"Run As soon as the figure landed, it began to shout.

Li Sandou fixed his eyes on Xiao Zifeng.

"Why are you here?" Li Sandou runs towards Xiao Zifeng.

Before Xiao Zifeng could answer, Xiao Yin suddenly stood still, staring at the window.

"You know why I came here. If I hadn't run faster, I would have disappeared." Xiao Zifeng still does not understand the situation.

As soon as Li Sandou was halfway through, he found that he couldn't make a sound.

"Find a way quickly, Li Sandou. We'll all die if we don't solve it!"

"Damn it

"I don't want to die!"

"Come on! Here comes the fire! Run As soon as Xiao Zifeng entered the game, he found that the game was unusual. Now he was completely in the blood of flying insects. He couldn't see the front and back, even the situation at his feet was not very clear.

He opened his mouth for a breath and immediately felt his throat blocked and dizzy.

Xiao Zifeng immediately realized that the flying insect was poisonous. He quickly closed his breath and walked towards the front.

Just when he couldn't distinguish East, West, North and south, like a headless fly, he suddenly found a hazy light in front of him.

Xiao Zifeng quickly ran past, and when he came a step or two closer, he saw that the light was the doorplate of Xiao's house.

Xiao's house is full of blood colored insects, which really gives Xiao Zifeng a fright.

The man didn't say a word. He held out a hand with a mask. He motioned Xiao Zifeng to take it.

"Thank you!"

Xiao Zifeng almost snatched the mask from the man's hand and sucked the air greedily.

After finishing all this, the man turned around and walked into the bloody little flying insect.

Xiao Zifeng was a little stunned. After a while, the man soon disappeared.

"Hey, wait!" Xiao Zifeng was very worried. But the man had disappeared, and there was no reply.

According to his walking speed, he should still be in the hall. Xiao Zifeng doesn't know where he is now. He can see the road ahead a little bit clearly.

When Li Sandou woke up, half of his face was still burning. It was the first time that he was directly beaten in the face.

If it wasn't for the damned flying insects that made him dizzy, he didn't even have the strength to dodge, and he was directly beaten in the face.

The flying insects in the room didn't know how to deal with it, and they returned to their original state.

Li Sandou got up from the floor because of his sudden attack, but his attack didn't work.

The last few times, no matter what happened, when he woke up from a coma, everything in Xiao's room would return to its original state.

Does that mean change? Just when Li San Dou couldn't figure it out, the footsteps came from far to near.

Here we go again! Li Sandou's first reaction after hearing the footstep is that he wakes up and now the footstep appears. Li Sandou's heart is restless. What should he do now.

The sound of footsteps had stopped outside the door. Although he knew there were not many opportunities, Li Sandou would never give up.

He crept behind the door to see if there was a chance of a sudden attack. Most importantly, he must take the mask from his face.

Just as Li Sandou was planning, the door suddenly opened.

Li Sandou was just behind the door at this time. He was not hiding in the right place. He was so close to the door that he almost hit him in the face when he suddenly opened it.

Thanks to Li Sandou's quick reaction, he stepped back two steps in a hurry to avoid the disaster.

There are no blood colored flying insects in the room, which is quite different from his usual style. Li Sandou is a little confused.

Anyway, Li Sandou thinks that now is the chance.

Now I am fully awake, I have 100% confidence to beat the other side and take off the mask.

Li Sandou had just set up his posture, and the person who opened the door had already come in. When Li Sandou saw someone coming, he was a little surprised. Although the visitor was also wearing a mask, he was not the previous man.

Insect mask? Li Sandou determined that he must be the man's accomplice.

Thinking about the burning pain on his face, Li Sandou immediately prepared to give him a kick.

Just when Li Sandou wanted to fight, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Li Sandou, what are you doing?"

Although the voice was separated from the mask, Li Sandou could still hear the excitement in the voice. The situation was a little wrong. Li Sandou quickly stopped.

The man took off his mask.

"Xiao Zifeng!"

Li Sandou blurts out, and Xiao Zifeng also notices Li Sandou's unusual expression.

"What's the fuss? I see you are in trouble. I'm here to help you."

"Well, this game is so strange."

Li Sandou doesn't wear a mask. He signals Xiao Zifeng to close the door quickly. After closing the door, Li Sandou tells Xiao Zifeng what happened to him."Take your time. I'll be with you." Xiao Zifeng pretended to be relaxed.

Li Sandou didn't say anything, otherwise Xiao Zifeng would not take the initiative to interfere with his actions.

"Just now you said the man with mask, as if I met him."

"Did he attack you?"

"Well, if he hadn't given me a mask, he would have saved me."

"That's strange. I think it's the man who made all this unusual."

"He thinks I'm just an ordinary tenant." Xiao Zifeng said.

"It's possible. Let's take the initiative to find him."

Xiao Zifeng nodded in agreement.

The flying insects outside the house are very big. If you inhale them for a long time, you will faint due to poor breathing.

Li San Dou pulled a large piece of the sheet off the bed and covered his mouth and nose.

With only one mask, they decided to use it in turn. Although this will inhale some flying insects, the head will be a little dizzy, but at least it can ensure that it will not faint in a short time.

"He found your mask for you?" Li San Dou asked.

"Yes, and a flashlight."

"Let's go there first and see if we can find another one. It's hard to move in the insect for a long time."

With the goal of action, the two soon took action.

As Xiao Zifeng had just passed in the middle of the flying insects, he was ahead with a flashlight and a mask, while Li Sandou was behind him.

In the blood fog, one before the other, the thick blood fog enveloped the whole Xiao family with an inexplicable sense of mystery.

When he arrived at the entrance of the elevator, Li Sandou could hardly hold on. Xiao Zifeng quickly changed his mask to him and covered his mouth with a wet sheet.

After taking a few breaths of air, li felt much more comfortable in his chest.

One more minute in this kind of blood fog is more dangerous.

In the hall, he could hardly see his fingers. Li Sandou changed his mask to Xiao Zifeng.

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