"What's the matter?"

"How can I feel that the sword Qi here is decreasing, and there is a strong sword Qi approaching."

"The sword Qi is different from that here. It seems to be more dangerous."

This area is full of sword Qi. Those sword Qi are infinite and can't be completely eliminated.

In the depth of the area, about Zhongwei, there are more corpses on the ground. Even the ground here can't see the soil, and the places where we see are full of corpses.

The bones were covered with sword marks.


These bones can exist for so long under so many sword Qi, which is enough to prove the strength of their masters.

"Get out of here."

"This damned place is too dangerous. There are not only sword Qi, but also those bone beasts. The bone beast has not been completely thrown away. Maybe it will come later."

"Even if there may be Hongmeng blood in this place, you must leave."

"Our strength is too weak to go deep, let alone get Hongmeng blood."

"Unless you can get something from Lu Zixuan."

Right now.

Forty or fifty people gathered here, but there were some scars on their bodies.

The scars are obvious. They were hurt by the sword Qi here, but there are still some scars, which are even more terrifying. It's like the giant claws of the beast were torn to pieces.

Here, a seven level tianshuai cultivator said, his eyes were full of fear.

"That's right. Let's get out of here."

"It's too dangerous for us to stay here. We might as well hunt bone beasts in the peripheral area. The strength of bone beasts in the peripheral area is relatively weak. After killing them, we still have a chance to get a touch of sword Qi in the bone beast. "

"Although the peripheral bony beast is very rare, it's many times better than being scared here."

Another practitioner hastily agreed with the Tao.

After they enter the surroundings, they feel the pressure doubled, and the sword Qi that appears around them all the time has already made their nerves tense.


All of a sudden.

At this time, a huge roar came from the depths of countless sword Qi. With that roar, countless sword Qi around were shaking, and even some weak sword Qi was cracking.

Dong Dong!

Dong Dong!

The ground shook with it, and the faces of the practitioners turned white in an instant.

"Run, run!"

"The bony beast is catching up. Run

One by one, their faces were very white. They didn't dare to hesitate at all. They used their fastest speed and fled from here to the outside.


But the roar came from time to time, and the distance from them was rapidly drawing in, making their pupils shrink.

"No, I'm going to catch up."

"The speed of that bone beast is too hard. If it goes on like this, it will be caught up with."

"What to do? What shall we do? "

"I don't want to die!"

Dong Dong vibration sound, that is that is the monster runs to cause. With the passage of time, behind the crowd, we can see a huge bone beast.

However, because of countless sword Qi blocking and distance, I can't really see clearly for a while.


However, those practitioners were in a complete panic, and some people even howled.

Don't want to die, they don't want to die!

They are all geniuses. Their strength is very strong among the practitioners of the same level. In addition, there are many of them. Generally speaking, they have no fear at all.

However, they met the bony beast before, directly lost more than 20 people, and did not cause much damage to the bony beast.

It makes them collapse.

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