Shangguan Yunlong rushed into the hotel with the group of black people. Strangely, the security guard of the hotel didn't stop him at all. He seemed very afraid of them and kept away.

Li Dong feels that something is wrong. He immediately asks yizang to evacuate and goes to the bathroom to tell Liangzi about the situation.

Liangzi came out of the bathroom with XiaoCong in a hurry. The two women had drops of water in their hair and their faces were red.

"Liangzi, take her through the back door. I'll stop Shangguan Yunlong."

Li Dong gave Liang Zi a few instructions and immediately asked them to leave with Yi Zang, while he went down in the elevator.

As soon as the elevator opened, he saw Shangguan Yunlong coming. He was obviously stunned when he saw Li Dong's appearance, and then flashed a fierce cold light to Li Dong.

"Brother Shangguan, long time no see." Li Dong takes the initiative to say hello to Shangguan Yunlong. Shangguan Yunlong is not polite either. He brings the group of black people to the elevator.

The space in the elevator was not small, but the black people were so big that they crowded Li Dong into a corner as soon as they came in.

Shangguan Yunlong didn't say hello to Li Dong. He said a few words in Tommy's ear, then walked up to Li Dong and gave him a sinister smile.

"Li Dong, the last time you took care of me in the hospital, today I want to take all of them back."

"Care in the hospital? You have a special understanding of care. " Seeing that all the black people turned to him, Li Dong knew what Shan Guan Yunlong was up to.

"Well! Don't talk nonsense to me, Tommy, teach him a lesson With a wave of his hand, Shangguan Yunlong immediately retreated behind the black people. One of the tallest black people came up to Li Dong and made a crackling noise with his fist.

"Don't blame us, boy. Who let you offend him?" Tommy's tall figure overlooks Li Dong, but Li Dong is not afraid at all. He has been used to this kind of gangster for a long time.

"Offend him? That's not offending. That's offending. "


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Dong suddenly raised his leg and kicked Tommy in the stomach. Tommy was a head taller than Li Dong, but he couldn't stop Li Dong. He fell heavily on the wall and hit Shangguan Yunlong behind him.

"Fuck, go!" Tommy didn't expect that Li Dong had so much strength. He suffered a big loss in face-to-face and hurried to let others join him.

The black people on the left and right sides clasped Li Dong's shoulders and tried to restrain him. Unfortunately, Li Dong was not good at it. He just kicked one of them in the crotch, and the black man immediately fell to his knees. Li Dong pulled the other black man to the ground.

In the narrow elevator, a large number of people may not be dominant. What's more, Li Dong's ability is not comparable to that of the black people. He knocked the black people to the ground in two or three times.

When Tommy saw that his companion was hit, he swung his fist to hit Li Dong's head heavily. Li Dong turned to avoid Tommy's heavy fist. His fist hit the wall of the elevator, and even the wall was sunken.

When Li Dong saw that Tommy was so close to him, he suddenly remembered a move Wen Qing had used. He jammed Tommy's heel, went straight into Tommy's chest, hit all his strength on his shoulder and hit him heavily.


Tommy was hit by Li Dong's shoulder against the wall again. This time, his injury was more painful than the previous one, and even his breathing stopped.

Hiding in the corner of the Shangguan Yunlong see Li Dong so fierce, scared words dare not say, a strength of shaking.

Tommy tried hard to get up, but found that his legs were weak. Just now, he felt like he was falling apart. He didn't expect that the yellow boy in front of him was so powerful. In a few minutes, he put all of them down and put his heart behind his back.

Who knows, Li Dong found the abnormality of Tommy, stepped on his shoulder, painful Tommy bared his teeth.


A metallic voice came from behind Tommy. Li Dong punched him and knocked him out completely. He took out a pistol from behind him.

See pistol Shangguan Yunlong on the spot scared silly, if Tommy took out, he still has a little confidence, but now the pistol fell in Li Dong's hand, is simply the biggest bad news.

"No, don't kill me!" Shangguan Yunlong was afraid. He knew that he would go to XiaoCong first instead of Li Dong. Unexpectedly, Li Dong was so fierce that even black people could easily defeat him.

Li Dong looks at Shangguan Yunlong faintly. Although he hates Shangguan Yunlong, he doesn't want to kill him. After all, it's against the law to kill people in any country. Li Dong only takes the bullet from the pistol, completely removes the pistol and leaves it at Shangguan Yunlong's feet. Shangguan Yunlong shrinks again.

"Don't let me see your trouble with Li Mei in the future. Remember, Li Mei is my woman. I won't be so lucky to meet her next time." After that, the door of the elevator opens. Li Dong presses the first floor to send Shangguan Yunlong back downstairs. He slowly comes out of the elevator and calls yizang to inquire about the situation.

"Boss, we have escaped. We will contact you when we find a safe place."

Yi Zang's work is reliable. He knows Li Dong's meaning very well. He takes Liang Zi and Xiao Cong to a place where no one can find them.

