It took three minutes for Zhang Lei and three young men to get the old cattle into the truck.

"You three, go back on foot, or take a taxi to the restaurant in the city. I'll go back with manager Shanzhu, who is still waiting for him." Zhang Lei can't help but say.

The three boys nodded.

Now, Zhang Lei called Shanzhu, has become a manager, must, Shanzhu in Xiushui village open leaf farm, quarry, as well as the mountain cattle farm and ostrich farm.

Not to mention that now, Shanzhu's leaf farm and tianxiangge group have jointly set up the Xiushan farm paradise project. With so many factories, Shanzhu is not the manager.

On the truck, the driver drove, and Shanzhu and Zhang Lei sat in the back row.

"What, this old cattle will die at noon tomorrow. After he died, Master Wang killed himself and took out the bezoar from the gallbladder. As for the old cattle, the credit is not small. Its body will be cremated in the crematorium, and the ashes will be buried on the hillside of Xiushui village."

Along the way, Shanzhu explained.


These days, Shanzhu is going to be in the county seat of Linchuan county. Just now, Shanzhu and Li Lai made a phone call. It turned out that the president arranged an operation for Shanzhu to treat lung cancer.

Shanzhu also sympathized with the patient, who often went to the kiln. He was a coal miner in his forties and a farmer in Xiling village.

He has three daughters and an old mother in her seventies. The whole family lives on him.

Half a year ago, he found cancer during his physical examination in the mine. Moreover, it was early stage of lung cancer. However, there were various kinds of pneumoconiosis in his lungs, which were already black and some coal dust.

This kind of lung and lung cancer, even in the provincial capital, I'm afraid no one is willing to treat, so the mine has to take him back from the province.

Mine is still benevolent, willing to let him euthanasia, and then compensate his family 100000, has been regarded as the end of the real benevolence.

This kind of disease is already very difficult to treat. In addition, his lungs need to be rinsed at least once, and the cost is at least hundreds of thousands of millions.

Although there is employee insurance in the mine, it costs so much for an ordinary miner. The mine is not charitable and is not willing to pay this sum of money.

These days, the mine and he have reached an agreement, as long as he has an accident, such as jumping to death, the mine is willing to give 150000 to his family.

After hearing this news, Shanzhu was so angry. Since Shanzhu had lightning power and could treat early lung cancer, Shanzhu would never allow such a terrible thing to happen.

"Zhang Lei, let's do it like this. You have a lot of people in the county. The crematorium only cremate the dead. But I believe that if you give money, they will cremate the sick cow. Let it have a good home. Take the money and smash it. Three thousand, five thousand, no, eighty thousand, ten thousand. I don't believe that the crematorium won't give face."

At this time, Shanzhu couldn't help thinking of the miner. His family was poor and he had no money to cure him. The old cattle had been absolutely ill, but his master, Lao Li Tou, had not buried it properly. He also made a sum of money and sold the old cattle so that he lost such a big treasure.

"Good manager Shanzhu, I have a friend in the crematorium. After killing the old yellow cattle, I take out the bezoar, and I can cremate it. The burial is up to me. Manager Shanzhu looks up to me so much, Zhang Lei. I'm sure Zhang Lei will do it well."

Zhang Lei clapped his chest and said that at this time, Zhang Lei had already believed that there must be bezoar in this old yellow cattle.

Others say that Zhang Lei doesn't believe it, but Shanzhu says that Zhang Lei firmly believes that who let Shanzhu be his master's savior.


At 7:50, Shanzhu arrived at tianxiangge restaurant, but at this time, manager Sun Jiayi had something to do and sister Wen Ying was busy.

Shanzhu didn't disturb him, so he asked Zhang Lei to open a room. When he got to the room, Shanzhu took a bath and washed his clothes.


After washing the clothes, Shanzhu uses huolingli to dry the clothes. The huolingli in Shanzhu's palm is better than the dryer. The clothes are dried in less than a minute.

