"No way!"

"The immortal killing array can't be given to Shura gate!"

Li Tianshu took a deep breath, word by word.

His words were so loud that the rest of the elders stopped.

"What do you mean, elder Li?"

"Don't you know the strength of the Shura gate? Shuramen has long had the heart to spy on our tianque clan, and he has done it to us several times. "

"Every time, our tianque clan suffered a heavy loss. With the strength of tianque sect, how can we compete with Shura sect? "

"Hand in the immortal killing array, we can exchange for stability."

The other elders, one by one, pointed at Li Tianshu.

The strength of shuramen made them fear.

The appearance of the immortal killing array is like showing them a life-saving straw.

"For security?"

"The Shura sect has a heavy heart to kill. Do you think that if you hand over the immortal killing array, you can get the peace of tianque sect?"

"Stupid people talk about dreams!"

"I hope none of you will make it public about the plot of killing immortals. Those who assess, let alone move them, should wait and see what happens first. "

Li Tianshu said angrily.

"Elder Li, when is it?"

"Shuramen has given us a warning. They will do it soon."

"Now, do you want to wait and see what happens?"

"What's more, the person who got the picture of killing immortals probably got Hongmeng's blood."

"Even if you kill all those people, you'll get them."

"Even if we don't give it to the Shura gate, we will get it. We will choose a person to merge the blood and refine the Shura array."

Yang Cheng said suddenly.

He looked directly at Li Tianshu without any retreat.

"Elder Yang is right. This matter must be solved as soon as possible."

"In case the people of shuramen are killed, do you take the responsibility of waiting?"

"If the LORD goes out of the customs, he will make the same choice as us when he knows about it."

The other elders immediately agreed.

"Shut up

"You can't act rashly in this matter. If anyone dares to do it, don't blame me for not being polite."

"remember, the Lord is closed, and everything I know has the final say."

"No matter who they are, they are all in tianque sect. Are they worried that they will run away?"

"If the potential of people is good, we should focus on training them, which is also a choice."

Li Tianshu's eyes narrowed and directly interrupted those people's argument.

Let the hall, immediately into the immersion.


"If you want to be a disciple, you can choose to be the core."

"That's to beat them!"

"As long as you can defeat them, you can become a core disciple."

Tianque Zong, above the square.

Su lie looks at Lu Zixuan with a smile, like a poisonous snake showing its tusks.

Want to be a core disciple?

It's a good fight with me.

A small third-order emperor, the end of only one, then die!

As long as I die, what's on me is not mine?

As for not fighting?

It's even easier. You can kill an ordinary disciple for any reason.

Su lie has made up his mind that he must kill Lu Zixuan. Only in this way can people not notice and get what he has.

"Let me fight with your men?"

"If you win, you can become a core disciple?"

Lu Zixuan was stunned.

Of course, he knew that sulie was here to find fault, but he didn't expect that sulie's way was to let himself fight with the people he brought.

As far as Lu Zixuan is concerned, what can be solved by force?

The combat effectiveness of the other side is not as good as its own.

Are you afraid?


"These are the inner disciples of tianque sect. The most powerful of them is the fifth rank heavenly king."

"Every one of the core disciples of tianque sect is a genius among the geniuses. Not all rubbish can be made. As long as you win five games, you can become a core disciple. "

"But Don't blame me for not reminding you when you die in battle. "

"If you are an honest disciple, you will be afraid!"

Su lie said lightly.

He is waiting for Lu Zixuan's answer.


"Also, don't blame me for killing them."

What is the purpose of Lu Zixuan's coming to tianque sect?

In order to get more cultivation resources.

Before, he did not know the existence of core disciples, but since he knew it, he must fight for it.What's more?

Has become the first in the examination, the core disciple is his own, now someone wants to take it from him?

I can't bear it!

Especially Su lie said that after a fight, Lu Zixuan's face, the original gloomy suddenly dissipated.

A fight?

It's really a killing point for me!

"You are so arrogant

"I hope you have that confidence later."

"Boy, this is my territory. I'll kill you as I want to."

"Take your time. I'll get the fruits of your blood."

Su lie walks to Lu Zixuan. He lowers his voice and says to Lu Zixuan with a smile.

Let Lu Zixuan kill intention, instant boiling up.

"The fruit of blood?"

"What did you do to xiongba?"

As soon as the word "blood god fruit" appears, Lu Zixuan immediately thinks of Xiong ba.

He glared at sulie, clenching his fist.

"That bear bully, we can't move yet, but Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger are two of them. It's easy to move them."

"Those two wastes are still dead. They don't admit that you killed Zhang Yutian, let alone that the blood god fruit is related to you."

"But We've found out. "

"Boy, it's time for you to die, so enjoy it."

"Of course, if you dare to say it out, Lin Shaojun, Lin Qing'er and Xiong Ba will die!"

Sulie continued. He looked at Lu Zixuan's gradually ferocious expression and laughed even more, "do you want to kill me? Want to save them? You don't have a chance. Unless, you can become a core disciple! As long as you become a core disciple, you will have a chance, otherwise you can only watch them die. No, you died here first

"Damn it."

"Become a core disciple, right?"

Lu Zixuan's breath was very heavy, and his eyes showed the light of scarlet.

Xiong Ba is brother to him!

As for Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger, he will not watch them killed.

Originally, he wanted to become a core disciple in order to get more resources, speed up his cultivation and improve his strength. Then he went into the larger sect, looking for Chiyou and others who came up from heaven.

But now.

Xiong Bajun is in danger, and so are Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger, which makes his belief of becoming a core disciple more dramatic.

Only by becoming a core disciple can we save them?

If you dare to move Xiong Ba, you must kill them!

If you don't kill him, his name won't be Lu Zixuan!

Su lie, who went to Temo, went to Temo's test, and provoked Laozi. Even if it was tianque sect, Laozi dared to accept it.

My brother was arrested.

Lu Zixuan can't bear the hatred.


"In the first game, Gu Changhe goes to war!"

Looking at the enraged Lu Zixuan, Su lie turns to leave and comes to the edge of the square. His voice rang out, and a practitioner came out from behind him.

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