After Li Dong has cleaned up Shangguan Yunlong, he calls Changmao and asks him to arrange XiaoCong to return home as soon as possible. Shangguan Yunlong must have some special way to find here so soon. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable it will be for them.

At night.

Li Dong receives a message from yizang that he has found a safe place to hide Xiao Cong and ask Li Dong to meet him. Li Dong immediately puts on his clothes and comes to the appointed place.

This is a very common Church in the neighborhood. Like other churches, there are services every week and devout believers come to pray. But unlike other churches, the priests in this church are all Chinese.

Yizang is really looking for a good place. Where there are Chinese people, we can get help.

Li Dong pushed the door and went in. A priest came up and saluted him politely.

"You, Mr. Li?"

"It's me."

"Your friend has been waiting for you for a long time. Please follow me." With Li Dong in his body, he walked towards the back, which was the accommodation of the church and the hiding place of yizang.

The priest took Li Dong to the basement of the residential area. This is an old wine cellar. There is a wooden door in the cellar. The priest just took Li Dong to the front of the wooden door and left.

Li Dong thanks the priest and knocks on the door. There comes a woman's voice.

"Who is it?"

"I'm Li Dong." Li Dong replied.

The wooden door opened slowly, and a mammy stood at the door to salute Li Dong slowly.

"Boss!" Yizang came out from behind Mammy and was surprised.

Li Dong made a sound of alarm. After entering the room, he found Liangzi and XiaoCong in the room.

"How did you find it?" Li Dong looked around and found that the environment in the room was very good. Although there were only a few simple beds, it was very reassuring.

"Ha ha, it's not me, it's XiaoCong. She said that there are only Chinese here, so we're here." Yi Zang pointed to Xiao Cong, who was still dressed in nun's clothes and was still wearing glasses, holding the briefcase tightly in his hand.

"Is it safe here?" Li Dong asked.

"Don't worry. It's very safe here. God's children will be blessed." Mammy drew a cross on her chest to pray for several people.

Li Dong nodded, thanks and touched. By the way, he asked what they needed, and then began to discuss the next plan.

"Boss, those of them come so fast. We dodged them twice and were found by them twice. Is there a spy around us?" Yi Zang asked carefully.

"Yes, you are also a slippery man." Li Dong patted Yi Zang's head. This guy doesn't speak through his brain. Only Yi Zang and Liangzi know Li Dong's actions. Even the bodyguards don't know. It's absolutely impossible for outsiders to know.

Yi Zang touched his head with a smile and shut up, but the mammy on one side said.

"You guys should be the Black Skull gang in this area, they are gangs of black people, who have been entrenched in this city, and have many eye lines. All the places where there are black people have their own people. You should be discovered by them." Then she left the room and prepared dinner for several people.

Li Dong feels his chin. No wonder these people will find them so quickly. They should know that there are more or less black waitresses in general hotels, and even some of the front desk are black. If those people are their eyes, then Li Dong will fall into their eyes every time they enter, and it is only a matter of time before they find their whereabouts.

"These people are deeply rooted. I have informed Changmao, but it's very difficult for Changmao to go through the formalities there. It will take time. You stay here. It's safe for the time being." Li Dong is worried that Xiao Cong will be found by those people. He repeatedly warns.

Yi Zang nodded in a hurry, and Liangzi kept holding Xiao Cong's palm, which made her feel at ease.

Li Dong explained a few words, and then secretly left the church. At least now Xiao Cong is safe, but the black skeleton will soon find here, and then they will have no place to hide.

After thinking about it, Li Dongsi thought that hiding was not the best way. He should take the initiative to attack. He planned to test the black skeleton.

After hearing about the headquarters of the black skeleton, Li Dong went there by car.

The headquarters of Black Skull is built on a pink street full of all kinds of blue and white industries. Pornography, gambling and drugs are everywhere here. No one cares how people live here, because there has long been a set of rules of their own.

Li Dong was walking on the pink street, and received all kinds of windows on both sides. In each window, there were women in exposed clothes soliciting guests, which reminded him of the gray market before governance. There was always such a dark corner in every city.

Not long after he left, Li Dong came to a nightclub. According to the news, all the people of black skeleton were in the nightclub.

Li Dong pushed the door open and walked into the dark and pink hall.

Li Dong walked into the nightclub. The deafening metal music made his ears numb. There were countless men and women dancing with the music on the huge dance floor. Both men and women are rubbing against other people's chest or back. It doesn't matter if they don't know the opposite sex. They just want to vent their pent up desire.

Li Dong went to the bar and asked for a drink.

At first, the bartender ignored Li Dong and just looked at him casually. Until Li Dong took out a bill and put it on the table, the bartender brought a glass of cheap wine to Li Dong.

Li Dong was very puzzled about the attitude of the bartender. After a careful observation, he found that both men and women in the nightclub were black, but he was the only one with yellow skin. He had long heard that gangs were very exclusive. Without their permission, people with other skin colors could not join. Now it seems that these rumors are true.

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