"Boy, do you have an assessment token on you?"

At this time.

The old three strode over, and when he came to Lu Zixuan, his mouth showed a cold smile.

Hairy boy?

As soon as I come here, I look around. I'm definitely a bully!

If you have an assessment token, you can grab it directly. If you don't have an assessment token, you can grab something.

It seems that the weapon in the boy's hand is good!

"Assessment token?"

"Yes, why? Why

Lu Zixuan was stunned in his heart. He felt a little fucked.

The trough.

Is this practitioner's idea the same as Lao Tzu's, and he wants to rob me?


You dare to steal Lao Tzu's body. It's still awesome.

"Ha ha, I wish I had one!"

"Of course, I want to borrow your assessment token to use it!"

"Boy, take out the token as soon as possible. When I enter tianque sect, I'll give you benefits, so that you can follow me."

The smile on the old three's face became more intense.

What is luck?

This is it!

This hairy boy has a token. God let me enter tianque sect.

"Borrow it and use it?"

"Well, if you want to borrow it, just use it."

Lu Zixuan showed a look of fear.

He also took out the token from the storage bag. It was like a weak woman in front of a big man. She had no resistance at all, only obedience and fear.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"Boy, you're very good. I'm very optimistic about you."

"By the way, I think the long sword in your hand is good. Please lend it to me."

Everyone with a token has a certain strength or identity.


The old three decided to rob, looking for a long time, in front of Lu Zixuan, the heart is still a little worried.


Looking at Lu Zixuan's timid appearance at the moment, those worries in his heart have disappeared.

What's the fear of such a timid dog?


His greed has become bigger, not only want to get Lu Zixuan's assessment token, but also want Lu Zixuan's sword.


"You want to borrow my sword? OK, just use it. "

Lu Zixuan continued.

His face was full of fear, and even as the old man approached, his body began to tremble.

"Boy, you are such rubbish, just go back to it."

"I've decided that everything on you is mine. This is my advice to you!"

The boss said with disdain.


Such timid rubbish can be crushed with one hand.

"Bring it!"

"Everything on you is mine..."

That old three, have already walked to Lu Zixuan in front of, stretch out palm, show high above of appearance, let Lu Zixuan hand over all things.


His words haven't finished yet, the corner of Lu Zixuan's mouth here is a hook, "is it all yours? If you want to rob Laozi, you really have the guts. Xiong Ba, teach him a lesson! "

"I'm so tired!"

"Give it to me!"

Xiong BA's eyes were shining. He didn't take out his axe. He clenched his hands and strode forward. He looked at the old man coldly.

"Five rank heaven handsome?"

"Boy, you were just teasing me?"

"Damn it, do you think you can challenge me with him?"

"It's just the fifth rank marshal. I'm also the fifth rank Marshal!"

The old man's face sank, looking at Lu Zixuan's playful face, gritting his teeth.


This kid just dares to tease me!

"What's the matter with you?"

"How dare you rob my boss?"

"Is the fifth rank Tian Shuai?"

"Screw you, big bear devil boxing!"


Xiong Ba said ferociously, at the same time that his voice fell, he hit out with one punch.


That old three's pupil shrinks, there is no accident of being blasted on the ground.

"It's special!"

"Robbery, isn't it?"

"Peng, Peng, Peng..."

"Is that right?"

"Peng, Peng, Peng...""Don't you pretend to be forced?"

"Peng, Peng, Peng..."

One punch down, that old three was forced by Gan Meng.

This way.

Xiong Ba strode forward, fists and big feet constantly attack out, in the fierce abuse.

After blood became the ultimate blood, his power was greatly improved. Facing the practitioners of the same level, he was absolutely sadistic.

"Stop it, stop it for me."

"I'm a member of the gale team. You dare to beat me. I'm tired of living, aren't you?"

After a series of attacks, although they didn't use Xianli, it was purely physical power, but the old man was not easy either, and he was beaten black and blue.

This way.

He growled in the shadow, and his eyes were full of cold killing intention.

"Stormy team?"

"I don't know where the whirlwind kid is?"

"What's so special, is it right to pretend to be forced in front of Laozi?"

"Beat, continue to beat me hard!"

Lu Zixuan is full of disdain, sniff, let bear Ba continue to abuse.

Gale team?

In heaven, there are many small teams, they cooperate with each other, hunting monsters and so on.

Lu Zixuan also heard of the squadron, which was very famous in tianque sect's sphere of influence.


Robbing Laozi? I'm going to abuse you into dogs.

"Stop it, stop it


The old man's face changed.

The name of the squadron is invincible. Most people don't dare to provoke them.

There are five of them. The lowest strength is the fourth rank Tian Shuai, and the highest strength has even reached the level of the ninth rank Tian Shuai.

In the past, as long as you say four words about the team, the opponent will be absolutely scared.

But now, the situation seems different!

The third man, before he could continue to speak, was abused by the overlord again. The pain of his body made him shout. He just wanted the other four people to come and save him.


The square is too big, and there are a large number of people, and some even have friction, which makes it very noisy here.

The four had no idea where they were now.




The more Xiong Ba beat, the more excited he felt and the harder he started.

The sound of thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

Looking at the beaten up third man, they all felt that the egg was very painful.

"Is it too much?"

"Why not?"

"Not yet?"

Xiong Ba said as he shot.

Ancient giant bears are very terrible. They are famous for their terrifying physical strength. It is said that with physical strength alone, those ancient giant bears can destroy a small world and break the void.


Although xiongba's ancient giant bear blood has not reached the peak, it has also reached the acme.

Every punch is not something that ordinary people can resist.

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