In fact, Shanzhu also knows that it is better for YeYe farm and Zhenshan farm to develop with each other now. If they meet each other now, there will only be one result, that is, they will lose each other.

It's just what housekeeper Li wants to get.

"Miss Hao, I think you know the truth that your lips are dead and your teeth are cold. You Zhenshan farm, the person behind Lianzhu real estate company, must want to use your hand to get me down. But you are so beautiful, so smart and so smart. You must know how to make money once our leaf farm breaks down."

"You should know that, Miss Hao."

Shanzhu said with a smile.

Shanzhu knew for a long time that housekeeper Li hadn't left. With a wave of his hand, he took out more than 10 million yuan and handed it over to Hao erhei's Lianzhu real estate company to set up Zhenshan farm.

Regardless of cost.

At all costs.

By any means.

In these cases, Lianzhu real estate company is in line with the requirements of housekeeper Li and Qi weiqi, so housekeeper Li found Hao erhei.

Hao Meili is Hao erhei's sister. Of course, she knows that.

There is only one purpose of housekeeper Li, that is, to get to Shanzhu and bring down YeYe farm and Shanxia cattle farm.

No, half a month ago, housekeeper Li made another move and directly gave Hao erhei 5 million yuan for the purpose of taking down the cattle farm.

"Well, I understand."

Hao Meili stares at Shanzhu. She also knows that when she calls the police, she accuses Shanzhu of raping herself and brings out some evidence. At that time, housekeeper Li must be the most enthusiastic person to help.

In this way, 70% of Shanzhu has to be imprisoned to have a meal in prison. However, Zhenshan farm and Lianzhu real estate company can no longer think of housekeeper Li and get a cent.


Absolutely right. At that time, housekeeper Li would never give another cent to Lianzhu real estate company or Zhenshan farm.

In order to make Zhenshan farm better, Hao erhei also took out his savings for many years, and even put the coffin money into Zhenshan farm.

Hao erhei, Hao Meili's brother and sister, don't want to work in Lianzhu real estate company any more. This kind of life on the tip of the knife, demolition, how bad.

Hao Meili followed her brother Hao erhei since she was a child. She fought and killed, especially what Lianzhu real estate company did.

Most of the unsolvable demolition problems in the county are caused by Lianzhu real estate company.

No water.

power failure.

Let the mice go.

In the middle of the night, people were tied up, and then forklifts were used to push the house directly. For this kind of thing, Lianzhu real estate company did not know how much.

This kind of thing is too immoral.

This time, Hao Meili went to the quarry to watch Shanzhu, but she did not expect that stealing chicken would not erode the rice. As a result, she lost her wife and broke her army. She also took her body in, which made Shanzhu cheaper.

After Hao Meili came back, she thought about it and felt that all this was retribution. Otherwise, how could she not resist Shanzhu.

You know, Hao Meili followed Hao erhei and had a lot of fighting and killing experience. However, in the early morning, Hao Meili was pressed on her hip by a mountain pillar and couldn't resist at all, which made her feel that everything could be the will of heaven.

How can Hao Meili change her life against heaven.

That's it.

Maybe it's the punishment from heaven. It's certain that Hao Meili knows how many things her brother and sister have done. Of course, Hao Meili knows better that her brother Hao erhei has done many things harmful to her morality behind her back.

"Director Shanzhu, since the watermelon has been cut, eat it. And don't call me Miss Hao in the future. Am I a girl? Don't you know what I am?"

"Later, just call me beautiful."

Hao Meili is lying on the couch, closing her eyes.

Miss Hao.

Miss Hao?

Shanzhu thought in his heart. Sure enough, Hao Meili didn't blame Shanzhu any more. In this case, a big stone in Shanzhu's heart was put down.

In the countryside, girls usually call big girls. Now, for the first time, Hao Meili has been forcibly occupied by Shanzhu.

To put it bluntly, Hao Meili is no longer a girl. She can become a young woman. Shanzhu must have been cultivated and planted several times.

These days are the dangerous period for Hao Meili.

"Good, good, beautiful, you are really beautiful, people have very white, i... I like it very much." Shanzhu couldn't help saying that he picked up a watermelon and ate it.

Beautiful, I like it.

This time, Hao Meili opened her eyes, looked at Shanzhu eating watermelon, also secretly smile, once again, leisurely lying down.


Now, Zhenshan farm, YeYe farm, the villagers working in the fields on both sides of the river bank are very confused, and some people even secretly look here.

of course.

They are working in the fields, and they can't hear anything here. However, now many people see Shanzhu and are eating watermelon.

For a while.

Some people began to talk about the farms on both sides.

Shanzhu ate three watermelons all at once. This big watermelon is very sandy and sweet. However, compared with Shanzhu's milk watermelon, strawberry watermelon, peach watermelon and other special varieties, this big watermelon is worthless.

Now, Bai Su is helping Shanzhu to study the cultivation of sugar free watermelon.

After eating the third watermelon, Shanzhu still felt thirsty, so she had to take the fourth watermelon. Suddenly, Hao Meili's eyes were fixed on Shanzhu, which was like a poisonous snake.

Here's a look.

Shanzhu was also startled. The woman's heart was really elusive. Just now, Hao Meili and Shanzhu were laughing and chatting, sharing the world.

Now, it's changed, faster than the weather.


As soon as Hao Meili reaches for her hand, the bright knife falls into Hao Meili's white right palm. She raises her knife to Shanzhu, as if to fight against Shanzhu.

"Well, well, beautiful, we are at least husband and wife. As the saying goes, one day husband and wife will have a hundred days. You... You... You put down the knife first. Let's have a good talk."

Shanzhu is holding the fourth watermelon. This time, it's not eating or putting it down. It's a bit embarrassing.

"Well, as I said just now, your YeYe farm accounts for three eighths, and our Zhenshan farm accounts for five eighths. Now what, do you want to rob our Zhenshan farm? Don't put the melon down, or I'll cut off your hand. "

Hao Meili said aggressively.


Shanzhu didn't expect that Hao Meili raised her sword because she was willing to eat the fourth watermelon, which made Shanzhu smile bitterly.

It's so hot, and Shanzhu is thirsty. Isn't it just a watermelon? As for it, as for such a big anger, do you still need to use a knife?

"Well, well, I know it's wrong."

Mountain column helpless, had to put down the fourth watermelon, sure enough, the woman seriously up, incredibly so crazy up.

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