"Say, say everything you see."

Here, helianhong can't help but believe the information brought back by the contact personnel.

"Sire, when we went to the third army, we saw skeletons everywhere. The dead generals and soldiers, it seems that they were not eaten after they died. It seems that they were eaten before they died. "

"Your Majesty, my subordinates also saw that tens of thousands of soldiers were not killed by eating flesh and blood, but were killed by the innate master's refuting sword skill."

"It's terrible, your majesty. You must find out the reason. You can't let the soldiers of the Empire lose their lives in this way."

The two liaison officers shivered and told what they had seen and heard.


Listening to the words of the two liaison officers, the ministers and generals were shocked again.

And he Lianhong's face became more and more ugly.

Soon after, he ordered: "send people to inform the fourth and fifth armies quickly, so that they must be careful and never give the enemy a chance. As long as it's daybreak, we will launch a general attack immediately and win the sunset Empire at one stroke."


At present, this is the only way.


"Newspaper, General Li, the enemy's fourth army is about 20 kilometers away."

Listening to the intelligence sent back by the intelligence personnel, Li Sandou immediately stopped and ordered the whole army: "everyone has it. Take a rest for ten minutes immediately. After ten minutes, we attack. We still act according to the original plan. You feint."


The innate master of ten thousand people immediately stopped to have a rest.


"Commander in chief, just now your majesty has sent us a message that we must be careful. It also brings a very bad news that the third army of our empire has been killed by the enemy in a terrible way."

In the tent of the commander of the Fourth Army, an intelligence officer ran in.

"The Third Route Army has been completely destroyed by the enemy. Is it possible that the intelligence is correct?"

"The third route army can have 100000 people and another 20000 people. How can it be annihilated by the enemy?"

"Even if the third army is defeated by the enemy, it is impossible for it to escape without anything."

For the intelligence brought back by the intelligence personnel, no matter the commander or the general in the big tent can believe that the intelligence is true.

"Commander in chief, you generals, this is absolutely true. Your majesty has ordered us to be cautious."

Repeated the agent.

"The third army has really been destroyed."

"How did the Third Army annihilate the enemy?"

"How did none of them escape? How did they die?"

After more than a minute's shock, the commander-in-chief and the general responded. They did not dare to question the truth of the news, but were shocked and curious about how the enemy annihilated the Third Route Army.

"Your Majesty hasn't found out the reason yet, but almost all the soldiers of the third route army were killed by eating their flesh and blood before they died. Only tens of thousands of soldiers were killed by the enemy's refuting swordsmanship."

Said the intelligence officer.

"How is it possible to die after eating flesh and blood?"

"Is there something terrible that we don't know, something that the enemy releases?"

"It's impossible. Even the most powerful emperor can't control many beasts."

"It's very strange."

The commander-in-chief and the general were still confused.

"You must be careful when you pass the order."

After a while, I couldn't think of a dull commander who ordered.


"All of you. Let's go."

About ten minutes later, after looking at the sky, Li Sandou immediately gave the order.


With Li Sandou's order, all the people rushed to the enemy ten kilometers away.


"It's almost dawn. Why did the commander tell us to be careful? Did he come to attack us at this time?"

"It's almost dawn, and the enemy dare to sneak attack. That's the rhythm of death."

"If there is an enemy attack, we can make contributions again."

Lurking in a highland, the Fourth Army's death fighters are a little strange at the moment.

They have just been ordered to be careful in case the enemy attacks.

But it's almost dawn. How could the enemy dare to sneak attack.

What's more, they are all real daredevil players. They are eager for the enemy's sneak attack.

As long as the enemy comes to sneak attack, they can kill the enemy. Why not.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, enemy attack..."

At this moment, there was a sound of panic in the distance.

"Well, there's a fool coming to die.""All have it. Prepare for our general. As soon as the enemy enters the killing range of lightsaber, immediately perform lightsaber for our general and kill the enemy."

"Yes, general."

At that time, these ten thousand people's daredevil players, who were born experts, had no fear. On the contrary, their whole body was boiling with blood. They wanted the enemy to come up quickly so that they could kill them.

"Ha ha, death squads, I'll bury you all in the belly of wasps."

At this moment, Li Sandou has stopped. While he is looking at the front, he holds the Turquoise Gemstone to call all the wasps out of sumina ring, and then pounces on the high school in front of him in the dark.

