The next day, Li Sandou got up with several girls.

The three girls of Zhao family still have to stay in Pingliang village for a day to go back. Li Sandou can't go anywhere today. After breakfast, he takes some girls and some simple tools to the mountains.

Pingliang village is surrounded by mountains, especially the mountains behind the village, which stretch for more than 1000 kilometers. It is the only virgin forest in the province.

"Brother Li, will there be a beast rushing out?"

With the dense woods nearby, the strange calls of unknown animals came from far and near, and the three girls of the Zhao family were all nervous.

"This is the edge of the primeval forest, close to the village, there will be no big beasts, only some rabbits, pheasants, and other small animals." Li Sandou is most familiar with the mountains behind this village.

From childhood to adulthood, only when I was a child, I saw large beasts here. Now, let alone large beasts, even small animals are very rare, and they are all hunted by people who often go into the mountains.

"Wow What kind of bird is that? "

All of a sudden, there was a loud noise from the nearby jungle. A big brown bird, the size of a chicken, with a very long tail, fluttered its wings and flew to the distance. The girls of the Zhao family couldn't help but wonder.

"It's a pheasant. It can't fly high."

Li San Dou explained.

"Brother Li, is there a way to catch pheasants?"

"Without guns, these pheasants are hard to catch."

Li Sandou said, holding the tools in his hand, he squatted down in an open space to get these tools.

"Brother Li, are you going to trap pheasants?"

Several women curiously look at Li San Dou's action.


Li Sandou nodded and continued to play with the trap tools in his hand.

As long as a small animal such as a pheasant or a hare eats the food in the trap, it will touch the mechanism inside, and cover the whole animal inside before the small animal is in a hurry to escape.

However, people in the village often go into the mountains to install these tools. The small animals have become smart and will not be as stupid as before. They know that the attractive food in the trap tools can not be eaten. Once they eat, they will be caught.

Therefore, it is usually difficult to catch any small animals by installing trapping tools in the mountains. Li Sandou also installed these tools with the nature of playing.

Soon after Li Sandou installed a trap tool in one place, he took some girls to another place, because this time he went into the mountain and brought five traps. He needed to install all the five traps in different places, and then wait for the blind cat to meet the dead mouse.

"There's a beautiful pool ahead. I'll take you there to play."

In less than half an hour, Li Sandou had installed five trapping tools, and he took several women to a pool inside.

"Brother Li, is that chestnut on the tree?"

Suddenly, Zhao Xinran pointed to the fruit of a big tree and asked.

"Yes, would you like to?"

Now it is the season for chestnut to mature. However, these chestnut trees are very tall in the mountains, and generally grow in the dense jungle. Even if there are a lot of chestnuts hanging on the chestnut trees, few people are willing to go into the mountains to pick them.

"I want to eat it."

Several women nodded, but when they saw that the chestnut trees were tall, they couldn't help saying, "these chestnut trees are too high. How can they pick the chestnuts from the trees?"

"Xiaoyi, wait here. I'll go up the tree and pick chestnuts for you."

In the past, Li Sandou used to go into the mountains to pick wild chestnuts. It was not difficult for him to climb trees, especially now that he has the inner Qi of the second stage of Yao Wang Gong, his skill is not what it used to be.

So, after he said a word, he went to the chestnut tree.

Several women did not expect that Li Sandou would really pick chestnuts. They watched curiously beside them to see how Li Sandou picked the chestnuts from the tall chestnut tree.

Climbing trees is a technical job. It is very technical and depends on strength.

If your climbing skills are good, but your strength is not enough, you often climb to a big tree, and when you come down, you will get scarred.

At this time, Li Sandou had pulled out some vines and came to a tall chestnut tree.

He took a look at the chestnut tree and put his hands on it. He had already taken off his shoes and put his feet on the tree. He didn't let his stomach, chest and crotch touch the tree. In this way, he used his hands and feet together and quickly climbed up the tree like a monkey.

"Wow Big brother Li can climb trees very fast... "

Seeing Li Sandou quickly climbing up the chestnut tree, several girls were shocked.

At this time, Li Sandou had climbed to a branch of the chestnut tree. He grabbed a branch with one hand and twisted it to break it. Then he looked at the following: "I dropped the chestnut on the branch, you see."

With that, Li Sandao threw the branch with a lot of chestnuts down to the grass.The following women quickly went to pick up the chestnuts, but when they saw the shell of the chestnuts, they were helpless, unable to open the chestnuts and eat the fruit inside.

Li Sandou on the chestnut tree didn't care. Now he quickly twisted a few branches and threw them down.

Finally, seeing that he had already picked a lot of chestnuts, Li Sandou came down from the chestnut tree.

Because his strength was many times greater than before, when Li Sandou went down the tree, he had no injury at all.

"Brother Li, you should find a way to get rid of these chestnuts. Let's try the taste of wild chestnuts."

See Li three Dou come down, several female urgent way.

"Ha ha."

With a dry smile, Li San Dou immediately squatted down and picked up a stone next to him. He put the chestnut on the slate and took the stone to hit the chestnut with the whole body thorn.

After a while, the big thumb, black chestnut one by one appeared in front of everyone.

Li Sandou not only smashed the chestnuts, but also smashed the hard black shell of the chestnuts. With a little force, he could open the hard shell and eat the crisp and delicious chestnuts inside.

"It's ready to eat."

With Li Sandou's words, several women opened the chestnuts that had been smashed, and put the fruits one by one into the small mouth of pink cherry to taste.

"How fragrant

Eating chestnut, several women can't help but be amazed by the taste inside.

Poof, poof

All of a sudden, the dense jungle nearby was shaking and a strange sound came.

"Boar, you stand behind me..."

Li San Dou turned his head and looked nervous. He stood up and cheered.

"Ah Wild boar... "

A few girls were scared, screamed and stood behind Li Sandou, while meimou stared at the forest in front of her in fear and looked in horror.

Ten meters away, there is a dense jungle.

At this time, the dense jungle was shaking for a while. In a short time, a large animal with black, hairy and two long white tusks appeared in the public's sight.

"Ah What a wild boar... "

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