
At the bottom of the blood refining abyss, there are many Shura stones.

On that altar, the inlaid Shura stone is also very pure.

At this point.

With Lu Zixuan crazy absorption, a piece of Shura stone Hua La sound, into powder here.

"The killing point has reached 3.2 million!"

"That's enough to make me perform Shura sword God attachment three times!"

"Even if I'm hard at Shura, I don't have any worries."


The Shura stone here was absorbed and refined by Lu Zixuan, and his Xianli point was not far away from upgrading.

Looking at the 3.2 million killing points displayed on the system, Lu Zixuan was excited beyond description.

Three million two hundred thousand!

It's enough to cast Shura sword God possession three times.

This card is too strong, let him face the Shura gate, have enough confidence!


"Boss, you finally come out!"

"We've been waiting here for several days. When shall we go back?"

Lu Zixuan leaves from the blood refining abyss.

As soon as you walk out of this area, you will see bareheaded Qiang and the second one anxiously walking back and forth here.

Two people see Lu Zixuan appear, immediately excited shout.

"Go back now!"

"You call up all the miners and I'll get you out of here!"

Lu Zixuan waved his big hand and said angrily.

Bareheaded strong and others, for their own to find a lot of Shura stone, and also promised them before.


The Shura mission has been completed. It's time to leave the Shura stone mine.


"I'm going to inform them and kill them together at that time!"

Bareheaded strong eyes murderous.

They want to survive very hard in the Shura stone mine. They are working hard for the blood pill every day.


Shura stone is too hard to find. It's good for ordinary miners here to live for the first half of the year.

Even if they are bald, they can't guarantee that they can live for a year or two.


After hearing Lu Zixuan's words, bareheaded Qiang had no hesitation at all.

In my eyes, in addition to murderous, there is only expectation left.

"Bring them all together."

"If you want to leave, let's fight it out. If you don't want to leave, don't force it."

Lu Zixuan explained.

Let the bald head and the second one inform the rest of the miners as soon as possible.

"Well, that guy dares to rob me?"

"I can't get him!"

Lu Zixuan thinks of the practitioner who robbed his storage bag, and his mouth starts to smile ferociously.

Robbing me?

It has to explode!


"Why didn't those miners come to exchange for blood pills recently?"

"Don't they want to live?"

Outside the Xiuluo stone mine.

The practitioners of shuramen gather here.


These people's faces, one by one are a little puzzled, eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together.


In recent days, even a miner did not come out to exchange blood pills, which made them very painful.

There are a lot of oil and water for them to guard the Shura stone mine here.

But again, they have a mission.

If they don't hand in enough Shura stones every day, they will be punished.

"I'm tired of those damned things."

"When they come out, two Shura stones can be exchanged for a blood pill."

The nine rank emperor who robbed Lu Zixuan said ferociously.

In their hearts, the miners in the Shura stone mine are just mole ants.

"Elder martial brother Rong, look at the miners coming out."

"Why? How come so many people and the miners came out all at once? "

"Do they want to rebel?"

At this time.

At the entrance of Xiuluo stone mine, Lu Zixuan, with his bald head and others, strode out from inside.

There are more than 400 people behind them.


"Hum, how dare they rebel here with their rubbish?"

"Whoever dares to rebel will be killed!"

That nine rank emperor cultivator said disdainfully.

"Go to inform elder Wang."

"Also, call the rest of the people back to me, this time I want to let these damn miners know what is the end of the rebellion."The nine step emperor cultivator said to a man beside him.


With the rest of the Shura men, they strode toward Lu Zixuan and others.

"You bastards, you want to rebel, don't you?"

"Don't you live enough!"

He strode forward and swept his eyes from Lu Zixuan and others.

Look between, full of contempt.

"Enough to live?"

"You'd better have a try again!"

Lu Zixuan looked at the cultivator and directly opened his heart.


He also put out his thumb and pressed it down, which was full of provocation.

"It's you!"

"Why, I've got your things, and I want to get revenge?"

"You think you can fight me with this rubbish?"

The practitioner's eyes fell on Lu Zixuan.

He recognized Lu Zixuan. After he recognized Lu Zixuan, the corner of his mouth cracked, revealing his white teeth.

"How much power is left of this rubbish?"

"It's a joke to rebel with them!"

"Boy, I didn't kill you last time. I just wanted to make you feel worse than death, but I didn't expect that you are not timid."

"In that case, I will break your limbs this time, let your blood be sucked away continuously, waiting for yourself to die."

"I will not only rob you, but also kill you!"

The cultivator laughed wildly.

Pointing to Lu Zixuan, he didn't care.

The tone of his voice was as if Lu Zixuan, who was opposite him, was an ant at his feet.


"Do you really think you've got something?"

"I don't want to see if there is anything left in my storage bag."

Lu Zixuan brows pick pick.

He said to the cultivator very arrogantly, which made the cultivator stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"Is there anything left in my storage bag?"

The cultivator's face sank, unable to understand what Lu Zixuan meant.

"You can't tell by looking at it yourself!"

"He's really a fool."

Lu Zixuan said.

As for the four immortal swords, he was absolutely at ease. In the past few days, even if he did not swallow all the things on the cultivator, he had at least taken away 90%.

"Damn it, how could that be?"

"What's in my storage bag?"

"Why not? Why not? "

This way.

The cultivator sent out the power of soul to sense the things in the storage bag.

The next moment.

He growled like a wild animal, and his whole face became ferocious.

I can't believe I poured out all the things in the storage bag.


In the whole storage bag, there were no other things except the four immortal swords, the immortal killing array and the red lotus cloak. He felt dizzy.

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