The mountain pillar came quietly, and fell on the shadow. It pressed the shadow so that the shadow could not run any more.

"It smells good."

The mountain pillar pressed the shadow, afraid that the shadow would run away again. So close, it tasted the fragrance of the shadow.

Dark shadow has been running for half an hour. Now, she is too tired to use all her Kung Fu. She is so pressed by the pillar that she can't resist.

The fragrance was the fragrance of a girl. It was very hot under the mountain pillar. This time, it tasted the unique fragrance of a girl from the shadow, and it was even more furious.

Here's a look.

The little pillar under the pillar broke out completely, and suddenly came out. Even the clothes under the pillar turned into pieces.

The mountain pillar pressed the shadow on one side and touched his lower body with one hand. It had soared to about 20 cm, even more thick.

Five Vajra No. 9, it's really too powerful. Yamachu didn't expect that Vajra No. 9 was so powerful. Now, he wants to find a woman to relieve the fire immediately.

The fire is too big. If the pillar is holding, the pillar may burst at any time, like a balloon.

"Who are you?"

"Speak quickly, or don't blame me for being impolite."

"Speak quickly..."

Shanzhu was biting her teeth and could not help asking about Heiying. Heiying was wearing a black night fur coat and a mask. Shanzhu only saw her long hair and was sure to be a woman.

Moreover, according to her breath, Shanzhu can be sure that this woman is not sister Xiangling, nor Wang Sandao, nor Zhang Xiaoyan, nor Tang Xiaoyou.

The small pillar under the mountain pillar is even more under the shadow girl, which makes the shadow feel surprised.

She was so scared. Now, the mountain pillar is full of fire.


Shanzhu couldn't manage so much. He tore the shadow's fur coat. Sure enough, the white under the shadow came out.

The shadow, wearing tight leather clothes, had never worn underwear. As soon as the pillar was torn, he saw the most primitive grass, where the grass was luxuriant.


Shanzhu was still in control of himself, but the little Shanzhu under him could not be controlled for a long time. If he went down five diamond nine, he could not be a man. He had to find a hole to drill and let out the fire.

"Pain, are you going to do me?"

Shadow could not help but speak, her hands flapping Shanzhu's chest, but at this time, Shanzhu's little brother, xiaoshanzhu, had already sprinted dozens of times under the shadow.

This time, Shanzhu felt a little comfortable, and his whole body was not so hot and restless. However, he still felt that the whole person was baking on the stove.

"Why? What are you doing at my leaf farm? Just do it. I'm afraid you can't do it. I can't do it. I eat too much King Kong No. 9. Don't fight. It's useless to fight... "


At the same time, the hill column below is rushing up, eager to try, constantly in and out of the shadow.

Dark shadow wanted to resist, but she had no strength. She ran so far and hid in the corn field, trying to get rid of Shanzhu's pursuit. However, how could she think that Shanzhu had caught up with her.

Black shadow closed her eyes, her hands still patted Shanzhu's chest. After three minutes, she was no longer patting. Her face was already red.

The dark shadow girl didn't expect that at this time, she was so comfortable that her body, which she was fighting against, was already soft.

Every impact of the pillar made her feel a warm current, which made her gradually have some strength.

"Take it easy. Every time you stick it to the end, you'll make a hole."

All of a sudden.

The shadow could not help but speak again. Shanzhu didn't expect that the shadow spoke at this time. His voice was familiar.

However, Shanzhu could not remember who this familiar voice was.


"But, you take off your mask, I feel we are very familiar with it, but I can't remember who you are for a moment?"

This kind of reaction, mountain pillar also knows, she has already entered the emotion.

"No, not..."

Black shadow said, can't help but twisted his face, don't let Shanzhu take off her mask, Shanzhu is also helpless, for the time being, had to ignore her.

Let's talk about something else first.

Do you think this is the punishment for the dark shadow to peep at the quarry of the leaf farm in Shanzhu? Do you think she will dare to come again next time?

Shanzhu thought so, the following is still majestic, elegant demeanor.




In the corn field, there is a special rhythm sound. The sound here is rumbling. It's about four o'clock in the morning.

The moon is so bright, the wind is slowly, the corn field is very quiet around, on this side, the sound is really like a symphony.

It took about half an hour to get comfortable under the pillar. It has already slowed down. The shadow just panted and hissed, and even came twice. Once again, it was very powerful.

This cry makes Shanzhu feel more comfortable, makes Shanzhu have a sense of conquest, and makes Shanzhu burst out again.

"Why are you so powerful? Have you taken the medicine?"

Shadow asked Shanzhu again. She had come three times. With two warm currents from Shanzhu entering her body, she had recovered her strength.

The shadow girl was even more puzzled. The two warm currents from the mountain pillar seemed to have a surging power source. It seemed to make her drink the pulse, and her whole body strength came back.

Take medicine!?

"How do you know? I just took the medicine, King Kong No. 9. Have you ever heard of it? It was invented by Laozi. It's so comfortable. It's so cool. "

"Well, now you can tell me who you are. We've had a couple together? Don't you tell me? "

Shanzhu couldn't help saying.

At this time, Shanzhu had planned to leave the shadow's body. Surely, Shanzhu felt that he had bullied others for half an hour. He was a little embarrassed.


At this time, Shanzhu's perspective is good, so you can see who she is without taking off the mask of shadow.

However, Shanzhu still hoped that the shadow would take off its veil.

"My husband and wife, hum, but it's comfortable for you to serve me. Can't you now? It's useless. You've been doing it just now. Now, I want to try it. "

The shadow girl got up and said.


Shanzhu doubted his ears. The shadow girl was not cool enough. It seemed that she had been here three times. Unexpectedly, she could bear it.


This shadow has practiced Kung Fu. Just now, Shanzhu has been working in the farmland. First she resisted, then she became comfortable. She simply didn't resist and began to adapt.

Finally, Shanzhu makes her body crisp. With the two warm currents of Shanzhu, she has regained her vitality and strength. What's more, she feels that there must be other secrets on Shanzhu.

"No? You think too much. I'm afraid you can't choke. No, let's try again and we'll know. It's OK to make you until dawn. Hum... "

Shanzhu disdained it.

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