The old man was holding a turquoise gem. He didn't put it into the pit on the stone for the first time. Instead, he looked up at the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky like watching the sky at night.

At this time, as if at noon, the top of the sun is hanging high in the middle, shooting a spicy light, people are difficult to open their eyes.

"Gulu, Gulu!"

After a while, the old man with the turquoise gem seemed to confirm something. He said something incomprehensible to the people around him. With a dignified face, he took the turquoise gem and slowly put it into the groove on the stone pillar.

"What will happen?"

At this moment, Li Sandou, who peeps behind a wall in the distance, has aroused unprecedented curiosity.

The Nangong moon beside her is not only curious, but also nervous. Her beautiful eyes don't blink.


The next second, as if with a click, the old man put the turquoise gem on his hand into the groove on the top of the pillar.

However, the very anticipated strange scene did not happen. The sky is still that day, the earth is still that place, the people are still that person, and the stone top is still that stone top.

"What's the matter? It doesn't mean that when you put in the secret key, there will be movement, but there will be no movement."

Not only a group of A-San on the platform looked puzzled, but also Li Sandou.

It's not that if you put in the treasure or the secret key, there will be a situation. But now there is no situation. What's the matter.


When people were puzzled, the silver plate sun in the middle of the head seemed to swish and shine a different light on the stone roof.

When people were surprised and afraid to dodge, the bright light just hit the groove on the stone column and the turquoise gem.


Before everyone had time to make any response, the turquoise gem illuminated by a light immediately burst out with incomparable, beautiful and enchanting light color.


With this light blooming, everyone's eyes are deeply infatuated with it, because this light is too beautiful to blink.

"How beautiful

Li Sandou and nangongyue behind the wall also felt that the light was too beautiful, which made them deeply intoxicated and a little unable to extricate themselves.

Quack quack

All of a sudden, sounds like the opening of the mechanism awakened people.

Just as people looked around for the source of the sound, the whole stone column platform slowly sank from the top to the ground.


"This, this, this..."

Looking at this scene, Li Sandou and nangongyue were shocked.

And a group of ah San on the platform, they feel that they sink with the platform, one by one scared.

But soon, timid, quick jump, from the sinking platform to jump out.

Along with these a-sans jumping up, other a-sans are also afraid of unknown things. They dare not follow the platform and jump up one after another.

All of a sudden, all A-San jumped out of the sinking platform.

As for the sinking platform, continue to sink.

"These three are not stupid either."

Looking at this group of ah San all jumped out, Li San Dou sighed in his heart.

If it was him, he would not immediately follow the platform down.

After all, there are some terrible things below. I don't know. It's better to wait for the platform to sink first, and then see what will happen, and then make plans. It's not too late to go down.

Whoosh, whoosh!

About a minute or so, Li Sandou of a wall in the distance felt a vibration coming from the ground, and then came out from the big mouth of the platform, like the sound of bows and arrows.

And the next second, next to the big mouth, the group of A-San, who looked down at the big mouth, turned pale and exclaimed.

From this discovery, Li Sandao guessed that something terrible must have happened to the platform he sank. If he followed the platform and didn't jump up at the first time, something might have happened.

This is also the reason for the change of these three colors.

"Gulu, Gulu..."

A minute later, the group of A-San seemed to see that there was no danger in the platform that had settled to the bottom. They murmured to each other, then took out some ropes and tied them to the fixed object beside the big mouth. Then, a younger A-San went down to the big mouth along a rope.

About a minute later, the voice of ah San shouting and talking came from under the big mouth.

With these words of shouting, the group of A-San above seemed to be completely relieved and began to go down the rope one by one.

In less than a minute, all the three above went to the big mouth."Come on, let's go and have a look."

About three or five minutes later, Li Sandou behind the wall could no longer feel any movement from that big mouth. After he said a word to nangongyue, he immediately stood up and jumped to the platform.

As for nangongyue, he was also curious and quickly got up and flew to the platform.

"So deep."

Standing on the platform, they looked down at the big mouth.

