"Upgrade, upgrade for Laozi!"

In the mountains, Lu Zixuan and his hero are killing all the way here.

With their continuous deepening in the mountain forest, the number of monsters is also increasing.


With the improvement of Lu Zixuan's strength, there are too many Xianli points needed to upgrade. After three days, his strength has not broken through again, which makes him a little painful.



"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for upgrading and becoming a third-class marshal."

The body of a first-order tianshuai level monster was blasted.

Also at this time, the system prompts sound, Lu Zixuan's strength finally breakthrough.

"I can't go on like this. Even if I reach tianque sect, my strength can't be improved much."

"Can't double the experience card for wool?"

Three days to upgrade.

For ninety-nine percent of the practitioners, this speed is simply too terrible.

However, for Lu Zixuan, he is not satisfied.

Even if he can enter the tianque clan, he won't get many right resources.

"We have to speed up!"

"With the deepening of refining and chemical integration, the effect of hegemony is getting worse and worse. We must think of other ways."

"The rest of the items can't be exchanged. There are too many exchange values needed. I'll save all the remaining exchange values for the skill."

"However, it's OK to exchange a pill to attract monsters first."

Lu Zixuan opened the system and looked at the contents.

When he saw the double experience card above and the exchange value of various skills, his heart began to twitch.


He focused on the pills area.

"That's it!"

"Explosive animal pill, exchange it for me!"


Lu Zixuan took a fancy to a pill and took out more than 10000 yuan of exchange value.


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for upgrading and obtaining the explosive beast pill."

It is suggested that the explosive animal pill is a kind of Xuanji three grade pill.

Tip: after use, it can cause all monsters within 3000 meters to riot and converge towards the host.

Tips: explosive animal pill, dangerous goods, use with caution.

Tip: last for three days!

Tip: it cannot be interrupted or masked after use.



"This attribute is so violent and inhumane!"

"The monster can attract all the time within three thousand meters!"

"Oh, my God, this is hatred. No, it's playing with life!"

Before exchanging pills, what Lu Zixuan saw was only a part of the introduction of pills.

Only when they saw that they could attract monsters, they chose to exchange them.


After the exchange value, when he saw those attributes, Lu Zixuan felt that there were 10000 grass mud horses roaring past his heart.

Efficacy, there is a duration, simply speechless, good can not be better.


What is this place?

This is a mountain forest. How many monsters are there?

The strength of those monsters, one by one, is better than the other. Where they are now, those monsters with the lowest strength are at the level of generals.

What's more, there are a lot of powerful talents at the level of Tian Shuai.

How many monsters will riot if you wander around after using it?

Animal tide!

The cliff will bring the tide of animals!

Compared with the majestic use of blood out of the breath to attract monsters, the effect is more than dozens of times!

Especially can't interrupt, can't cover up, this let Lu Zixuan more egg pain.

What does that mean?

It shows that once he uses this explosive animal pill, he can't think of any rest time in three days. He will be pursued all the time. If he doesn't play well, he will die.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"I'll go on and lead the beast!"

Looking at Lu Zixuan's changing expression, xiongba said puzzledly.

However, his worship of Lu Zixuan has reached the limit, thinking that Lu Zixuan is planning something big.


"I'll do it myself. You stay away from me."

"I'll give up!"

Lu Zixuan took a deep breath and said.

Do it!

It's worth more than 10000 yuan. We can't just waste it.

"Special, isn't it three days?"

"When Lao Tzu insists on going, it's time for Lao Tzu to force the sky to blow up!"Check the remaining pills, Lu Zixuan made a decision.

"Come on, monsters, come out for me

"Sirius armor!"

"Explosive animal pill!"

Lu Zixuan summoned out the Sirius battle armor and rushed into the mountain forest with the Sirius sword in his hand.

At the same time of rushing in, the explosive animal pill was crushed by him.





Just a dozen breaths, a series of monster roars came from the forest.

Then, the ground was shaking, the ancient trees were crumbling, and countless smoke and dust were raised.


The monsters within a radius of 3000 meters, in an instant, all rushed away, and converged madly towards the location of the landing Zixuan. Their eyes were full of red, and they could not see the slightest sense.

"What's the matter?"

"How can all the monsters go away?"

"It's even more terrible than when I used to attract monsters."

Xiongba Leng in situ, did not respond to what Lu Zixuan said, this side stare big eyes.

"Come on!"

"Nine ice swords!"

"Kill me!"

On the other side.

Lu Zixuan looked at the monsters from all directions. His eyes were full of madness. He let out a low roar in his throat and rushed up with a long sword.





Blood in the splash, in the ice sword gas, Lu Zixuan like a meat grinder, in the crazy killing, let the system prompt sound furiously resounding.

Xianli point!

Exchange value!



One by one, it exploded.


At the moment, Lu Zixuan completely forgot the rest of the things. He had only one idea in his mind, which was to kill him!

One hour!

Two hours!

Three hours!


With the passage of time, Lu Zixuan killed more and more monsters.

Those monsters are almost endless, killing more and more.

Lu Zixuan's injuries also increased rapidly.

As for the pills burst out, they were all taken by him, which barely kept up with his consumption rate.

"Boss, are you practicing?"

"His strength has been constantly improving. In less than three days, he has been promoted by two levels. Now he has become the fifth level tianshai, and it's not far from the sixth level tianshai."

Hegemony far behind Lu Zixuan, less than three days, he was shocked beyond comparison.

Come on!

Too fast!

In three days, the strength of students improved by two levels!

What's more.

He clearly remembers that when he first met Lu Zixuan, Lu Zixuan's strength was the heavenly weapon.

But now, he has become the fifth rank Marshal!

I left myself far behind.

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