Pang Wenwen is very lonely and seldom contacts with others. Pang Shengjun knows this better than anyone, especially Pang Wenwen has never been alone with others for more than two hours.

Now, more than ten o'clock, Pang Shengjun came to meet Pang Wenwen, must, Tang Xiaoyou and Pang Wenwen together, Pang Shengjun also worried about Tang Xiaoyou.

Outside the door, Pang Shengjun and Lin xuanyue come to meet Pang Wenwen. As for Lin Jianming, song Pinglan has gone back ahead of time. They don't want to see Shanzhu for the moment.

"Dad, why do you come so early? I want to play with my elder brother and elder sister. I want to play a little more. Just now, I worshipped my elder brother as a master. My elder brother also taught me several skills. Do you want me to play for you?" At this time, Pang Wenwen was very happy and said to Pang Shengjun.

Due to Tang Xiaoyou's enlightenment, Pang Wenwen is not so disgusted when she meets Lin xuanyue.

To learn from teachers.


This time, Pang Shengjun was a little confused, how Shanzhu entered the room only half an hour, Pang Wenwen worshipped Shanzhu as a master.

"Wenwen, let's go back. Big brother and big sister are going to have a rest. It's more than ten o'clock in the evening." At this time, Lin said softly.

Lin xuanyue has a look. Tang Xiaoyou has opened the room. She is with Shanzhu. Then, she must spend the night in Malang club this evening.

Tang Xiaoyou is the most beautiful woman in the county TV station. Shanzhu is also a manager now. They are in love. How can Pang Wenwen pester the couple.

Open a room! Open a room!

Lin xuanyue and Pang Shengjun are all from the past. Now young people have opened rooms. What they can do at night is of course that kind of thing.

Or, open a room to chat and play.

"Don't you believe it, dad? OK, OK, I'll give you a few punches. " At this time, Pang Wenwen was a little unhappy, and her face changed immediately.

Pang Shengjun can see that his daughter can't be upset. Otherwise, Pang Wenwen, a little loli in black, has a bad temper. Pang Shengjun knows it best.

"Good, good, father letter, Wenwen hit a few punches, let me and aunt Lin see." Pang Shengjun smiles a little. At the same time, he apologizes to Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou. He didn't expect that Pang Wenwen and Tang Xiaoyou could talk so well. Of course, we can't disturb others at this time.


This kind of thing is the privacy of Tang Xiaoyou and Shanzhu, and Pang Shengjun will not talk about it. This kind of thing has nothing to do with Pang Shengjun.

Sure enough.

At this time, Pang Wenwen also played a few boxing, tiger boxing, giant bear boxing, lingape boxing, crane shadow boxing, Pang Wenwen learned more than ten moves.

After the ten moves, Pang Shengjun felt that his daughter, Pang Wenwen, seemed to be a tiger.

Tiger down the mountain, unstoppable.

The black tiger is determined to move forward.

Tiger roaring mountain forest, king style.

Sure enough, Shanzhu nodded. Pang Wenwen, a little girl in black, admired Shanzhu for her speed in learning Wuqinxi.

Tang Xiaoyou is envious of this speed. Tang Xiaoyou has studied with Shanzhu for nearly two months, and only learned a few of the white crane boxing moves.

of course.

This time, Shanzhu only taught Pang Wenwen some simple basic Wuqinxi ancient boxing techniques, those combined boxing, coordinated boxing and so on. For the time being, Shanzhu has not taught Pang Wenwen.

Lin xuanyue was also surprised. Pang Wenwen had only studied for less than two hours, and she was already so skilled.

In the future, if Pang Wenwen really learned Kung Fu with Shanzhu, would that be great?

"Wenwen, good job."

At this time, Lin xuanyue took the lead in clapping. She must marry Pang Shengjun. She must deal with Pang Wenwen, a little loli in black.

Pang Shengjun and Lin xuanyue got married. They had already discussed drinking from Lin xuanyue. In the future, 80% of Pang's property will be left to Pang Wenwen.

The remaining 20% is left to Lin heiyue. Of course, the remaining 20% also has at least 200 million, 300 million or more property, which is enough for her life.

of course.

Lin Xingyue is not short of money. She also owns one tenth of the shares of Donglin mining. She married Pang Shengjun and did not value Pang Shengjun's property too much.

"Wenwen, your aunt Lin praises you. Don't you thank aunt Lin?" At this time, Tang Xiaoyou couldn't help laughing at Lin Haiyue.

Lin xuanyue is a beautiful woman. Now, she is very mature and charming. Tang Xiaoyou feels inferior to her.

"Thank you, aunt Lin."

At this time, Pang Wenwen also smiles at Lin Haiyue. Pang Shengjun on one side doesn't expect that Tang Xiaoyou can control Pang Wenwen, a little girl in black.

"OK, Wenwen, let's go home. Big brother and big sister are going to have a rest." Pang Shengjun said again that he would take Pang Wenwen back.

Tang Xiaoyou and Shanzhu open a room together. Pang Shengjun certainly can't leave Pang Wenwen, a little loli in black.

What are you staying for?

Light bulb?

"Wenwen, go back."

Shanzhu smile, can't help saying, sure enough, Pang Wenwen nodded“ Yes, Shifu. Shifu, remember to play with me another day. Let's play tricks with each other again. "

When Pang Wenwen said this, she began to smile at the mountain pillar and hopped along with Pang Shengjun and Lin xuanyue. She went downstairs together. She was very happy and hummed children's songs.

Seeing Pang Wenwen and Pang Shengjun, Lin xuanyue leaves. Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou can't help laughing. Pang Wenwen, the little girl in black, is a real worry.

In particular, Pang Wenwen's special ability can break things down and turn them into pieces. This ability is too terrible.


Pang Wenwen has grown up and understands the harmfulness of some of these abilities. She won't easily use them to destroy some things.

Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou go back to the room again and close the door. Now, no one bothers you. How can this Malang private club go on.

Tang Xiaoyou looks at the black package brought by the pillar. Inside the black package is the broken blue and white porcelain. It is the token of love that Pang Shengjun gave to Lin xuanyue.


This blue and white porcelain of Guyu has been destroyed by little loli Pang Wenwen in black. She has broken it up piece by piece with her super power, breaking up 108 pieces.

"Shanzhu, look at the great boss Pang Shengjun who gave Lin Xiyue such a good gift. When will you give her a gift? If she is happy, she will give you all of her body."

Tang Xiaoyou smiles.

Now, no one bothers me. Tang Xiaoyou and Shanzhu can pass the two people's world comfortably. The two people's world is very wonderful.


"Sister Xiaoyou, what gift do you need? Tell me. As long as I can do it, I will sell it to you. How about it?"

At this time, Shanzhu also said with a smile.

Tang Xiaoyou has said so clearly, Shanzhu is not a fool, Shanzhu also has understood, Tang Xiaoyou likes himself more.

Think about it, a woman intends to give her innocent body to a man, this is not like, what can it be.

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