"The gate of gods!"

"Boss Lu, that's the man of the Pantheon! The gate of gods is even more powerful than the lieyangzong, and even the lieyangzong has to obey the orders of the gate of gods at some times! There are many subordinate forces under the Pantheon

The gate of the city of death is huge, at least 500 meters in size.

Right now.

Outside the gate, there are hundreds of practitioners and countless dead creatures who are desperately approaching the gate.

Those dead creatures, and those practitioners, are fighting each other, even between dead creatures and dead creatures. They all want to enter the gate first.

"The enemy has a narrow road!"

"If you can meet people from the lieyangzong here, don't blame me for being rude!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes fall on the elder of the sun sect, and his murderous spirit flows in his eyes.

After killing two elders of Lieyang sect, will Lieyang sect let go?

Absolutely not!

Since lieyangzong doesn't intend to let go of himself, it's a word, dry!

"Boss, those people are going in soon. What shall we do?"

Xiong Ba said.

In their silk thread, the people in the flame and the gate of gods are fighting hand in hand. Among the countless dead creatures, they have killed a way of blood and are constantly approaching the gate.

They are less than 20 meters away from the gate.


There are too many dead creatures outside the gate, which makes the gate impassable. If you want to get close to the gate, you can only kill those dead creatures that block the way quickly.

If the speed is slow, the rest of the dead creatures will rush up and stop those practitioners again.

"Wait, there are too many dead creatures here. It's hard for us to kill them."

"But They are going to open the way. After they have killed their way, let's take the opportunity to enter the city gate. "

Lu Zixuan said with a smile.

There are more and more dead creatures in front of the city gate. With his current strength, unless he uses the blood prison and other cards, it will be like moths flying to the fire to seek their own death.

Those dead creatures are not only numerous, but also powerful, and even have the presence of emperor level. "You go into the bloody sarcophagus and hide. I'll take you in later."

Take out the bloody sarcophagus and let Xiong Ba and others enter it. Lu Zixuan continues to wait for elder Tian and others to slowly approach the city gate.


"Elder Tian, don't hide your strength, or those dead creatures of emperor level will appear. Once those dead creatures appear, it will be more difficult for us to enter the city of death."

"There is a time limit for the opening of the city of death. Once the time has passed, there is no way to go in."

This way.

Hundreds of practitioners, together, attack the dead creatures around.

Each of these practitioners is stronger than the other. The weakest one has reached the level of the first emperor, and there are several strong ones at the level of emperor.


There are too many dead creatures here. Even if there are several emperor level elders sitting in the town, they are still not relaxed and feel great pressure in the face of countless dead creatures.

At this time.

Cold as the sky of ten thousand gods door opens a way, his voice is low, brow tightly wrinkly together, obviously some anxious. Under his induction, I feel a strong breath, which is fast approaching here.

He kept chopping down with a long knife. The light of the knife was like a waterfall. It flickered here. With each knife, several dead creatures were killed.

Hundreds of practitioners work together. Every moment, thousands of dead creatures are killed, but there are too many dead creatures here. After one group dies, another group rushes up.

The longer they delay, the more dangerous they become.

"Good!" "Let's do our best to blow out a way to enter the gate before the emperor level dead creatures arrive. Those Mikado level dead creatures, with their senses, will organize other dead creatures to fight against us once they arrive. At that time, they will be in trouble

The sky elder of lieyangzong also sensed the breath of those dead creatures of emperor level. His face changed and he replied to lengrutian.

The next moment.

Two people's breath suddenly soared, one was hot as the sun, the other was cold as frost. They looked at each other and looked at the dead creatures in front of them.

"The sun burns the sky!"

"Frozen world!"

Elder Tian and Leng rutian roared.

In an instant.

The two of them burst out of the attack, hot fire and cold ice, appeared here, so that the dead creatures in front of them were all covered."Boom!"



It's roaring.

I can only see.

Under the attack of the two men, from their front to the city gate, all the dead creatures were turned into stumps. Fire and ice coexist on the ground.

"Crouching trough, ice fire nine heavy sky?"

"So powerful?"

More than 30000 dead creatures were killed by two people, making the gate of death empty.

In the distance.

Lu Zixuan's eyes glared. He didn't expect that the strength of the two elders could be so powerful. "Now, hurry in, or you'll be in trouble when those dead creatures rush up again."

This way.

As soon as Lu Zixuan's figure flashed, he rushed towards the city gate. The blood shadow body method and the flash were used to make his figure like a ghost, approaching the city gate quickly.

"Hurry in!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Before the gate.

Elder Tian and Leng rutian also urged the rest of the practitioners to enter the gate quickly.

In the two people's induction, those dead creatures at the emperor level are getting closer and closer to this side, so they dare not have any delay.


Just when their people are about to enter the gate, they suddenly feel that a figure rushes out from those dead creatures and takes the lead in entering the gate.


When the figure rushed to the city gate, it stopped and showed a brilliant smile to all of them, "everyone, thank you for opening the way for me."

"I'm sorry I can't give you anything."

"So The power of the king is guarded by ten thousand dragons

Lu Zixuan's figure, stops in front of the gate, the distance steps in, only needs one step. He turned and looked at the practitioners, with a fierce smile. Release the air of overlord and guard with ten thousand dragons.

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