When I woke up, it was already midnight the next morning, the number of people coming and going in the town had increased again, and the people hiding in the dark had retreated.

When Shanzhu woke up, he felt a little dizzy. He must have drunk at least one jin or two of wine last night. Accompanied by the fat boss, boss Wang, and the two experts and technicians from Beijing, of course, accompanied by the eight uncles.

Drink and do business.

Shanzhu also knows that it's a custom and a habit in the countryside, especially in the remote mountain villages. If he doesn't drink wine or give gifts, it's more difficult than going to heaven, and he can't do anything.

"After all, it's not in vain. First, we've got 100 mu of good land in front of the river bank, and then we can have a big fight. Second, we've got in touch with a big barbecue alliance store in Beijing, and we've got the planting and supply of colored potatoes. As long as this business is done, we Xiushui villagers can't go to Beijing to have a big fight. Third, I didn't expect that the proprietress's massage technique was so skillful. "

Shanzhu got up, washed his face, pushed open the window on the second floor, and looked out at the villagers who had come to the market. He was very happy.

Take down this piece of land, then, the next pillar will really do a big job. In fact, Shanzhu knows that this 100 mu fertile land is just a cover.


Shanzhu can harvest dozens of mu of high-quality garlic, high-quality wheat, high-quality corn and so on every time. The financial resources are endless, which has aroused the suspicion of others.

Mrs. Zhang's game hall, Mrs. Zhang's room is particularly elegant and clean. When Shanzhu wakes up, she feels that Mrs. Zhang is really sincere.

Last night, someone was waiting in ambush for the drunken Shanzhu and ergouzi. I'm afraid the consequences would have been unthinkable without the reminder of the boss's wife, sister-in-law Zhang.

"Wake up."

At this time, the landlady Zhang Xiangling, wearing a light coat, came to the room and gazed at Shanzhu with a smile. Shanzhu scratched his temple, but he still had a little headache. He didn't have the strength of wine last night, and Shanzhu was a little embarrassed.


Sister Zhang Xiangling, a beautiful and charming widow landlady, is also a respectable figure in Chenjiagou town. Last night, Shanzhu was drunk all night and never left the landlady's room. If it is publicized, I'm afraid it will affect her innocence.

"I wake up, but I'm still drunk. I... I didn't do anything wrong last night. Now, I still have a little blank in my mind. I don't remember some things last night." Shanzhu felt the back of his head and felt a little embarrassed. Surely, Shanzhu was very simple and honest.

Sister Zhang smiles again.

"What can I do for you? It's hard to walk on the mountain road at night. It's OK for you to sleep here. You must have spent the most money on me last night. What's the matter? Do you still have a headache? Come on, let Sister Zhang give you a massage. According to the seniority of our village, just call me sister. " Sister Zhang is very generous. This time, shanzhugan and Heizi Biaozi are fighting against each other, which has already made Sister Zhang Xiangling admire Shanzhu very much.


Zhang Xiangling's husband, Zhang Xiangling's sister-in-law, died in an accident. At that time, Zhang Xiangling's husband, Zhang Xiangling's sister-in-law, went into the mountain with other people to repair the power facilities. As a result, there was an accident on the road.

Later, Zhang Xiangling, sister-in-law of Zhang, secretly investigated and found that this matter had something to do with Da Heizi, but now Zhang Xiangling, sister-in-law of Zhang, has no evidence, let alone that Da Heizi is a famous local ruffian bully in Linchuan County, who dares to provoke him.

Sister Zhang!?

Shanzhu is helpless. She must be four or five years older than Shanzhu. Now, 278 is the prime time.

Shanzhu is sitting on the edge of the bed. Sister Zhang Xiangling comes to the front of Shanzhu and massages his temple. She kneads her fingers evenly and makes Shanzhu comfortable.

At the same time, Shanzhu is intoxicated by a fragrance. This fragrance is the fragrance of Shanlan. Shanlan is very common on the beach of Xiushui village and in the back of the mountain. Shanzhu can't help but recall the scene when he spent time with sister-in-law Zhang Xiangling and lotus Chunhong.

At that time.

Sister Zhang Xiangling is 11 or 12 years old, Shanzhu is 7 or 8 years old, Hehua is 8 years old, Chunhong and ergouzi are only about 6 years old. They often play by the river.

Shanzhu also remembers that once again, several people are going to live together. Shanzhu wants to marry the lotus. As a result, Chunhong cries and quarrels to marry Shanzhu. Shanzhu has no choice but to say that she also married Chunhong.

At that time, sister-in-law Zhang Xiangling was still a little older. As a result, she made fun of herself and even wanted to give it to Shanzhu. In desperation, Shanzhu agreed to come down.

You three, I married Shanzhu.

At that time, er Gouzi also wanted to, but he was beaten by Shanzhu. Shanzhu also said that he would find some good wives for ER Gouzi and so on.

In a flash, ten years later, sister-in-law Zhang Xiangling married into the town, lotus went to Guangzhou, Chunhong will soon go out to university.

"Sister Zhang, your massage is very good. If anyone marries you, he will be blessed for several generations." For a moment, Shanzhu could not help saying.

Here's a look.

Sister Zhang Xiangling stops to massage Shanzhu's shoulders. Just now, Shanzhu is in the arms of Sister Zhang Xiangling. She massages with great care. She completely forgets her two bulges and shakes in front of Shanzhu's face.

On the face of Zhang Xiangling, sister-in-law Zhang, she suddenly changed color. Dimly, her eyes were wet with tears, and she could not help falling a few tears.

Shanzhu quickly got up and apologized.

"Sister Zhang, I'm... I'm wrong, I'm..."

Shanzhu also felt that it was a bit wrong, but this was what Shanzhu thought. Shanzhu people were very simple and honest, and they were very direct. They said it directly when they thought about it.

Zhang Xiangling, sister-in-law Zhang, couldn't help wiping her tears. She shook her head and said with a smile again, "it doesn't matter. It's all life. Shanzhu, do you still remember what you said then?"

Zhang Xiangling, sister-in-law of Zhang, can't help but play away her tears and tidy up her clothes. Once again, she calms down completely. Surely, Zhang Xiangling, sister-in-law of Zhang, doesn't want to think about the sad things any more.

In those days?

How can Shanzhu forget it? However, Shanzhu also knows that those words were just for the children in the mountain village to have fun and not really.

What's more, many things are not the same now.

At this time, Shanzhu's phone rings. It turns out that uncle Ba has already gone back. Today is Chunhong. Her mother is going to entertain blind dates to attend Chunhong's farewell banquet.

The day after tomorrow, Chunhong plans to report to Yunhai University.

"Sister Zhang, I'm going back to the village. Chunhong is going to college. I'm going back to prepare. By the way, you don't have a lot of wild boars, pheasants, wild sheep and so on in your game hall? In the future, I'll help you solve these mountain goods. I still hope that in the future, you can go back to our Xiushui village and open a restaurant. We'll set up a hundred paradise, engage in farm entertainment, and really develop our Xiushui village. " Shan Zhu answered the phone and said sincerely.

Of course, Mrs. Zhang's game hall is short of mountain products. This time, catching a big red boar is a rare event in several years. However, it has consumed more than half of it.

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