
"I've seen shameless people. I've never seen shameless people like you."

"Don't you dare to touch her

Wang Yan is approaching step by step. Just as his palm is about to fall on Lin Qing'er's chest, Peng's door of the secret room is kicked open.

A cold voice suddenly appeared here.

Lu Zixuan impressively appears here. When he sees Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger seriously injured, the killing intention in his eyes becomes more intense.

"Dog, who are you?"

"This is elder Zhang's secret room. If you dare to enter here, I don't care who you are. You are dead."

"Get down on your knees!"

Lu Zixuan's sudden appearance startles Wang Yan. He thinks that the things here have been discovered by the other elders of the clan.


When he saw Lu Zixuan, his face became ferocious.

Not the elder?

That's easy!

This is the secret room of Zhang Hun's cultivation. If people break in, they will die!

He stares at Lu Zixuan and says loudly with high spirit. Let Lu Zixuan kneel down quickly.

"Lu Zixuan?"

"Why are you here?"

"Get out of here, Zhang Hun. They are looking for you everywhere. Hurry up."

"If you don't go, it's too late!"

This way.

Lin Shaojun and Lin Qing'er have changed their faces and recognize Lu Zixuan.

The two of them said in a hurry, reminding Lu Zixuan to leave as soon as possible.

Although they don't know why Lu Zixuan came here, they are worried at the thought of Zhang Hun.

"Lu Zixuan?"

"Are you the Lu Zixuan who robbed xueshenguo?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"I didn't expect you to fall into the trap and bump into my hands."

"Boy, since you are here, please kneel down and give you to elder Zhang."

"Get down on your knees, or I'll do it."

After hearing Lin Shaojun and Lin Qing'er's words, Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Zixuan's eyes, which immediately became hot.

He was very excited and said with a laugh.

If Lu Zixuan is captured and handed over to elder Zhang, his status in tianque sect will definitely be improved. Who dares to provoke himself?

At the thought of this, Wang Yan is more excited.

As for Lu Zixuan's strength, he didn't think much at all.

It's just a slave who came to take part in the examination of tianque sect. The first-order heavenly king will be in heaven!

And he is the second-order emperor.

"Boy, didn't you hear what I said?"

"Get down on your knees!"



Wang Yan turns around and walks towards Lu Zixuan step by step. His face is full of ferocity and excitement.


His words only said half, suddenly stopped, by Lu Zixuan a slap to fan fly out.


"Especially, it's shameless to the limit!"

"Let me kneel down? Even Zhang Hun didn't dare to say that. How dare you make me kneel down? "

A slap fan out, that Wang Yanpeng's a, mercilessly bump into the stone wall on one side of the chamber of secrets.

Half of his face swelled and his head hummed.

Lu Zixuan word by word, disgusted with Wang Yan to the limit.

Be proud of your friends!

Also to Lin Qing'er they start, let Lu Zixuan hold back a stomach anger.

"Damn dog, how dare you hit me?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"I'm a disciple of elder Zhang. Are you tired of living?"

"Get down on your knees, or..."


Wang Yan's head was misty, and he only felt the burning pain on half of his face.

He took a few breaths before he got up from the ground. After he got up, he roared at Lu Zixuan.

With Zhang Hun as his backer, he is full of confidence.

Even if Lu Zixuan's strength is stronger than him, he has no fear.


Before his words were finished, Lu Zixuan's big foot suddenly appeared in his chest and kicked him to the stone wall of the secret room again.


"And threaten me with that Hun Zhang?"

"Your elder Zhang Hun has been killed by Laozi."


Lu Zixuan sneered.

He came to Wang Yan and stepped on Wang Yan's chest lying on the ground.

"Killed?""What did you say?"

"You killed elder Zhang?"

Wang Yan is trampled on his chest by Lu Zixuan's big foot, and it's very difficult to breathe.


Lu Zixuan's words are so shocking that he has forgotten the pain and is shocked by Lu Zixuan's words.

"Of course!"

"Otherwise, how do you think I came here?"

"Fool, be smart in your next life. Don't sell your friends for glory, or I will see you once and kill you once."

Lu Zixuan's mouth turned a hook, revealing his ferocious intention to kill.

His big foot forced Wang Yan's chest to burst.

System prompt sound appears, blood is full in the secret room, Lin Shaojun and Lin Qing'er look at the scene in front of them, stupidly in the same place, for a time, they haven't responded.

"Lu Lu Zixuan Let's go. "

"Wang Yan is elder Zhang's man. If you kill Wang Yan, Zhang Hun won't let you go."

"Besides, he already knows that you have got the blood god fruit. Take Xiong Ba and get out of here as soon as possible."

Lin Shaojun a return to God, quickly said to Lu Zixuan.

He a face of anxious, keep urging Lu Zixuan.

"Yes, take Xiong Ba away quickly."

"Only Zhang Hun knows about xueshenguo, but the clan is not clear."

"Get out of here, and you'll have a chance to get out."

Lin qinger is also full of worries.

They certainly heard what Lu Zixuan had just said to Wang Yan.


They don't think what Lu Zixuan said is true.

What strength is Zhang hun?

That's the eighth heaven king!

What is Lu Zixuan's strength?

Although Wang Yan killed the second-order emperor, he was only the third-order emperor at most.

A third-order emperor, killed the eighth order emperor?

How could that be!

"You don't have to worry."

"That Zhang Hun was really killed by me, and I won't have anything."

"You'll be fine, too."

"Now I have become a core disciple."

Lu Zixuan was moved. He took a deep breath and watched Lin Shaojun and their injuries. His murderous spirit was boiling.


He has some regrets. Why did he kill Zhang Hun directly before? He should trample him severely!

Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger are seriously injured.

It's not only the injuries on the surface of their bodies, but also their blood and blood. Because of Zhang Hun's refining, they lost 90%.

It hurts their roots.

It's very difficult for them to recover, and if they go on like this, they won't live long at all.

"Become a core disciple?"

"Really killed Zhang hun?"

Lu Zixuan's firmness surprised them.

The heart set off a huge wave, a time can not accept.

"This is my identity token."

"Come on, I'll take you out of here. I'll find a way to cure your injury."

Lu Zixuan takes a deep breath and suppresses his anger.

Lin Shaojun and Lin Qing'er can't say that it's all because of Lu Zixuan's responsibility.

However, it also has a certain relationship with Lu Zixuan.

What's more.

Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger did not betray him, but chose to protect him, which moved Lu Zixuan.

If others are not good to him, he will be bad to others.

But for those who are good to him, Lu Zixuan will only give them back ten times! He took out the token representing his core disciple identity and let them see it. Then he took out a pill from the storage bag and asked them to take it quickly.

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