"This How is that possible? "

"There are 137 pills, and they are different kinds of pills. There are 30 kinds of pills. "

"There are healing pills, strength enhancing pills and healing pills."

"Moreover, these pills are all yellow pills."

"Jiuzhuantongxue pill, that's the yellow grade Jiupin jiuzhuantongxue pill!"

"In this, there are two yellow grade nine grade pills."


The pills in the alchemy furnace are all taken out by Lu Zixuan.

Full 137 pills were suspended in front of him.


These 137 pills contain 30 kinds.

The most important thing is that all these pills are yellow!

Two of them are yellow grade Jiupin jiuzhuantong blood pills!


The original silence was broken in a moment, and it turned into horror.

No matter the people of shuramen or tianque sect, they all looked at the pills in horror, and their tone was full of consternation and disbelief.


Compared with the failure of xuesha's Alchemy, Lu Zixuan's Alchemy made them more unacceptable.

"There are so many pills made from a thousand herbs. I finally know why there is no fragrance coming out."

"This is to bring the power of those herbs into full play, without any waste."

"This level of alchemy can't be easily achieved even by the alchemists of Xuan level, no, the alchemists of prefecture level, even the alchemists of heaven level."

Some people's eyes lit up and thought about why there was no problem of medicine fragrance.

As soon as the man's words came out, the rest of the people were even more shocked.

All people's eyes, also from those pills above, transferred to Lu Zixuan's body.

They looked at Lu Zixuan and didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Low key!"

"Isn't it just refining a few pills?"

"Refining pills is such a simple thing. Do you have to tell everyone that I am very powerful?"

"That's the path. It's the main road to keep a low profile."

Lu Zixuan is very angry.

Medicine old body card, ten minutes time, but refining out of the pill, but very good.

Of course.

Lu Zixuan actually felt some pity.

After all, there is no good enough alchemy furnace and herbs, otherwise, even if it is a day level elixir, it can produce a big wave.


"Lu Zixuan won?"

"Ha ha ha, we don't have to die?"

This way.

The people of tianque sect came back slightly from the shock.

They look at the pills in front of Lu Zixuan, one by one excited, with the previous resentment, want to become a strong contrast.


"Lord xuesha, do you remember what you bet before?"

"You said that as long as you win, we tianque sect people will not have to die."

Wan Jiancheng's eyes are shining.

He asked xuesha eagerly, hoping to get a positive reply from xuesha.


"Shut up

Blood evil spirit's facial expression, very ferocious, entire face all already twisted.

After hearing Wan Jiancheng's words, he clapped him with one hand and blasted Wan Jiancheng out for more than 100 meters and hit him on the ground.

In a flash.

The excited people of tianque sect were very pale and nervous.

The other side is a Shura man.

Now that you lose face, will you still reason with us?

"Won me?"

"Boy, you are cheating!"

"How can a thousand herbs be refined in ten minutes?"

"You are definitely cheating!"

Blood evil spirit gloomy say.

His eyes, fixed on Lu Zixuan's body, like a gambler who lost his mind. He didn't want to believe the result of losing, so he pushed everything away.


"Well, tell me, how did I cheat?"

"A dreg that hasn't even been refined can't be recognized by others with its own strength? You're looking at the sky from the well. "

"You want to default? To put it directly, why give yourself so many excuses! "

Lu Zixuan mouth a hook, very disdainful said.


Go to special!

Had it not been for the fear that Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger would be in danger, he would have used the blood coffin gun to solve the problem."You..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Blood evil spirit's vision a ferocious, complexion a stagnant.

By Lu Zixuan's words, to the complete stimulation.

What's more.

In front of so many people, he was belittled as an observer?

"I say you look at the sky from the well!"

"I can't say you don't have character!"

"You are a dreg in alchemy!"

Lu Zixuan said in a loud voice.

Give blood evil face?


What's special? If you don't recognize the loss, why should you give him face?


"Boy, you want to die!"

Lu Zixuan's voice fell, and xuesha couldn't bear it any longer.

The bloody fairy power gushed out of his body, making his clothes rustle.

The powerful force roared around him, and the hard stone under his feet broke and turned into powder.

"Want to do it?"

"I said, you have a problem with your character!"

"What kind of elder Shura? You're a dog mender, aren't you

"If you lose, you have to admit it. Otherwise, don't be so forced! You want to crush me? How does it feel to be crushed now? "

"If you feel that you can't do it, I'll give you a chance, this time alone!"

"Let's see who wins

In the face of furious blood evil, Lu Zixuan is not moved.

He was very aggressive.

as like as two peas, he had a tone and a look.

"Look, I gave you a chance, too!"

"Beat me, I'll follow you."

"Lost I'm sorry, you can't leave if you lose, because my hand is usually very heavy. If you lose, you will die. "

Lu Zixuan is deliberately provoking xuesha.

He saw that xuesha was brain damage, and face was more important than anything.


He was deliberately provocative.

As long as the blood evil spirit agrees to come down, isn't it a one shot solution at that time?

"Single choice?"

"Ha ha ha Boy, you are crazy

"In that case, I promise you!"

His eyes were scarlet, as if they were congested.

His anger was burning and could not be contained.

In Lu Zixuan's provocation, he didn't think of anything else. He just wanted to kill Lu Zixuan.

"Let's go."

"I want you to know that I'm good!"

Blood evil spirit already couldn't help, he toward Lu Zixuan to shout a way violently.

Stride towards Lu Zixuan.

"What's the rush?"

"Don't be rash, I'll keep a low profile."

Lu Zixuan raised his eyelids and said contemptuously.


Toward Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger, to their side.

"Take the pills."

"Xiong Ba, take care of them."

"Stay away from here, or I'm afraid I can't control it."

Lu Zixuan takes out jiuzhuantong blood pill and lets them take it.

This way.

Xiong Ba also arrived here breathlessly.

His strength, still unable to fly, made him slower than Lu Zixuan. He didn't know what happened here.

"Yes, boss!"


For Lu Zixuan's words, he absolutely carried out. Immediately with Lin Shaojun and Lin qinger, retreat far away.

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