"Watch it, every move of mine is very important!"

"Come on, preparation day, the first eight beats, start!"

"One two three four, two two three four..."

I don't know.

Lu Zixuan is trying his best to deceive. Looking at the two dragon generals' concentration, he is very happy: "I really think Ge Bai has read so many stories and network novels in the last life?"

"Tao Te Ching, plus radio gymnastics, I can't fool you!"

Lu Zixuan continued to warm up, and time passed slowly.

The cooling time of the immortal body had already ended, but Lu Zixuan didn't stop there. He wanted to wait until the bloody sarcophagus was fully charged, and then he got up to kill them.

"In fact, this martial art is not complete. Although I just demonstrated it as a set of martial arts skills, strictly speaking, it's just the first move."

"The sun is still burning below!"

"Greater time and space call for vitality."

"The most powerful is the world."

A set of young eagles took off after Lu Zixuan's drill. It was a few minutes ago.


Looking at the two generals of the Dragon nationality in a state of muddle, Lu Zixuan continued to cheat.

He gave the rest of the names of the second national primary school students' radio gymnastics series.

Of course, all of them have been modified by him.

For example, the world is so beautiful that it has been modified into a world of thousands.

The times are calling, and it has been changed into a big call of time and space.

Even the vitality of youth has been revived.

"Besides, this is just the first set. If you get the rest of them and practice together, you will break through the celestial realm in heaven!"

"I've mastered all of them, but it's hard to understand them."

"Ah, I can't start sitting on the mountain empty. It's sad. It's sad."

The bloody sarcophagus has been charged to the Ninth level of 100%. The cooling time of the immortal body has already arrived.

Lu Zixuan stopped to warm up, made a more forced, but also with a sense of vicissitudes of life appearance, mouth straight cry sad.


"Have you mastered all those martial arts?"

This way.

The two dragon generals have completely believed Lu Zixuan's words. They are not fooled.

After hearing Lu Zixuan's lament, they swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously. They looked at Lu Zixuan with fiery eyes and said together.

That look, blazing terrible.


"Of course, I have mastered all of them, but I didn't understand them thoroughly."

Lu Zixuan coughed twice.

He found that he has great potential to cheat. He can try to develop slowly on this road in the future.

That's what we have to tap!

"Ha ha ha..."

"Good, good!"

"Boy, hurry up and hand in all those martial arts, or we'll kill you!"

At this time.

The two dragon generals laughed wildly, and their breath suddenly fell towards Lu Zixuan, saying word by word.

I want to get Lu Zixuan's martial arts immediately.

"Lying trough!"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Tell you, Lao Tzu can't bend his power, can't move his poverty, and threaten me? If you try, even if you kill me, I won't give it to you. "

"We agreed to compete. As long as you win, I'll give it to you."

"Otherwise, no way."

"Those martial arts are all in my mind. If I want to get them, I can only say them willingly. Otherwise, it's useless to kill me."

Lu Zixuan drew his lips.

Mad, it's too big to be forced. This is the rhythm of their direct robbery.

If you do it directly, even if you have the millstone of life and death and the body of immortality, you have a very small chance of winning against them. You can only take advantage of their unprepared and sudden attack to destroy them.

Lu Zixuan said in a hurry, even if you kill me, I will not give you the appearance.


"If we win you, can you really give us those skills?"

The two dragon generals frowned and looked impatient.

"Of course."

"If you lose, I'll tell you the martial arts."

"Of course, if you lose, do you want to give me something good?"

"Otherwise, I will give up the contest!"

"Come on, I'd rather die."

There's drama!

At this moment, Lu Zixuan was a little convinced, and felt that his deceptive skill was absolutely hanging in the sky.Dragon generals!

The strong man at the level of emperor of the ninth order was fooled into being like this by himself, and did not dare to threaten Laozi?

Lu Zixuan's head was lifted, with the expression that Lao Tzu would rather die than surrender.

"Here we go!"

"This is a dragon burial nail, which is specially used to kill souls."

"Although it's only a one-time treasure, it's very powerful. Even if it's the emperor of heaven, it can be killed."

"Also, it can be integrated into the soul. If someone breaks into the sea of your soul, they can be killed by it."

"This is our most precious treasure."

Two dragon generals gritted their teeth and took out a nail one foot long and painted black.

This nail is dark, but it is carved with a ferocious dragon, and it exudes a force of soul. When you look at it, you will feel that the soul will be broken.

"As long as you win us, it's yours."

"What's more, you can attack us directly. If we attack you, you can't bear a finger. If you die, how can we get those martial arts skills?"

"We're standing here, not defending. As long as you hurt us, even if you win, how about that? "

"Five seconds of attack time, you feel OK, let's go."

The two generals of the dragon clan are very anxious and can't wait for the skills Lu Zixuan said.

After taking out the Dragon burial nails, he opened his mouth directly and asked Lu Zixuan to do it quickly without delay.

In their eyes, Lu Zixuan's strength is so weak that there is no threat to them.

As for their first attack on Lu Zixuan?

This is more bullshit. They just come out and accidentally kill Lu Zixuan. What should they do?

At that time, where can I get those powerful martial arts skills?

"Lying troughs, how can they have such a card?"

"Fortunately, I blew up their cards. Otherwise, once I had used my immortal body and was attacked by them with dragon burying nails, I would be dead."

Buried dragon nail was taken out, let Lu Zixuan couldn't help patting the chest.


It's terrible.

If this treasure is displayed by the Dragon generals, Lu Zixuan will definitely die. He can't die any more.

"It's not impossible."

"But I still have one condition, that is, can you put the Dragon burying nail on me first?"

"If I win at that time and you don't admit it, what should I do if you don't bury the Dragon nail for me?"

Lu Zixuan's attention, all put on the buried dragon nail, very afraid of this treasure. He said, determined to get the Dragon burying nail in his hand.

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