"Boy, do you see clearly? Can you match this blood concentration? "

"Remember our bet, don't forget the storage bag!"

That cultivator is very tired, 89% of the blood, which is close to the ancestral blood.

Although it is very difficult to improve the blood, there is no way to do so in tianque sect. With his current blood concentration, after entering tianque sect, he must be paid attention to. Even if the blood is promoted to the ancestral level, it is very possible.

"It's my turn!"

"You also look after me, what is blood!"

This way.

Without waiting for the elder to make a sound, a practitioner stepped up and pressed his palm on the blood stone, making the light on the blood stone more dazzling.

"Ordinary blood, blood concentration 97%!"

"Ha ha, not bad, not bad!"

The cultivator's face was full of confidence. The moment the palm fell, the light on the blood stone came out, which made everyone squint.

At this time, the elder burst out laughing.

97% blood concentration, which is absolutely genius. Under tianque sect, blood can definitely become ancestral blood.

The owners of ancestral blood are very important to tianque sect. When they grow up, they will become the giants of tianque sect.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect my blood concentration to be so high!"

"Two dogs from the countryside, are you afraid?"

The practitioner was very angry.

He knew that his blood concentration was very high, but the blood stone still made him feel excited.


The elder had a happy look on his face. The more the number of blood owners and the higher the blood concentration, the better he would treat them.

Urged by the elder, the blood owners quickly came up and tested their blood on the blood stone.

These people's blood is not low, in the test of the specific blood concentration, but also one by one to Lu Zixuan and Xiong Ba cynical.

"Mad, you're acting like a jerk!"

"Boss, I'll teach them a good lesson later!"

Xiong BA was very upset when he watched, and his anger was rolling wantonly.

What's the matter? In front of me and my boss?

You can laugh at me, but my boss, you can laugh at me?

"Calm down. You can go up after all those people have been tested."

"Otherwise, if those people know your blood and are afraid to gamble, what will they do?"

Lu Zixuan is very calm!

No, not very calm, but his eyes, all on the blood stone.

He felt that the more light the blood stone radiated, the faster the blood of heaven in his body would flow and transmit a desire to devour.

"Good thing, it's absolutely good thing. It contains a lot of blood power. If it's swallowed, my heavenly blood can definitely be improved a lot."

"No, we have to find a way to get it later!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Good thing, must get!

This is equivalent to playing games with equipment, tasks and boss!

If you don't get this kind of thing, what's the point of it?


We have to fight!

"OK, I'll listen to the boss."

"Boss, we'll do what you say."

"A group of scum, I can abuse them all without your help."

Xiong Ba rubbed his hands and looked at those people with disdain.

Ya of, a group of dregs, with this blood, also dare to bang se?


I'm going to torture you to death. I'm going to torture you to despair!


"We have all accepted the test. Now it's your turn!"

"Hurry up, you won't be afraid, will you?"


All the practitioners on the square went up and tested.

Especially for those who own blood, the lowest blood concentration is about 40%, which makes them look forward to Lu Zixuan and Xiong ba.

"Check it out?"

"You are very angry. Can't wait to be abused by Laozi?"

Lu Zixuan's eyes moved away from the blood stone and looked at those practitioners who were extremely fierce. His tone was arrogant and arrogant to the limit.

Damn it.

I don't even feel good about it!

It's like playing a game. You are the strongest king, and then you abuse bronze level people. The gap is too big. Even if you win, you don't have much excitement."Xiong Ba, you go."

"Be careful not to let them suffer too much, just the right one."

"Of course, I remember to take back their bets. If anyone doesn't give them, I'll beat them to death!"

Lu Zixuan sighed.

Although the feeling of abuse is not good enough, there are good things, and the necessary pressure is necessary.

"It's life that is as lonely as snow, lonely and ancient!"

"Go, bear."

Lu Zixuan continued to force the way, Xiong Ba strode up.

"Crouching trough, this guy is so hateful!"

"You wait. I'll see how long you can go on beating!"

The crowd was angry.

Special, too arrogant, too arrogant, let you kneel to look up to us.


"Don't beep if you don't have to. You've sent it to me, and I'll help you."

"I tell you, I don't need my boss to abuse you at all. My hand is enough."

Xiong BA was tall and gave a loud drink.

In the roar, he stepped to the blood stone, and then a palm pressed up.


Just as the palm fell, a loud noise came.

In economy, thousands of rays of light soared up, and even a roar of monsters came from it.

Behind Xiong Ba, an ancient giant bear appeared. The figure was as big as a mountain, giving off a terrible momentum.

Especially a pair of eyes, now become blood red incomparably, cold looking at the square of those people, let it look at those people, the body all tremble, feel like being wrapped by death.

"Now, do you still have a fight?"

"This is my blood!"


The terrible momentum spreads out here. Xiongba's extreme blood is stimulated and exposed under the blood stone.

At this time, Xiong BA's voice, like thunder, appeared in those people's ears.


Laughing at my boss?

What kind of things are you? Do you dare to beat me in front of me?


At the moment of Xiong BA's blood, the square fell into a dead silence.

Those who were originally arrogant were even more pale.

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