Shanzhu thought about it. Although Shanzhu learned Shennong's herbal classic, and a few days ago, after he came back from the county, erguzi took four medical books from his family to Shanzhu. However, Shanzhu also knew about internal medicine, surgery and so on. The treatment was very tiresome, and Shanzhu was not good at it.

Now, people's life is rich, beauty convenience has become a big consumption, county hospital also has a cosmetic surgery department, but, compared with the city, it is a waste.

Some small plastic surgery places in the county are like black workshops, which are not standardized.

On the one hand, beauty doesn't need any equipment and so on. Moreover, once it's done successfully, it's a word-of-mouth spread to everyone. I'm afraid that a group of beauties will never leave.


Chinese medicine cosmetology, large hospitals in the province also have ah, some herbal characteristics of herbal nutrition essence, is now popular in the market.

It's a good project with small investment, quick effect and huge profits to run TCM cosmetology.

as for.

Traditional Chinese medicine childbirth, it is simply related to the happiness of thousands of families, ah, some people are not satisfied with that aspect, some people can't have children, some people can't get pregnant and so on, but there are also hidden difficulties and so on, rarely go to the regular hospital to see a doctor.



If the regular hospital to do up, the effect is better than ordinary hospitals, it is not more powerful, more with real quality assurance.

"TCM cosmetology and TCM fertility are very good. Among them, TCM cosmetology is very popular now, especially in provincial hospitals, which have such special departments. However, our small county hospital lacks such talents, whose income is more than hundreds of thousands a month. Our temple is small, and we can't support this kind of Buddha. Shanzhu, your idea is good, I don't know, Do you have the strength in this area? "

The vice president on one side couldn't help laughing.


The vice president seldom sits in the clinic. He often goes out for inspection and presides over some daily work of the county hospital. Last time he went to the third provincial hospital for inspection, he also visited the beauty Department of traditional Chinese medicine of the third provincial hospital. Ancient traditional Chinese medicine, combined with modern medical technology, is of great use in beauty.

In ancient times, there were four beauties in China. Each of them was a master of beauty and beauty. I don't know how many of them were good at beauty and beauty.

But now, many beauties are thinking about how to use a knife, how to cut their chin, how to open their double eyelids and so on. It's very bloody. The vice president seems to have a feeling of putting the cart before the horse.

"Dean, you are still powerful. I have checked some ancient medical books and searched for thousands of prescriptions. Now, I have summed up four prescriptions with some traditional Chinese medicine beauty liquid. Of course, some beauty pills and pills are also under development. This is sunfish beauty liquid, which is extracted from aloe, a green Chinese herbal medicine. It has the effect of whitening skin, removing freckles and wrinkles, I have four bottles here. You can take them to the county hospital and divide them into sixty-four small portions. One small portion every day will do. You can smear them on your face and wait for them to dry. You don't even need to wash your face. It's naturally whitening. "

At this time.

Shanzhu took out a bottle of green liquid and stored it in a 500ml glass bottle. The green liquid was very rich.

Sunfish beauty liquid.

On one side, Tang Xiaoyou couldn't help laughing“ Shanzhu, when did you make this aloe beauty liquid, sunfish beauty liquid, and Luoyan beauty liquid, luoyuebashua beauty liquid? Such a good beauty and skin care product, I don't want my sister to try it first. "

Tang Xiaoyou can't help looking at Shanzhu and laughing happily.

"Sunfish beauty liquid, the effect? Is it really that good? " Deputy director Zhou can't help but ask Shanzhu. Since the vice president has already wanted to open a department of traditional Chinese medicine cosmetology and fertility, deputy director Zhou has no opinion. It must be a matter of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. He is the director of internal medicine, and it's not convenient to intervene.

"Of course, this bottle is about 500ml. It's a concentrated solution. When you use it, you'd better dilute it, dilute it with distilled water 1:10, and then you can evenly smear it on your face. When you sleep, the effect is the best. When you get up in the morning, you'll be in a good mood for whitening."

Shanzhu said solemnly.

This kind of whitening sunken fish beauty liquid is made by Shanzhu with the help of white pigment. The effect of Shanzhu has also been tested twice. A wrinkled eldest mother uses it, and the wrinkles are relieved and disappeared. It seems that she can be about ten years younger. There is no doubt about the effect.


Waiting for the initial farmland, Shanzhu could be equipped with this kind of liquid medicine when he was promoted to level 5. At that time, once Shanzhu's fame was known, he would go to the county hospital to visit the beauty Department of traditional Chinese medicine. At that time, it was like money pouring in.

"I think it's OK, Shanzhu. How much do you charge for this diluted beauty solution? When we go to the county hospital, we can have a try. Of course, you can share it, you can share it by 37%, you can share it by 30%, the hospital is 70%. When the effect is completely good, it can be divided into five parts. What do you think? "

The vice president is indeed worthy of being the vice president, and his work is clean and efficient.

