
"Congratulations to the host Lu Zixuan. Activate Shura stone and automatically switch to the body of blood god."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan'"


"Congratulations, Luo xiuxuan."

Tip: the Shura mission requires the host to obtain one million killing points to complete.

Tips: the absorption of Shura stone can make the killing point of the host increase rapidly.

Tip: when the Shura mission is completed, the power of Shura sword God's possession will be increased.

Tip: the time is two months.

Tip: if the mission fails, the power of Shura sword God's possession will be reduced.



"Congratulations to the host Lu Zixuan, kill point plus 0.1."


"Congratulations on Lu Zixuan's skill in killing."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan'. The Tiandao blood concentration is increased by 0.001."



Lu Zixuan's power poured into Shura stone.

At this time.

The countless powers contained in Shura stone rush into Lu Zixuan's body.

The system prompt sound, appears in the craziness.

Every time a system prompt sound appears, Lu Zixuan will become stronger by one point.

Shura stone is a special thing of Shura gate.

Each one is stained with countless blood, which is accumulated by countless lives.

There are too many blood power and murderous Qi in it.

For ordinary practitioners, they can't absorb these forces at all, and they may even be infused into their bodies and threaten their lives.


For Lu Zixuan, who has an upgrade system, Shura stone is the best treasure.


More exciting than blood stone.

Right now.

The countless forces in Shura stone were transformed into Lu Zixuan's killing point, which enhanced his blood and the killing sword.

The sound of the system prompt, if it explodes, will ring continuously.

Lu Zixuan felt that there was too much power in Shura stone, which made him feel that he was constantly improving.

Especially the killing point is approaching 100000 at a very fast speed!

"What happened to that boy? How can you stay where you are

"He was oppressed by Shura stone, and the murderous spirit rushed into his body. Did he become an idiot?"

"To test the blood with Shura stone, the tester needs to urge his own blood force to fight against the strength of Shura stone, so as to judge the blood level of the tested person according to how much the tester can suppress the strength of Shura stone."

"What the hell is this kid doing?"

"Is he waiting to die?"

"Yes, without blood, what resistance does he take? It seems that he was rushed into his body by the power of Shura stone, and he couldn't escape. "


Above the square.

The power from Shura stone fills the area of ten meters, making it a bloody world.

Lu Zixuan's figure is looming.

They are not optimistic about Lu Zixuan.

"Damn, what is this dog doing?"

"Is it delaying time?"

It's different from the practitioners who talk about it.

Zhang Hun clearly knows that when the Shura stone is activated, the tested person will be rushed into the body by the strength of the Shura stone, and those with blood can still resist, but those without blood will only struggle.

Calm down!

Lu Zixuan is too calm at the moment. He just stands there as if there is nothing, which makes Zhang Hun feel strange and puzzled.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

"I took out the Shura stone to let you test your blood, but not to let you pretend to be opportunistic here."

"Don't blame me if you don't test again."


It's weird!

Looking at Lu Zixuan very calm, not a bit with Shura stone to detect blood.

He strode to Lu Zixuan side, heavily scolded said.





The system prompt is still going on. The power contained in Shura stone has been rapidly transformed by the system, especially the killing point, which has already exceeded 100000, and is still growing rapidly.

Lu Zixuan didn't hear Zhang Hun's reprimand at all.

"Damn it!""It seems that you don't want to do a good test, then I'll do it!"

Zhang Hun frowned and saw that Lu Zixuan had never heard of him, which made him more angry.

At the same time that the voice falls, he drinks a low, the palm fiercely probes toward Lu Zixuan.

His palm is covered with strong strength, which turns into a powerful palm with the size of five or six meters.


The air vibrates as the palm grasps.

The power of Shura stone also collapsed quickly under Zhang Hun's hand.

"Elder Li, this Lu Zixuan pretends, elder Zhang should do it."

"Kill him. Why should elder Li defend a slave?"

Li Tianshu's eyes are grim, and he wants to stop Zhang Hun.


Here, before he can stop him, Yang Cheng appears in front of him and blocks his way.

"Get out of the way!"

Li Tianshu's voice was cold and his sword Qi was roaring on him.

"Elder Li, you can't protect him."

"He is not worthy of our tianque sect's cultivation. Leaving him will only destroy our tianque clan. "

Yang Cheng didn't give in.

He set off a tremendous momentum, let Li Tianshu heart very anxious.

Although Yang Cheng's strength is not as good as him, it is easy to delay himself.

That Zhang Hun seizes the opportunity to make a move, Lu Zixuan still has the hope to survive?

Looking at Zhang Hun's palm, falling constantly, Li Tianshu's sword Qi is soaring. He plans to do his best to stop Zhang Hun.


At this time, he saw Lu Zixuan come out.

"Want to kill me?"

"Old man, I've put up with you for a long time!"

This way.

Lu Zixuan mouth a hook, looking at the palm of the hand, he said with a cold smile.

His voice was cold. Under the body of blood god, the blood colored immortal power was rolling wantonly, sending out a cold, violent atmosphere.


"How dare you be arrogant in front of me?"

"You trash..."

Zhang Hun sneers, and his palm accelerates to shoot Lu Zixuan.


Without waiting for him to finish, Lu Zixuan's figure flashed and disappeared from the original place.

When he reappeared, his palm popped out and grabbed Zhang Hun's neck.


His speed is extremely fast, and the breath on his body suddenly soars when he pokes out his palm.


The cold and violent atmosphere is more intense.

He grabbed Zhang Hun's neck and couldn't resist at all.

The next moment.

Directly hit Zhang Hun on the ground, making a loud noise.

On the hard square, the ground broke and a deep hole was made.

Countless cracks spread here like a spider web.

That Zhang Hun, now without a trace of arrogance, like a dead dog lying in the pit.

Blood came out of his mouth, and the bones of his whole body were broken. Looking at Lu Zixuan, his eyes were full of horror.

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