such a loser, aren't you?"

"Bullying my brother, you are tired of living!"

Ghosts and gods, under the light of the sword, have been unable to resist.

But at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared from the holy mountain, and immediately came to the ghosts and gods.


The arms of the figure suddenly became more and more, and each hand was holding a long sword.

There are five long swords.


Four of them form a sword array!


Kill the immortal sword!

Trapped sword!

Kill the immortal sword!

Juexian sword!

And the dragon sword!

Right now.

The figure was Lu Zixuan. The long swords in his hand burst out together and smashed the sword into red.


His eyes fell on the six men of Michael, and his eyes were full of ferocity.

Here we go!

The strong in the western world has finally arrived.

So Then it's time for me to harvest.

"Ha ha, Ninth level super God?"

"Boy, your strength is much stronger than them, even compared with us, but you think you can be our opponent?"

"Surrender to me, don't sacrifice yourself for these ants."

Michael frowned, he saw the strength of Lu Zixuan, enough to compare with them.


His tone is still arrogant, and he wants to subdue Lu Zixuan.


"Just a few of you, aren't you?"

"I tell you, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I'll wait for you to come here."

"Stop beeping and die soon."

Lu Zixuan disdains the way.

I've been preparing for so long, but it's just to kill you.

What's more.

I have a mission. If I don't kill you, I will be killed by the system.

Besides, you are birds, and you want me to submit to you?

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