Li Dong was not happy to hear that. His neck was crooked and he stood on tiptoe and said, "Hey, what's the matter with your dog market? No business? You want to hit me? Why did you hit me? "

"Why? What the hell are you talking about? " The lock pillar was flushed with anger from Li Dong. He reached out and wiped the dog excrement left on his mouth: "you even kicked me with the foot that stepped on the dog excrement. Why do you say I am!"

"Why? Did I kick you just now? I'm so sorry. I just want to find a place to scrape the shit off my feet. I didn't see your face. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! " Li Dong apologized with a smile, but there was no sense of regret in his eyes.

Lock column gas of whole body straight shiver, gnash teeth of stare at Li Dong: "fuck you, you still Leng do what?"? Give me a fight and kill the little boy

The great men agreed in a hurry. They stood up one after another, picked up the guy next to them and ran to Li Dong.

Seeing this, Li Dong turned around and grabbed Wang Xiaohua's hand: "run!"

Lock column Leng for a moment, this just reaction come over, get up from the ground, anxious straight jump foot: "I damn say how can someone come to the dog market at this time, originally is that woman son's help, give me chase, two give me chase back, otherwise the boss knows, we all have to die, hurry up to chase!"

The big guys agreed in a hurry, grabbed the guy and ran out.

But Li Dong's speed is too fast. The big guys are not slow behind him, but they can't keep up with Li Dong who has been running on the mountain since he was a child.

As soon as Suo Chu saw this posture, he shivered with anger. He clenched his fists and looked around. At one glance, he saw the dog howling on the ground.

"Fuck you, son of a bitch, I'll let you run, let you run fast!" Lock column roared angrily, reached out and grabbed the whip, released all the dogs in the nearby dog cage, and gave the dog a hard whip: "give me to chase, all give me to chase!"

The dogs howled when they were hit by the lock post. They looked at the lock post in horror and ran out with their tails wagging. Like Li Xuan's arrow, they chased Li Dong directly.

"Mom, Erdan, there's a dog. The dog is catching up!" Wang Xiaohua only looked back and saw the dog coming up quickly from behind. He was so scared that he lost his face and cried out regardless of the image.

Li Dong's forehead is also full of sweat. If those big men really catch up, it's impossible for Li Dong himself and Wang Xiaohua to beat them.

Hearing Wang Xiaohua's cry, Li Dong also looks back. A smile appears at the corner of his mouth. Seeing that the big man can't catch up with him, there are only a group of dogs chasing him. Li Dong has a lot of confidence in his heart.

"Son, you really don't know what I'm good at!" Li Dong laughs and turns his eyes. He takes a look at the nearby Hutong. He reaches out his hand and pushes Wang Xiaohua to the Hutong. "Sister, don't come out when you hear anything. Find a place to get up!"

Wang Xiaohua was so scared that she had no idea. She nodded instinctively, looked at both sides, found a garbage can and hid behind.

Li Dong is sure that there is no problem. He smiles and turns to go back.

The great men were hundreds of meters away from Li Dong. As they watched Li Dong go back, they all stood still, with a smile on their lips.

"This fool, seeing so many dogs dare to come back, I'm looking for death!"

"Yes, he doesn't know. These dogs are scared by us. It's not easy for them to get revenge. It's strange that they don't bite this fool to death!"

The big guys all burst out laughing with confidence on their faces. They squatted on the ground and pulled out a few cigarettes. One person made a circle and began to watch the excitement.

Li Dong didn't hear what the big guys said. He went straight to the dogs and sat down on the ground.

Seeing that Li Dong sat down, the dogs opened their mouths one after another and rushed to Li Dong with a howl.

"Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, man, stop first, what can we talk about?" Li Dong stretched out his hand and looked at the dogs with a smile. He reached out and took out a bag of dog food from his pocket.

Li Dong bought this for Rhubarb dog in the town before. When he went to the cave, Li Dong left in a hurry and forgot to put a bag in his pocket. Unexpectedly, it came in handy at this time.

Seeing dog food, these dogs obviously slowed down a lot and stopped in front of Li Dong one after another: "can you talk to us?"

"What is that? I tell you, I'm the Savior of dogs. I'm born to be good friends with dogs. I know a lot of dogs. As you see today, be a friend Li Dong opened the dog food with a smile and put out his hand.

Big Samo, the leader, looked at the dog behind him, then took a look at the direction of the big man, and spat out his tongue: "no, we have to bite you, otherwise, the people behind will kill our family, we dare not take risks!"

"Family? You mean your daughter-in-law and children are in their hands? " Li Dong's eyes turned and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, they are very cruel to our dogs. They have killed us all day long to sell money. Many of our brothers and sisters have been killed by them. We dare not disobey their orders." A husky in the back also came up, but his eyes were staring at the dog food in Li Dong's hand, and his saliva flowed out of his mouth.

