Soon, Li Sandou returned to Murong mansion.

However, instead of going back to his yard at the first time, he found murongbo.

"Friar Li, what can I do for you?"

Murongbo asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Murong, I will move out from here tomorrow."

Lee Sandou road.

"Move out, move to where, Li friar you not our Murong family's offering?"

Murongbo was stunned and asked.

"Moving to the tiger and leopard army camp, I am now the commander in chief of the tiger and leopard army. I need to train in the past."

Li San Dou explained.

"Commander in chief of the tiger and leopard army?"

Murongbo was surprised.

Others don't know the weight of the tiger and leopard army. He knows it all.

The tiger and leopard army is an important army to guard the sunset city. It has 10000 troops. How could the emperor give the 10000 troops to friar Li.


Li Sandou did not continue to explain. He believed that the other party would soon get information through various channels.

After saying goodbye to murongbo, Li Sandou returned to his courtyard room.

"Brother, you're back."

Nangongyue is coming.


Li Sandou nodded and then said, "by the way, Xiaoyue, I have one thing to tell you. I'll move to the tiger and leopard camp tomorrow. You can go with me if you want to. If you don't want to go, you can stay in Murong mansion."

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Nangongyue is confused.

Immediately, Li Sandou explained that he had got the tiger and leopard army.

"Brother, I'll go wherever you go."

After listening to Li Sandou's words, Nangong Yue didn't want to say anything.

"Well, as for Kaya, I'm sure he'll go with him."

Later, Li Sandou talked with Nangong Yue for a few words, and went to bed early to practice.

The next morning, Li Sandou got up.

He asked the Murong family to help load the goods in his room into the carriage and transport them to the tiger and leopard camp.

After that, he took nangongyue and Kaya to bid farewell to the Murong family and went to the tiger and leopard camp.


"Did you hear that the tiger and leopard army in Gongwei sunset city was captured by friar Li? Viscount Li is the commander of the tiger and leopard army."

"Yes, I also heard that it was Viscount Li who made a bet with general Leng that the two sides would drill with 1000 people. As a result, general Leng lost to Viscount Li. Finally, with the recommendation of general Leng, the emperor let Viscount Li lead the tiger and leopard army of 10000 people. "

"This Viscount Li is so powerful that he has won the military power of the tiger and leopard army even though he is a quasi son-in-law. The emperor really thinks highly of him and supports him."

"It's really more popular than people, but I don't think that Li zijue will control the 10000 strong tiger and leopard army smoothly, because Cao Cheng, the deputy commander of the tiger and leopard army, has regarded himself as the orthodox commander of the tiger and leopard army for half a year, but now Li zijue has taken away the orthodox commander. I think he is the most angry person, and he will certainly take all kinds of measures against Li zijue."

"Isn't that right? Let's see who's good."


The best news of sunset today.

Of course, yesterday, after Li zijue defeated general Leng, who had made great contributions to the Empire, he was appointed the orthodox commander of the tiger and leopard army by the emperor. He even jumped 18 ranks and became the general of the first army.


"Hateful, too hateful, how can that boy he de? How can his majesty make him the orthodox commander of the tiger and leopard army and give him the tiger and leopard army? Isn't that a joke?"

"Your Majesty is in a daze. It seems that the Empire will soon perish."

"That boy has a tiger and leopard army. Now how can our Jiang family get revenge on that boy?"

"Don't worry. I don't think that boy will stay in the tiger and leopard army for long, because he has robbed Cao Cheng of his orthodox position. Cao Cheng will not let him go. He will certainly find a way to drive that boy out of the tiger and leopard army for the first time."

"Yes, the power of the Cao family is first-class in the Empire. I'm sure I won't let that boy go."

"As long as that boy is driven out of the tiger and leopard army, we will have a chance."

The Jiang family was full of anger.


"Cao tongshuai, what shall we do now?"

"That boy must move to the barracks today. How can we deal with it?"

"Yes, Cao tongshuai, hurry to think of a way, otherwise, he will really win the hearts of the people. Many soldiers at the bottom are fond of that boy now. They are looking forward to that boy's elixir to enhance their cultivation."

In a meeting room in the tiger and leopard camp, a group of generals are facing Cao Chengdao.

"Commander Cao, it's better."

An old man with Sanyang beard beside Cao Cheng said, "I have sent someone to investigate. This boy is not from the mysterious land, but from a Chinese place. As for where this Chinese place is, it has not been found out.However, from this point, we can see that this boy is an outsider. He has no influence in the Empire. He only relies on the favor of the emperor. Once that boy loses the favor of the emperor, his fate can be imagined. "

"Master Liu, how can you let that boy lose his favor with your majesty?"