This time, Shanzhu's clothes look brand new again. Moreover, this time, Shanzhu also uses fragrance to wash clothes. His shirt and trousers also carry some fragrance.


Zhang Lei is directing the truck and unloading the old cattle. At this time, old Li Tou and fellow townsman Zhang tou have already come out of tianxiangge restaurant.

"Lao Li Tou, you see, that old cattle seems to be raised by you? Why, did it come to tianxiangge restaurant? Is that young man a waiter in tianxiangge restaurant, who wants to kill sick cattle and sell beef? " Lao Zhang can't help but say to Lao Li Tou.

Lao Li Tou had drunk more than a Jin, and he was already a little drunk. This time, he met Shanzhu, the unjust big head. He spent 88 thousand to sell a seriously ill cow. Lao Li Tou made a lot of money, and he was very happy.

No, now that Lao Li Tou and Lao Zhang tou have had a good drink, they still plan to find a place and take out another three or four hundred to be happy and natural.

"Young man, this cow is raised by me. If you kill it, do you want to buy sick beef?" At this time, Lao Li could not help but come forward and even wanted to make a mistake about Tianxiang Pavilion restaurant.


Now, a lot of vehicles are parked outside tianxiangge restaurant. Some people have also seen tianxiangge restaurant, and an old cattle is transported here. This old cattle is very sick.

According to the truth, tianxiangge restaurant will not kill sick cattle, and will sell the sick beef as good meat. At this time, there are more than ten customers around.

Zhang Lei knows that this is related to the reputation of tianxiangge restaurant. How can he be careless“ Old man, you don't know. Manager Ye bought it. We didn't kill it to sell meat. This old cattle may die tomorrow. After it dies, we'll send someone to dig it, take out the five catties of calculus bovis from its gallbladder, and then send this old cattle to the crematorium for cremation. "

"We tianxiangge restaurant promise that we will never use sick beef, sick mutton, sick pork and so on. Of course, this time we will send someone to record the video, and the whole process will be broadcast in the hall of tianxiangge restaurant in three days. You can rest assured that our tianxiangge restaurant always has the same reputation."

At this time, Zhang Lei responded that he was so clever that he wanted to record and edit the old cattle, dying, killing cattle, getting bezoar, cremation, burial and so on.


Now, tianxiangge restaurant is full of people. Many of them are regular customers of tianxiangge restaurant, such as laolitou.

"Well, let's see in three days. Is it true? Bezoar, I'm so big. I haven't seen a natural bezoar. It's still so big. It's more than five Jin? "

An old customer couldn't help asking Zhang Lei.

"Mr. Wang, don't believe it. If there is no bezoar in the body of the sick cow, then I Zhang Lei will put down the cruel words. If there is no you, how about screwing my head off and kicking it as a ball? If there is bezoar, we will cremate it and never sell sick beef. How about a gold membership card

The old man with the black fan couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, good, good, I believe you, tomorrow is right, tomorrow I will take my grandson to visit, we also recorded the video, so no one said you restaurant fraud, more than five kilograms of rhubarb, I also want to see, I have engaged in a lifetime of medicinal materials acquisition, has not seen such a big one."

Old Wang laughed.

Old man Li, who was beside him, was silly. At this time, old cattle had already got out of the car. When he passed old Li's head, he still shed a circle of tears.

This time, old Li Tou also believed half, certainly, this Zhang Lei dares to take down the head when the ball kicks, this certainly is true.

Five catties of cow bezoar, at least worth more than 1.23 million. Thinking of this, Lao Li Tou simply regretted his death. How could he sell the dying cow, which has been raised for ten years, so cheaply to the young man in the countryside.

At this time.

In front of Lao Li's eyes, Shanzhu was wearing a shirt and tianxiangge restaurant came out. The Mercedes Benz driver of tianxiangge restaurant warmly welcomed him. He even opened the door of the Mercedes Benz for Shanzhu. Shanzhu went up and the Mercedes Benz drove away.

This time, old Li Tou wanted to find Shanzhu theory, but he couldn't find Shanzhu.

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