I found that the mouth was about 50 meters deep, but on the underground platform, there was no A-San.

Obviously, there must be a passage leading to other places below. The group of A-San have already gone to other places along the passage.

"You're up there. I'll go down and have a look."

Thinking that there might be unforeseen danger below, Li Sandou didn't want Nangong Yue to go down with him. After he gave an instruction, he grabbed the rope and went down.

"No, you can't keep me. I'll go down, too."

This time, nangongyue didn't listen to the white haired man's words. After she answered, she immediately grabbed another rope and went down with the white haired man.

"All right."

Looking at nangongyue coming down with him, Li Sandao sighed helplessly and ignored him. Instead, he focused on the following.

Because just down a group of three, who knows what will happen suddenly, we must be careful.

Soon, they went down the rope to the platform below.

When they look left and right, they quickly understand the sounds before.

Because there are many arrows left around the platform. You don't need to look at them to know that the sounds just now must have been made by these arrows.

That is to say, if this group of ah sans just sank down with the platform, when they reached the end, these bows and arrows would shoot at them. They could not even hide, and they would be shot dead here.

This is a possibility, because they are practitioners. Maybe these bows and arrows can't do too much damage to practitioners.

Of course, Li Sandou not only found a lot of arrows on the ground, but also found a brightly lit corridor.

The reason why there are lights in this corridor is that the oil lamps on the stone wall are lit at intervals.

Because this corridor is not only long, but also turns, Li Sandou can't see too much through this corridor.

"Let's go."

Li Sandou took out a long sword from xuminajie and held it in his hand. With nangongyue, he began to walk carefully into the corridor.

This corridor is very smooth, different from the one he met in the past. It was carefully excavated.

Moreover, this corridor can accommodate three people passing in parallel, about three meters high.

Because this corridor was too delicate, Li Sandou, who went inside, became more and more curious about the treasures inside.


All of a sudden, the strange cry at the end of the corridor came a terrible scream.


Listening to these screams, Li Sandou and nangongyue turned pale on the spot.

"You'd better not go in with me, you go up quickly."

The next second, the color change of Li Sandou to the next Nangong month road.

Because he didn't have to look, he knew that there must be something terrible inside. The group of ah San who just entered the corridor must have been killed.

He really didn't want nangongyue to take risks with him.

"No, I'll follow in."

At this time, nangongyue is like those paper girls who watch supernatural movies. The more frightening they are, the more they like to watch them. Even if their pretty faces are pale, they have to go in with them.

"Well, you must listen to me later."

"Yes, yes."

Li Sandou is helpless and can only take nangongyue to move on.

And the screams seemed to stop, there was no more sound, and the silence was terrible.


"What's that?"

Soon, Li Sandou and nangongyue come to a corner of the corridor. When they turn around and look forward, they turn pale.

About 100 meters in front, there is a pool 200 meters long and 10 meters wide.

I don't know how deep the pool is. I can't see it from this angle. But in the middle of the pool, there is a thing with thick thighs and dark, which looks like a log. From this end of the pool to that end of the pool.

You don't have to look at this situation. If you want to pass through this pool, you have to step on this dark log like thing.

Should be the sentence: over a single wooden bridge.

Now the scene is a single wooden bridge, and it's also a very long single wooden bridge.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Sandou knew that the screams just now must be some ah San who had passed the single wooden bridge and fell from the single wooden bridge under the pool.Soon, Li Sandou confirmed his guess.

When he took nangongyue to the pool and looked down at it, there were dead ah San lying under the pool more than ten meters deep.

But what they are seeing at the moment is terrible.

Because the scorpions, the size of fists, were gnawing at their bodies. In less than a few minutes, there were only bloody skeletons left.


The South Temple month suddenly feels a burst of nausea, can't help but toward the side cover small mouth.

"Are you all right?"

"Otherwise, don't follow me. It's too dangerous."

Seeing nangongyue's vomiting, Li Sandou came forward to care.

If it was him before, he would vomit like nangongyue when he saw the scene at the bottom of the pool.

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