
Li Dong was so excited that he almost threw the phone out. Standing on the Kang, he jumped up and made the Kang bang.

"The big boss is the big boss, and his hand is 1.5 million. How can we spend so much money?" Li Dong is so beautiful that he can't find the north. His big mouth looks like a flower, so he's on the verge of sunshine.

Li Dong's mobile phone vibrated for a moment, reached out to open it, and Li Dong saw clearly that his bank card had recorded 750000 yuan on the SMS.

Seeing that there was more than one million yuan on his card, Li Dong couldn't control it any more. He was so excited that he began to laugh at the lintel with his hands akimbo.

"My God, isn't the child worried about something? Why do you giggle at home? " Suddenly, a crisp and sharp voice came from the outside, and a full body twisted into Li Dong's courtyard.

Li Dong's family didn't even have a gate. Li Dong didn't know who came in. He turned around and said, "isn't this sister-in-law Li? Why do you come to my house when you have time? "

Li cuie is a famous widow in Nanwan village. She married to Nanwan village at the age of 19. In the past three years, her husband was killed by steel bars at the construction site, leaving her a son and three houses.

If you want to say that Li cui'e looks like a model, she is only 28 years old this year. When she is beautiful and beautiful, and she is concave and convex, she can't see her plump body in the next life, which makes the elders of shiliba village salivate.

However, for so many years, Li cui'e is still single, with all kinds of rumors and gossip, plus the gossip spread by those jealous women in the village. Li Dong has never heard of who Li cui'e had an undisclosed relationship with.

"Er Dan, my sister-in-law wants to ask you something." Li cui'e's eyes stayed on the truck in Li Dong's yard for a few seconds: "the water pump of my sister-in-law's house is broken. You can show it to my sister-in-law."

"OK, no problem. Wait a minute, sister-in-law. I'll change my clothes." Li Dong pulled out a patched dress from the broken cupboard with a door left beside him, put it on his body at will, and jumped out.

"How old are you? You're so naughty. No one is serious. Be careful you won't get a daughter-in-law in the future!" Li cui'e gave Li Dong a white look and patted him on the arm.

Li cui'e's little hands are rough, but the rough feeling makes Li Dong straight goose bumps. He doesn't know why. His eyes are not honest. He glances at Li cui'e's magnificent peak: "what are you afraid of, sister-in-law? If I can't find my daughter-in-law, you can marry me. Let's live together."

"What nonsense, boy? Talk nonsense with my sister-in-law, otherwise I'll tear your mouth Li cuie's little face turned red and spat at Li Dong: "you can't talk nonsense out of here!"

"Hey, sister-in-law, you tear me up, I also say, who let you look so good-looking, I really rare you!" Li Dong's face didn't care, smiling and squinting.

Li cui'e had known for a long time that Li Dong was a mischievous boy. It was useless to say that. She ignored Li Dong and turned around to walk out of Li Dong's yard.

Li Dong followed and watched Li cui'e walk with her wild waist and plump hips. He could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. If he could come up with Li cui'e, he would be ecstatic enough!

"Where are you going when you arrive?" Li cui'e stood in front of her house. She turned around and saw Li Dong standing beside the wall, staring at herself. She walked further and bumped into the wall: "where do you look? There's no serious one at this size. "

"Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful. I can't get tired of seeing you. If only I were a few years older, I would marry you!" Li Dong cracked his mouth with a smile and showed two rows of white teeth. He continued to tease Li cuie with indifference.

Li cui'e was flushed by Li Dong and covered her face: "fortunately, I'm so old. No one wants me anymore."

"Who said that? Sister in law, you are so young and beautiful. Who will not want you? Others don't want it. I want you, Li Erdan! " Li Dong clapped his chest and stood in front of Li cuie.

Li cuie blushed even more seriously, but she was also happy. She took a look at Li Erdan affectionately and looked around: "come in quickly, don't talk nonsense. It's not good for you to be heard so loud."

"Well, I'm not afraid of being heard by others. Anyone who wants to listen to me will listen to me. Anyway, it's all about chewing. If you want to chew, you can chew. I don't care for you, sister-in-law!" Li Dong stretched out his big hand, like a demonstration, grabbed Li cuie's small hand and walked towards the yard.

"Er Dan, what are you doing? Let go quickly and don't let people see you." Li cui'e struggled a few times, but she couldn't open Li Dong's hand. Li cui'e blushed to the root of her neck and looked out in a panic.

There was no one outside. Li cui'e was relieved. Looking at Li Dong Jianshuo's figure and his powerful hand, Li cui'e suddenly felt happy.

After so many years of not knowing the feeling of having a man at home, Li cui'e suddenly felt so empty and lonely that she couldn't express too much grievance and helplessness.

Li Dong's appearance gives Li cui'e a sense of security. It seems that this man is her own backer.

Sweet Zizi's feeling rippling in Li cui'e's heart, no longer struggling with Li Dong's small hand, obediently following Li Dong's back.

Li Dong also felt that Li cui'e was no longer struggling. He was very happy that he had not won Wu Ying. If he could win Li cui'e, it would be an unexpected harvest!

Li Dong's big hand subconsciously stretches up and pulls Li cui'e's arm. Seeing that Li cui'e doesn't hide, his heart is more stable. He turns around and pulls Li cui'e, and Li cui'e bumps into Li Dong's arms.

Li cui'e was startled. She was so flustered that she screamed softly. She was softened by Li Dong's masculinity. She had no strength in her legs and wanted to struggle out: "Er Dan, let go of your sister-in-law quickly. It's not good for others to see it!"

"Sister in law, what are you afraid of? You're single and I'm alone. Isn't it just right for us to be together? " Li Dong hugged Li cuie with a smile: "sister-in-law, you are so fragrant."

"Er Dan, please, don't do this, sister-in-law.".. Sister in law can't do that.. You still.. You're too young for me. " Li cui'e didn't even speak completely. Her face was flushed, her eyes were watery, her mouth was steaming, and she leaned against Li Dong.

This opportunity is too good, Li Dong does not take the opportunity to take Li cuie, the God does not allow!

Li Dong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, no longer hesitated, and opened his mouth to face Li cuie.

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