
"Congratulations to the host Lu Zixuan for killing the leader of the hulk and gaining the blood of the Hulk."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing the leader of the spirit clan and gaining the spirit blood."


Kill like crazy.

As soon as the blazing flame appeared, coupled with the wanton sword Qi, there was no possibility of resistance for the existence of the nine level super gods.


Even those strong leaders were killed by Lu Zixuan.

System prompt sound, in this moment crazy resounding, a variety of blood was burst out.


Exchange value, experience points, and other treasures also appear together, so that the system prompt sound has no sign of stopping in the body.

"Run, run!"

"We're not his rivals. Hurry out of here!"

Those practitioners in the western world are completely confused.

They no longer think about how to kill Lu Zixuan, and even less about how to occupy the world of Wushen.

Right now.

There is only one idea in their heart, that is to escape, and get out of here as soon as possible.

"Ha ha, don't run away!"

"I haven't had enough fun yet. Why don't you run away?"

The ghosts and gods and others have turned the world upside down.

Under the system, their strength is gradually improving.

Although this kind of promotion is much less than that of Lu Zixuan, there are too many practitioners in the western world.

Even if you kill one, you can only get a small part of it, but with so many people together, their strength has been greatly improved, and even infinitely close to another level.

"Damn it, it's amazing!"

"I used to think that there were so many practitioners in the western world, but now it just seems so."

"Come on, big man, leave all these things behind!"

Even the rest of the practitioners are crazy.

Before that, practitioners in the western world gave them the impression that they were unstoppable and powerful.


When they gather here, they are ready to die.

But now, seeing those western world practitioners being hacked by Lu Zixuan like a melon, their hearts suddenly soared.

What's more, just this group of rubbish, do you still come to the world of Wushen to force?

Do it!

Kill them!

"Kill them!"

"I feel that my strength has been improved. Yaya, it's so cool!"

"Do it, let's do it together!"


The practitioners on this side of the martial arts world are like beating chicken blood.

What's more.

Under the alliance system, they also get part of the benefits, so that their strength is also growing.

"Hurry up and smash the array!"

"Hurry up!"

And this way.

Those practitioners in the western world look more gloomy and ferocious.

The rest of the strong did not dare to fight with Lu Zixuan. Instead, they joined hands to bombard the great array.



The surging of tens of levels of scriptures and the surging of the nine levels of scriptures make the existence of them ripple in the space.

"I'll do it, boy!"

"With the joint efforts of these people, it won't take much time to break the great array. With these forces, you can't stop them."

"Emperor Jun also awakes, if we two make a move, these people will be killed completely absolutely!"

This array is based on the false foundation of the space in the Dragon tripod. It contains not only the seal array of Ten Thousand Buddhas, but also the seal array of heaven.

Ordinary people can't be broken at all, but there are too many people and their strength is too strong.

At this time, Chiyou opened his mouth.


"It's better to rush out and let them have someone to guide us. Let's go straight to the western world."

Lu Zixuan said.

At the same time, he was carrying four immortal swords, dragon sword, tiger soul sword and purgatory blood evil sword, and was killing quickly.

Every breath, there are practitioners are killed, the exchange value of big wave is exploded.

"Do you really want to go in?"

"Ha ha, boy, I like your arrogance to me."

"Don't worry about them, as long as you have a way to enter the western world, I will make the western world miserable!"

Chiyou devil laughs wildly.

I wish I could enter the world of martial god immediately and kill all those practitioners."Click!"

The flames all over the sky are still burning.

The number of practitioners in the western world is rapidly decreasing.

Half a day later, the number of practitioners in the western world was less than 10000.

And at this time, the big array was finally broken.

"Mole ants of Wushen world, you are dead!"

"Wait, wait for us!"

The great array was broken, and the western world practitioners immediately flew out.

After going out, they let out a ferocious roar.

"Come on, let's go back quickly!"

"Kill all the ants, let the people go to the big God."

"Especially that boy, it's too hateful. He must be cut to pieces."

One man called.

Half of his body was cut off by Lu Zixuan, and his heart was furious.

"That's right, that boy must die!"

"Let's go!"

The rest nodded and agreed.

They did not dare to stay here, quickly came to a gap in the space next to flash into it.

"Want to go?"

"Leave it all for me!"

Lu Zixuan sneered.

He came up with an army of angels and those who were summoned, and appeared in front of the gap in space.

"Boy, do you think you are really lawless?"

"Although you have a lot of cards, this is not the rest of the place. This is a gap in space. There is no possibility for you to enter here."

"You wait for me, wait for us to come next time, it's your death."

Seeing Lu Zixuan's pursuit, those western world practitioners sneered one by one.

They have gone deep into the cracks of space and are not afraid of Lu Zixuan at all.

The space crack is full of nihility, even they dare not stay here.

What's more.

In the void, it's easy to get lost. Once lost, it's death.

They are practitioners in the western world. After several attempts, they found several routes. These routes are relatively safe, and only they know.

Therefore, they are not afraid of Lu Zixuan's pursuit.

On the contrary.

Once Lu Zixuan comes in, the end is definitely a dead end.

"No way? I opened my eyes to see how you guys came in

"Aircraft carrier!"

"Come out to me!"

Lu Zixuan disdains the way.

He didn't have any hesitation at all, and his speed didn't slow down. He rushed directly into the crack of space.

As they rush in, the carrier is called out.

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