"Damn it!"

"It seems that you don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin."

"Do you really think that with the strength of the third-order emperor, you can fight against us?"

"Come on, let's kill this innocent thing together!"

The emperor level cultivator was killed, which made the others look ugly.

In particular, the rest of the heavenly kings gnashed their teeth one by one.

The voice fell, and the practitioners rushed up.

"Can't fight it?"

"Since you are looking for death, try the power of the God of Shura sword possessed by Laozi!"

"Shura sword God possessed, open!"

Nearly four thousand people rushed up.

All the practitioners attacked Lu Zixuan with boiling power like a tsunami.

And Lu Zixuan.

He stood still, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

Until those people's attack was about to fall on him, he suddenly gave a low drink in his mouth, and the possession of Shura sword God was opened.



In his low cheers, the air around him rolled violently.

The breath of his body also instantly became cruel, cold and bloody.

I can only see.

The immortal power in him changed into the existence of blood in an instant.


The sharp power of the sword, with his body as the center, spread quickly.

Not only that.

Behind him, a huge shadow appeared.

The virtual shadow was dressed in a bloody emperor's robe, with a blood crown on his head and a sharp sword in his hand.

There is a sea of blood rolling by the side of the virtual shadow.

Although, that virtual shadow is very illusory, but after it appears, it is just like the arrival of Shura hell.

After that virtual shadow appeared, it directly overlapped with Lu Zixuan's figure.

"Chi Chi..."

"So strong!"

"Is this the power of Shura sword God?"

"It's so cool!"

With that Shura virtual shadow and Lu Zixuan overlap together.

As soon as he grasped the palm of his hand, he felt the power of being unable to speak.

He hasn't done it yet.

It's just the power of the bloody immortals and the meaning of the sword that makes the attack of those practitioners disappear.


"It's so cool!"

"But it's not my best yet."

"Blood rage, open it!"

"Wanjian shenti, open up!"

"I want to see where I am at my best!"

"Sword main space!"

A force, shuttle in the body, this feeling, let Lu Zixuan up and down the pores, are comfortable to open.

Lu Zixuan felt the power, and the excitement in his eyes became more and more intense.

Blood rage on!

Ten thousand sword God body is also opened by him.




After being opened, Lu Zixuan's breath increased by 6 times.

Under the body of ten thousand swords God, Lu Zixuan's sword will be improved again.

It's not over yet.

When the main space of the sword was opened, within 300 meters around Lu Zixuan, he was completely filled with blood.


"It's Lao Tzu's turn!"

The sword roared.

The cold, shadowy and ferocious breath came from Lu Zixuan.

Who is Shura sword God?

This is the existence of Shura clan, or the super big guy.

Although the present Shura sword God possessed the body, it is only equivalent to the strength of the Ninth level heavenly king.


With the increase of Lu Zixuan's blood anger, his fighting power was far more than that of the general nine rank emperor.

At the same time.

Also let the unique breath of Shura family release more rich.


Lu Zixuan shook his hand.

Juexian sword was firmly held in his hand, and his whole body power poured into it. A sword was directed at those practitioners and cut them down directly.


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing the first-order Tianjun cultivator and gaining 10000 Xianli points and 20000 exchange value."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing the first-order Tianjun cultivator and gaining 0.1 killing point."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing the Ninth level tianshai cultivator and gaining 9000 Xianli points and 18000 exchange value.""Ding!"

"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing the first-order Tianjun cultivator and gaining 0.09 killing point."



Cut the sword.

The thick sword Qi burst out from juexian sword.

The sword Qi is thousands of meters long. It can crush the air.

The sword spirit flashed by like a meteor.

Come on.

It's too fast. It's too fast to let people have the illusion that never appeared.


Under that sword, at least 300 practitioners turned into blood mud.

System prompt sound, in Lu Zixuan's mind, a series of explosions.


It's only two seconds at most since Lu Zixuan opened Shura sword God attachment.


But earth shaking changes have taken place.

At least 300 practitioners were killed and the blood mud fell from mid air.

Let the rest of the practitioners have an indescribable look on their faces.

Fear, fear, surprise, shock, disbelief


All secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then Leng Leng looked at Lu Zixuan who was like Shura coming into the world.

"Are you happy?"

"Is it great to have so many people?"

"I can't kill you?"

Power, surging in the body.

Lu Zixuan looked at the practitioners, and he was very excited with a smile.


It's going to explode!

A series of cards, let him now combat, explosion to the limit.

"This state can only last ten seconds."

"Now there are eight seconds left. We must kill them all in eight seconds."

"This kind of state, is not my real limit, I still have cards!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes were shining, which was too excited.

He looked at the practitioners and said to himself.

"Shura killed wildly!"

"Come out!"

Lu Zixuan took a deep breath.

Eight seconds. Kill 3700.

Moreover, the strength of these people, are all days Shuai.

If someone hears that in ten seconds, a third-order heavenly king wants to kill more than 3000 Tian Shuai, it will definitely be considered that the speaker is crazy.

Even the king of heaven can never do it.

But Lu Zixuan was quite sure.


He let out a low roar.

Shura crazy kill immediately open, eight Shura virtual shadow, appeared in the side.

"Plus eight shuras, I can't kill you?"

"Do it!"

"Kill them all!"

Eight Shura virtual shadow appeared, each Shura, strength than Lu Zixuan's real strength is higher than two levels, reached the level of five heavenly king.

Right now.

Lu Zixuan's fighting power is comparable to that of the first-class heavenly king.

In addition, eight fifth order heavenly kings made him look at those practitioners again, and the excited light was almost burning.


These are strange things! I want to explode them all!

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