"Yes, that boy not only cured the ninth princess, but also won the first prize in the martial arts contest. He is the son-in-law. It's hard to make him out of favor with the emperor."

Some people have doubts.

"Don't worry. Listen to me first."

Liu continued: "the tiger and leopard army is an important force to guard the sunset City, which your majesty values most. If general Leng didn't recommend it foolishly this time, your Majesty would not give the tiger and leopard army to him.

Therefore, we must punish the boy in front of your majesty. As long as the boy comes to the tiger and leopard army, once the management is improper, or many bad things happen to the tiger and leopard army.

At that time, he, the so-called orthodox commander-in-chief, will not be able to continue to serve. Even if he wants to serve, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty will not agree. His majesty will not be able to withstand the pressure and will definitely withdraw him. "

"Mr. Liu, you have a good analysis, but how can we make these things happen? There is no trace that the boy is involved."

"That boy is a cruel man. We can't resist his orders, or we will be killed by him."

"In the dark, how can we do something bad?"

Many people asked suspiciously.

"This mountain man has his own plan."

Commander Liu stroked his goatee and said with a twinkling of wisdom: "after you go back, no matter what method you use, let the soldiers be deserters in a short time. The more you escape, the better. If you can't let those soldiers be deserters, you can let your most trusted people escape."

"To be a deserter, commander Liu, what's the trick?"

People are more curious.

Master Liu explained: "you are stupid. As long as there are several hundred deserters in a short time, we secretly make some soldiers look like they are beaten badly. When the time comes, this matter will spread to the ears of civil and military officials and your majesty. What will they think.

Do you think that boy has no ability to command? As soon as he comes, he makes the tiger and leopard army fly with fear, and a large number of soldiers flee. At that time, the civil and military officials and their majesty will dare to continue to hand over the tiger and leopard army to him. Surely not. "


"Mr. Liu, you have a good plan."

When the generals didn't turn around, Cao Chengda, who was sitting on the throne, patted his chair and praised: "in this way, the boy can't catch me. It's the soldiers who want to escape. The whole tribe must be responsible for him. Then, I'll see how he can be the commander."

"Yes, it's a good plan."

Commander Cao Tong praised him, and the generals at the bottom also praised him.

"However, commander Cao Tong, there is one more thing to pay attention to. There are several generals who are not united with us. They are afraid that they are not willing to cooperate."

Some people have doubts.

At this time, Mr. Liu said: "it's all right. As long as they don't care about our business, they can do whatever they want. However, it needs to be done in secret. Don't let out the news. We must let the soldiers escape by themselves, not by us. At that time, you can rest assured that our military division will come out in person and bring out some monsters, so we will not believe that those soldiers will not be scared away. "

"Ha ha ha, if you have a military adviser, you will succeed."

"Then we can rest assured that as long as the military adviser comes out, that boy will be driven away by us soon."


"Who are you? This is a military area. Please leave quickly."

At the gate of the tiger and leopard camp, the soldiers guarding the gate are facing the cold channel of a convoy coming outside.

"This soldier, we are from Murong mansion. We help escort General Li's goods. Please put them down and let us transport them in."

A principal of Murong Prefecture is humanitarian.

"Er, it turns out that you are helping General Li deliver goods, but this is a military camp. You must have a token to get in. No matter who you are, it's the same."

The guards were stunned, but they were helpless.

It's not that they don't want to be accommodating, they can't be accommodating. Once they are accommodating and reported, they will be dealt with by military law.

"Well, let's wait. General Li will be here soon."

However, the people of Murong mansion can only continue to wait.

Dada dada

Soon, there was the sound of horses' hooves in the distance.

People turned to see, there are two fast horses toward so fast.

These two fast horses, the first fast horse has a man and a woman, the woman is young and beautiful, the man is also young, but a head of white hair is extremely dazzling.

"It's General Li."

All of them stood up quickly, and the soldiers guarding the gate stood upright and serious, not daring to look a little lazy.After all, the orthodox commander-in-chief of the tiger and leopard army is coming. If General Li is not satisfied, they will be finished.

"What's the matter with you?"

Li Sandou, who is riding a horse and carrying Nangong Yue, can't help strangling the horse and asking.

"Back to General Li, the guard said we can't go in without a token."

Someone answered.


Listen, Li Sandou nodded slightly and didn't say anything, but he turned to the soldier who was guarding the door and said, "the generals are here, you still don't let them go."

"Yes, yes, my Lord Commander."

The soldiers rushed to remove the obstacles.

Immediately, Li Sandou rode with nangongyue to the tiger and leopard camp.

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