As for the innate master of ten thousand people, he rushed to the front.

"Refute swordsmanship, release."

"Refute swordsmanship, release."

About a few minutes later, he entered the killing range of lightsaber, and the ten thousand inborn masters of both sides immediately used lightsaber.

For a moment, countless weapons fired at each other.


At the next moment, Li Sandou's ten thousand inborn masters immediately stopped using refuting swordsmanship and turned around one by one to escape from the spot as quickly as possible.

"Ha ha ha, you see they are scared out of their wits and dare not die with us. Brothers, all of them will be killed by our general."

"If you dare to attack us with such courage, you are really looking for death."

"All have it. Control the weapons and kill the enemy."


At the moment, the ten thousand dare to die team members were excited, their eyes were bloodthirsty, and they focused on controlling their weapons to kill the enemy.

Hum, hum

However, the next second, the sky and earth above them came strange.

Their head seems to have countless insects and other insects tearing, buzzing sound dense appear.

"Ah No, we have a lot of fist sized Hornets coming down on our heads

"Can't these wasps make the third army a skeleton, ah I'll kill the wasps first. "

"Ah It's scary. "

As the sky was getting brighter, the soldiers who looked up quickly found that a fist sized hornet was rushing down on them.

At the moment, they were terrified. Instead of controlling the enemy in front of them, they used their fists to shoot up to the top of their heads.

Bang Bang

For a time, many wasps were killed by them.

However, there were too many wasps, and they only had 10000 people. After a while, many soldiers could not kill the wasps, and they were immediately bitten by the wasps.

After a while, the soldiers struggled and screamed, and were bitten by the wasps. They became a bloody skeleton and fell down.

"No, they found general Li's wasp ahead of time. Let's fight back and kill it."

The ten thousand inborn masters who had stopped using lightsaber before, now they are turning back quickly, and then they are using lightsaber against the ten thousand daredevil who are fighting with the wasp on the high ground.

"Ah No, the enemy will attack again and use refuting swordsmanship. "

"Ah, hateful, hateful, my general will return here."

The daredevil on the highland was surprised again at the moment, because the enemy who had been scared away by them turned back and used refuting swordsmanship on them.

And at the moment, they are haunted by hornets and dare not be distracted.

Otherwise, it becomes a skeleton immediately.

However, there were ten thousand weapons in front of them.

For a time, someone was silly and knew that he was dying.

"What's going on ahead?"

In the camp far behind, 80000 soldiers and generals came out of the tent to be on guard.

As it was still very dark, the members of the death squadron were too far away from them, so they could not see clearly the situation in front of them. However, the screams in front of them completely frightened them.

"Is it our death squads that are killing the enemy at the moment?"

"It must be. The daredevil is not afraid of death. When the enemy comes to sneak attack, they will not be able to break through the defense line of the daredevil. They will be killed by the daredevil."

"No, no, the direction of the scream sounds like the place where the expendables are."


80000 soldiers and generals speculated.

But after a while, they turned pale.

"Ah Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw... "

The commander-in-chief of the fourth army now saw the clue. Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered to take 80000 troops with him to retreat towards the rear in a panic.

If it had been before, he might not have ordered a retreat.

But before I got the information and will from the emperor, the scream in front of me was where the death squads were.In this case, the death squads must have encountered terrible means of attack.

As the emperor's intelligence said, the third army was annihilated by a terrible means of attack.

If they stay here, I am afraid they will soon follow the fate of the third army and become a skeleton.

"It's so hateful that we dare to kill so many wasps of our general. All of them are there. If we chase them, our general will destroy them."

After killing the enemy's ten thousand death squads, Li Sandou came here for the first time.

But see a large number of wasps were killed, extremely distressed he did not give orders from the cool.


The innate master of ten thousand people rushed to the front immediately.

And Li Sandou is the same, controlling the wasp to rush from the high altitude.

"Commander, commander, what's going on ahead."

The rear defense of a ten thousand people dare to die team, watching the commander led 80000 troops running quickly, they were extremely curious.

"You go up and break it."

The commander-in-chief of the fourth Route Army ordered that he continue to retreat with 80000 troops.

"What's the matter, commander? There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Give orders to the general and kill them."


With the order of the commander of the death squads, ten thousand congenital experts rushed forward.

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