"OK, but I have four bottles of sunken fish beauty liquid here. Vice president, you can take out one bottle and dilute it for 12 people. Can it be free first? If there are sisters in the hospital, it would be better. Some women in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology give birth to children, and their faces turn yellow. It's better to use this. Combined with my wonderful hand breast massage, I'm afraid that effect is even better. It's wonderful. "

On this side of the pillar, I can't help saying.

At the same time, Shanzhu also took out the other three bottles of green liquid medicine and gave them all to the deputy county magistrate. Now, nurse Zhang wants to stay and learn Shanzhu's skillful hand mammaplasty.

"Free, obstetrics and Gynecology, wonderful. Shanzhu, the obstetrics and Gynecology Department of our county hospital has always been on a par with the traditional Chinese medicine hospital and the second hospital. Together, they pose a great threat to the obstetrics and Gynecology Department of our county hospital. If you have your skillful hand in breast surgery and your aloe sunken fish beauty liquid, they can't work in our county hospital, let alone our county hospital, Don't you still have fertility pills? Take it out, and so back to the hospital to try the effect, this kind of infertility, our county hospital also has some, can test it? Anyway, they are often dead horse doctors

The vice president asked Shanzhu.

Sure enough.

At this time, Shanzhu took out a hundred golden pills, each of which is about the size of a glass ball. As soon as they were taken out, there was a fresh fragrance around them.

"This is King Kong No.9, which can improve sexual ability. Its effect is comparable to that of kingbrother capsule. It's green and pollution-free, and its effect is first-class. However, you can't be greedy. Just one pill a night is OK. It's limited for sale. Everyone can buy one pill a day at most. Our hospital is not responsible for more than one pill."

Shanzhu couldn't help saying.

The promotion of sexual ability is comparable to that of Jinge capsule. Now, the vice president looks at these small green pills and wants to use them first.

"Well, just try, Shanzhu. How can this be called King Kong No. 9? Do you still have No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and so on?" Vice President inquired. Li Lai admired Shanzhu for being able to develop this kind of pill in the countryside.

However, I don't know the effect. If the effect is good, Shanzhu will become the director of the traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the county hospital in the future. I'm afraid it will be sooner or later.

"King Kong No. 9 is just a name. For the time being, there is no no no. 2, No. 1 and so on. King Kong No. 9, King Kong, represents that King Kong will not fall. That man doesn't want his golden gun to fall. Seven times a night. This No. 9 represents persistence, long-term, long-term easy to use, long-lasting and powerful. It's a good man."

Explained Shanzhu.

Ha ha ha

Ha ha ha

On one side of the vice president, and vice director Zhou, Li Lai laughed one after another. Shanzhu's pill, named King Kong No. 9, originally meant this.

Wang Sandao, Tang Xiaoyou and Zhang Xiaoyan blushed one after another. When Shanzhu said this, they were embarrassed.

"Shanzhu, have you ever used such a good medicine? Don't say it so well. It won't work at that time. Don't pretend to be a charlatan? " At this time, Wang Sandao couldn't help saying.


Wang Sandao is used to fighting and making trouble. At this time, he doesn't want to make a joke with Shanzhu. He's just straightforward.

This is Wang Sandao's boyish character.

"I'll try. Shall we try together? After taking a pill, it's hard at night. I'm afraid it won't work if we don't find a hole to drill. Otherwise, let's stop fighting for two nights. Let's try the power of this pill and see if it's a long time. "

Shanzhu had no choice but to laugh.

"You two fight?" Tang Xiaoyou can't help but wonder. Now, Tang Xiaoyou already knows Wang Sandao's story. Unexpectedly, a little girl beat all the 15 little gangsters down. Wang Sandao has the name of Sandao.

"Who will try this King Kong No. 9 pill with you? Go to sister Xiaoyou to try it. You fight with me. I will accompany you to the end at night. You and I try this. Hum, unless you can win this girl, last night, you lost to this girl nine times. It's still a long time?"

Wang Sandao made fun of him.

At this time.

Vice president, deputy director Zhou, Li Lai and so on also laughed. Then, the vice president ordered Li Lai to take these pills and put them on the car with four bottles of sunken fish beauty liquid. Now, vice president Zhou, deputy director Zhou and so on are going back to the county hospital to work together.

When the vice president left, he also asked Shanzhu to let nurse Zhang learn the skill of hand mammaplasty as soon as possible, and then went back to teach the doctors and nurses in the county hospital.

At that time, with this skill, the income of Obstetrics Department of county hospital could be greatly improved. At that time, the vice president had face, and Shanzhu could speak more in county hospital.

At that time, it's not enough for the vice president to set up a TCM cosmetology department or TCM fertility department. Who else has other opinions.

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