"Dog thing, aren't you very arrogant? Why are you silent now?"

"Come on, test your blood."

"Come on, this is Shura stone. Although it's not like blood stone, it can specifically detect the concentration of blood vessels, it can also verify the strength of blood vessels by sending out the pressure."

"I'd like to see if you are a real genius or a fake trash!"

Zhang Hun sneers at Lu Zixuan and takes out a bloody stone.

The bloody stone is only the size of a fist, but after it is taken out, it emits a strong murderous atmosphere. Countless bloody mists are entwined on the Shura stone. The bloody mists are just the condensation of murderous atmosphere and blood.

"Shura stone?"

"Shura stone is something unique to Shura gate. It is said that every Shura stone is condensed because it is stained with countless blood and life. It radiates a sense of prestige."

"Urge your own blood to resist the power of Shura stone. By comparison, you can judge the level of blood."

"But Shura stone not only contains the prestige, but also has the murderous spirit. If you can't resist it, you will die if you are not careful. "

Shura stone was taken out, so that the whole square, are breeding a cold, violent atmosphere.

This way.

An elder whispered.

"Elder Zhang's method is really good."

"There is no blood stone. At present, it is most suitable to use Shura stone to test his blood."

"As long as he can resist the pressure of Shura stone and the murderous spirit, then I will not stop him."

"If we can't resist, we'll save our hands. Under Shura stone, he will definitely die!"

Yang Cheng's eyes brightened.

He echoed, and the other elders behind him immediately nodded.

"Boy, you should hurry up."

"You just need to put your palm on it, and then urge your strength. At that time, the prestige and murderous Qi contained in the blood stone will pour into your body."

"Haha, if you can't resist, you will die!"

"Of course, if you don't dare, you will die!"

Looking at Lu Zixuan, Zhang Hun is more and more proud.

Lu Zixuan had a blood test before he entered wanjian space.

There was blood stone at that time. Zhang Hun had already got the test results from Su lie's mouth.

No blood!

Even if it's hidden blood, it's not.

Zhang Hun knew that this was Lu Zixuan's weakness, so he seized this matter and forced Lu Zixuan all the time.

Yang Hun and other elders are very proud.

"Elder Zhang, is this interesting?"

"You're trying to embarrass him. He doesn't have blood, and he's being tested?"

"Isn't his fighting power enough?"

"No blood. What's the matter? Can't you be a strong man without blood? "

Li Tianshu was filled with anger.

A Zhang Hun, he does not put in the eye, but Yang Cheng and other elders, he can not but care.

"Elder Li, you can fake your fighting power."

"Using some pills or treasures can make the practitioner's combat power soar for a period of time, but this surge is not permanent."

"If he can't prove his blood, he is not qualified to enter tianque sect."

"As long as you have blood, you are qualified to be a core disciple!"

Yang Cheng also opened his mouth, he said coldly, without any meaning of concession.

"I'm sure of him today."

"I believe in his fighting power and his potential."

Li Tianshu stares at Yang Cheng, his sword spirit is shooting wantonly, and his long hair is flying behind his head.

If you don't agree with me, I'll do it.

"Do you believe it?"

"Elder Li, besides you, who believes?"

"His former strength was just a Tian Shuai. Now he has become the third-order emperor and killed the sixth order emperor!"

"In a month's time, the promotion is so fast, do you believe that this is his potential?"

"If we believe it, we are fools!"

Yang Cheng continued.

After his voice fell, Li Tianshu's face became more ugly.

"Elder Li, although you are a great elder, you can't be arbitrary."

"Before the closure of the suzerain, I will let you take the responsibility of the suzerain, but as I said, let us help."

"This matter must not be given up easily."

The other elders stood on Yang Cheng's side.

One by one, they agree with Yang Cheng and choose to let Lu Zixuan accept the test."Enough!"

"If you want him to test, then test!"


"After the test, even if he has no blood, no one can stop him from leaving."

Li Tianshu took a deep breath and drank heavily.

His momentum filled the whole square with this shout, which made the originally noisy people suddenly quiet down.

"Go and test it."

"Whatever the outcome, I'll make sure you leave safely."

"Don't worry, I'll watch. If you can't resist the majesty and murderous spirit in Shura stone, I'll do it."

Li Tianshu looks at Lu Zixuan with a very complicated look.

He said slowly, but his tone was firm, revealing irrefutable dignity, which appeared in other people's ears.

He believes in Lu Zixuan's potential.

How can people who can get the immortal killing array be simple?

Even without blood, Li Tianshu also wants to cultivate Lu Zixuan.

But Yang Cheng and others' obstruction, he also had to consider.


"Li Tianshu, he has the image of killing immortals, the blood god fruit, and even the blood of Hongmeng. Do you want him to leave?"

Yang Cheng sneers scornfully at Li Tianshu's words.


"That's all I can do."

"Shura stone is very dangerous. I'll watch it. You won't make any mistakes."

Li Tianshu looks at Lu Zixuan and whispers.

What Lu Zixuan has done is too serious.

Kill the Sirius gang and kill the elder outside.

In front of countless people in tianque sect, they even killed Wang Yu, the elder of examination, Su lie and others. They were also charged with killing Zhang Yutian by Zhang hunguan.

These things are very serious. Every one of them can be a capital crime.

More importantly, Lu Zixuan has so many good things that Yang Cheng and others refuse to let go.

Who is Yang Cheng?

The second elder of tianque sect is just a little lower than Li Tianshu.

Together with the support of other elders, Yang Cheng has a strong voice.

Nothing to do!

Lu Zixuan, a disciple of Li Zixuan, wants to make him the core.

But he was powerless.

Otherwise, he will not choose to give in, let Lu Zixuan risk accepting Shura stone test. What he can do is to watch carefully and be ready at any time so that Lu Zixuan will not die under the Shura stone.

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