"Recover quickly, and continue later!"

"Yap, get two together later."

Lu Zixuan had a plan in his heart. It was not impossible to get two undead guards at one time.

Of course.

is mainly awesome silence and killing the soul of the soul can give power.

Here, he mainly relied on these two means, and then took the opportunity to get the undead guard into the bloody sarcophagus.


"Come on, let's go. We're playing with fire."

Hearing that Lu Zixuan even wanted to get two more undead guards, the Shura emperor was immediately flustered.

He's here, and he's worried all the time. He just wants to leave here as soon as possible.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"If you want to leave, I'll just throw you out and leave by yourself."

"Otherwise, work hard for me."

"Small sample, was caught by me, still want to talk about terms?"

Lu Zixuan slapped the Shura emperor on his head and scolded him loudly.

Without looking at the Shura emperor, he directly started the Zhentian Jue to remove the strange power in his body.

"This strange power is really difficult to deal with."

"We must find enough pieces of Jiangjia as soon as possible to fuse them into Jiangjia."

"Otherwise, efficiency is too slow."

The strange power in his body is forced out by Lu Zixuan, which makes him more determined to find general a.

The next moment.

He opened the bloody sarcophagus and went to kill the guard of the dead.

The immortal's silence and the spirit sound of Shura town make Lu Zixuan capture at least one of the undead guards almost every time.

In less than an hour, dozens of undead guards around him were swept away by him and all of them were blown up.

"Break the armor to pieces!"

"Half of it has been found. Keep looking!"

"The Shura emperor controls the bloody sarcophagus. Let the bloody sarcophagus slowly go deep into the Shura Blood River and look for the rest of the undead guards."

Every time you kill an undead guard, the system will burst out a lot of good things.

Among them, there will be pieces of armor.

Now, there are more than 30 pieces of Jiangjia on Lu Zixuan's body, which is almost the number of Jiangjia in half the blood river.


The undead guards here have been cleared. They can only hunt in another place.


"This is a madman."

The Shura emperor clenched his teeth and roared powerlessly in his heart.

He was afraid of Lu Zixuan unconsciously.

In Lu Zixuan's words, he didn't dare to refute at all. He had to bite his teeth and open a gap in the blood sarcophagus. Then he urged the blood sarcophagus to drift slowly towards the deep of Shura Blood River.

He was frightened. If it wasn't for Lu Zixuan's eyes, he would immediately urge the bloody sarcophagus to leave the ghost place as soon as possible.

"Here, a lot of pills are waiting for you."

"Do a good job, and let me know when there are undead guards."

Lu Zixuan recovers and refines the power absorbed by Beiming's divine skill.

He took out a lot of pills for the Shura emperor to take, so that the Shura emperor would not be able to support.

And he himself, is always maintaining the strongest state, ready to attack at any time.


Shura Blood River is making a clatter here, and the blood sarcophagus is floating slowly.

There is a bloody Sarcophagus, isolated from the erosion of the strange power, let Lu Zixuan them, one breath floating here for seven days.

And Lu Zixuan's body, the original Blood River battle armour, also became the blood river general armour.

"There is blood river general armour on the blood River armour. Is there a higher level of existence on it?"

"The blood river will be under armour. Even if I am exposed to Shura's Blood River, I can hold on for five seconds."

"If you can get a higher existence, it will definitely be faster to kill the undead guard here."

"Moreover, there are many good things here. In this area, there are few treasures lower than Xuan level."

"Although most of the treasures here are broken, there is no problem for the four immortal swords to devour them."

Seven days.

In the blood river of Shura, Lu Zixuan also went deep into more than 100 Li, and the number of the undead guards he killed has also exceeded 800, which is not far from the 1000 level.

At this time, Lu Zixuan did not have much pressure on the Shura Blood River mission.


He not only killed the guards of the dead, but also began to collect treasures floating in the Shura Blood River.

"Boss, do we have to go further?""The strength of the undead guards here is much stronger than those before, and their attacks contain more weird power."

"Let's go back."

Said the Shura emperor, imploring.

God knows how he spent these seven days.

Almost all the time, he was urging the bloody Sarcophagus, and once the undead guards rushed up, he had to take part in the battle.

Even if there are countless pills provided by Lu Zixuan, his body is also extremely miserable to dissolve, let alone recover the lower part of his body.


He found that Lu Zixuan did not have any fear, on the contrary, the blazing in his eyes became more and more vigorous.

"Go back?"

"How can I go back!"

"Keep going, I'll keep killing!"

Lu Zixuan said excitedly.

The more he kills the undead guard, the more experience he has, from making moves to catching the bloody Sarcophagus, plus killing.

A series of processes come down, very familiar.

Every one of the undead guards here is like a boss, and there are so many of them. How can we say give up and give up?

"Take the pills quickly."

"As long as we kill a thousand undead guards, we can go back."

Lu Zixuan gives the Shura emperor a look of encouragement, for fear that the Shura emperor will be squeezed too hard, so that the Shura emperor strikes.

"A thousand dead guards?"

"Ah, I'll fight it!"

"I eat! I'll eat it now

The Shura emperor gritted his teeth and put a lot of pills into his mouth.

There's no way. The strange power here is too terrible, and he must urge the bloody sarcophagus all the time. That is to say, he is eroded by the strange power almost all the time.

If you don't take pills like this, you can't insist at all.

Shura emperor's idea now is to kill a thousand undead guards as soon as possible, and then leave here quickly.

Two, keep going here.

With their continuous deepening, the weird power here is more strong, and the strength of those undead guards is also slowly improving.

Originally, Lu Zixuan dared to get two at a time before, but now, he can only hunt one by one.

"What's that?"

"In front, there seems to be something."

After another two days of wandering, Lu Zixuan killed a total of 997 undead guards, leaving only three to complete the Shura Blood River mission. At this time, in the blood river of Shura, there was a huge shadow looming in the distance, which surprised the Shura emperor.

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