"You see, you can eat if you want. We are all friends, right? I promise this dog food is absolutely non-toxic. I'm different from them! " Li Dong patted his thigh, then leaned forward and said with a smile, "Hey, man, I promise I can save your family. I'll help you deal with these bad guys. What do you think?"

"Pull it down, we won't believe human's words, you don't have to cheat us with rhetoric!" Husky yelled, two teeth often leak out and looked at Li Dong fiercely.

Li Dong smashed his mouth and showed a complaining face: "it's all the blame of these kids. You see, they scared you so much. Humans and dogs are the best friends. How can you not believe in humans? There are good people in humans. Do you think about your masters, is that right?"

When Li Dong said this, the dogs all called out one after another. You look at me, I look at you, and finally they didn't talk.

Li Dong was overjoyed and took advantage of the victory. He then moved forward: "yes, you're right. Trust me. You can trust me. This time, I promise you to save your family. I'll arrange for you to go to a place where you won't be caught again. What do you think?"

"Well, we'll trust you once. You must save our family, or we'll kill you even if we fight to death!" Samo shook his head and put out his big tongue in front of Li Dong.

Li Dong agreed with a smile and fed the dog food to the dogs in front of him. Then he stood up and waved to the big men.

"Hey, this idiot, he hasn't been bitten yet? What the hell are these dogs doing? I didn't eat! " As soon as he saw Li Dong's appearance, he threw away his cigarette end angrily and stood up angrily. He turned around and grasped a whip.

"Listen to me later. I'll do it whenever I say. Don't worry. Lie on the ground." Li Dong grinned and began to arrange his tactics.

The big men didn't know what Li Dong was doing. They waved the whip and walked to Li Dong step by step, with angry faces.

Li Dong raised his head, disdained to look at a few big men, vomited a mouthful: "tell you, now surrender quickly, I see you are all working, do not want to argue with you, you can not advance an inch."

"Oh, damn it, you son of a bitch, are you still fighting with us? Today, if you don't kill you, call me! " The big man suddenly drank and his face turned red. He grabbed the whip and whipped it at Li Dong.

Li Dong has been hunting for many years, and his skill is quick. Seeing the whip come down, Li Dong hides beside him and steps on the whip: "it's time for you guys to go up!"

The man shivered all over, and his eyes quickly looked around: "Damn, this boy is bringing people here? Damn, why didn't you see it just now? "

The big guys next to him were also startled. They quickly turned to look around, but they didn't see any figure. They all scratched their heads one after another: "no, fat brother, there's no one here. This boy is obviously scaring us!"

The man who had been trampled on the whip also looked at both sides and made sure that there was no one. His face was even more red with anger. His eyes were wide open and his teeth were gnashing. He stared at Li Dong: "Damn, I dare to fool us. If I don't kill you today, I won't be fat!"

"You love me or not, mind my ass!" Li Dong curled his mouth and crossed his waist with both hands: "besides, who told you that my helper is a human, and it may be."

Woof, woof, woof!

With Li Dong's words, the dogs who were lying behind all of a sudden stood up, howled loudly, and rushed to the big men.

The big men's eyes suddenly widened, and the more than ten dogs rushed straight towards their own direction, and the fierce momentum made them shiver.

"What the hell are these dogs? How dare you shout at us and beat them to death with a whip The fat man yelled and lashed with both hands.

Li Dong had been looking at the fat man's action. Seeing the fat man exerting himself, Li Dong suddenly retracted his feet, and the whip flew back directly from under Li Dong's feet.

But the fat man's strength is too big, this pull plus Li Dong's loose foot, the whip fly back faster, straight in the fat man's face.

"I'll go." Fat man was hit all over a shiver, mouth murmur, straight Leng Leng fell on the ground.

Fat just fell, the dog behind has rushed up, desperate to the rest of a few big man.

"I fuck, so much, can't fix, love me, don't bite me, oh, my ass!"

"Go to your uncle. Oh, you can't bite your thigh. Oh, not even here! Oh, dear

The big men cried for their parents one by one, as if they had been put on the execution ground. They cried out crazily and ran to the back in embarrassment.

Suozhu is smoking in the dog market, waiting for the big man to catch Li Dong back. Suddenly he hears the dog barking outside. Suozhu throws away the cigarette end and jumps down from the table impatiently.

"Damn it, it's hard for you to do anything. You're just good at it. It took me a long time to catch someone."

As soon as Suozhu came to the door, he saw a smiling face facing him. Around the figure, there were more than ten fierce dogs!

Suo Zhu was so excited that he opened his eyes and looked out. Then he saw five or six figures lying on the ground with blood on his body. He was obviously bitten hard.

The next lock column is completely understood, scared to step back a few steps, a foot trip on the dog rope, a buttock sitting on the ground: "I.. I tell you, don't be impulsive, or my boss will know, and you will feel better.

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