Is there any pain down there?

Shanzhu suddenly remembered that she had run out of Qianjin lotion last time. These days, Shanzhu is too busy and in the city, so she doesn't care about Hao Meili.

Well, it's a crime.

"Well, how about I go to the door to apologize at night and give you some Qianjin lotion? You said ten acres of garlic seeds should be used as atonement. Can I send thirty acres to you, wife? "

At this time, Shanzhu couldn't help laughing.

"Thirty acres? Well, if you want to come in the evening, remember to come back at more than 12 o'clock. It's not allowed to come so early. Foreman Li is also on duty these days. However, when you want to come, let me know in advance. I'll take foreman Li as commander. " Hao Meili couldn't help saying.

There's a door.

This time, Shanzhu is even more happy. At present, Hao Meili and foreman Li are in charge of Xiushui village, Zhenshan farm.

In the evening, when foreman Li went back, there would be Hao Meili, the big white sheep, and Shanzhu, the big gray wolf. It would be more convenient to get in and out.

If you plant 30 mu of garlic seeds, you can earn at least 50000 or 60000 Jin of garlic at a time. These garlic are very popular in the capital, and they are in short supply. If Hao Meili takes these seeds and studies them again, she will be as rich as Shanzhu.

At three pm.

After Shanzhu had a sleep, Master Li also drove a Mercedes Benz to pick him up to the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain. Today, Shanzhu is going to run to the cattle farm at the foot of the mountain.

This bright silver Mercedes Benz was bought by Shanzhu for a sick old yellow cow. It cost at least 700000 yuan.

Now, if you don't show off, how can you not let people look at you with new eyes? Besides, if you make money, you have to spend money. How can you make money if you don't spend money.

Last night, when this bright silver car came, few people saw it. Only Zhang Xiaoyan knew that Shanzhu came back with it.

Master Li spent the night in Longteng villa yesterday. Now he drives to pick up Shanzhu again. Sure enough, Shanzhu gets on the bus, goes to Shanxia village around the local road of Xiushui village, and opens the window.

In this way, the bright silver Mercedes Benz drives very slowly, Shanzhu still has the car window open, and when you meet some of the villagers' acquaintances, you greet them warmly.

In particular, when the bus passed the Xiushui village farm of Zhenshan farm, Hao Meili was enjoying the cool under the big tree, and Shanzhu said hello to her warmly.

Of course, the car didn't stop.

A moment later, Shanzhu received a wechat from Hao Meili“ Shanzhu, is this Big Ben yours? This is not manager Sun Jiayi's car? "

"Of course it's mine, wife. Come and have fun. It's very spacious and comfortable." Shanzhu happily sent a message to Hao Meili.

"No, we'd better keep our relationship secret. Don't let outsiders know for the time being."

Hao Meili can't help but send a message. Of course, Shanzhu also knows this. At present, Zhenshan farm and YeYe farm are incompatible.

If Hao Meili gets on Shanzhu's car, doesn't it mean that Hao Meili has already got on Shanzhu's boat and become a person on Shanzhu's side.

This kind of thing, how can it happen? Once housekeeper Li knew the news, he would certainly scold Hao erhei.

even to the extent that.

At that time, housekeeper Li was so angry that he would take away his investment. He would never invest a dime in Zhenshan farm. Without housekeeper Li's investment, Zhenshan farm's wealth would be completely cut off.

"Aunt Ma, did you buy that Mercedes Benz from Shanzhu?"

At this time, aunt Ma and some villagers were making moon cakes. When these women got together, they often talked about their family.

"Of course, Shanzhu bought it for more than one million yuan. Shanzhu said that he would take me to the city in the future. I said that I would not go. I said that Xiushui village was good. Shanzhu had to give me a villa in Longteng Shanzhu. The child was very obedient."

At this time, aunt Ma couldn't help boasting about Shanzhu.

of course.

At present, the hottest part of Xiushui village is the farm park project of Longteng mountain villa, with an investment of 5.6 million yuan. It is still under construction, with an investment of at least 10 million yuan.


In the villa, there are four rows of villas, which are built on the entrance hillside of Xiushan. The terrain environment is very good. Now, there is a big road in the village, which is very convenient.

"Oh, aunt Ma, you have a good time. Unlike her mother, she is now in her fifties. She is still working in Nanzhang farm of Zhenshan farm. She seems to have fallen to the ground in anger again."

"Yes, at first Shanzhu seemed to be chasing the lotus. Her mother hated Shanzhu and asked for a lot of betrothal gifts. As a result, Shanzhu's father went deep into the mountain to mine stones for the betrothal gifts, fell into the cliff and couldn't find them any more."

"Yes, yes, how many betrothal gifts do we rural people want? It costs sixty-six thousand to open a mouth. Isn't that the lion's big mouth? By the way, Chunhong's mother, now Shanzhu has money, how many betrothal gifts do you want? "

Once they get together, these women often gossip.

How many betrothal gifts?

Aunt Ma really remembered that at the beginning, aunt Ma didn't ask for any betrothal gifts. Moreover, Shanzhu had already given Chunhong more than 50000 yuan and paid off dabiaozi's debts.

Betrothal gifts?

Aunt Ma secretly smiles. Aunt Ma is not a fool. She is not as careful and snobbish as her mother. Shanzhu is more and more developed now. In the future, what more gifts do you want? Shanzhu says that there is a villa in Longteng Shanzhu, which is for Aunt Ma and Chunhong.

Now that Chunhong is pregnant with Shanzhu's child, aunt Ma is more bullish.

Let's talk about it.

Today, Shanzhu gave more than 30000 yuan to Aunt ma. She bought flour, cooking oil, nuts, melon seeds and other moon cakes at random. She believed in aunt Ma so much that she would have been satisfied long ago.

As long as Shanzhu is good to Chunhong, aunt Ma will be satisfied. Besides, Shanzhu also promised aunt Ma to leave a fragrant fire for the old Ma family in the future.

If it's someone else, I won't do it.

"You guys, you know how to chew your tongue. Come on, try some new moon cakes. Shut your mouth and see if you still talk nonsense..."

At this time.

Aunt Ma picked up the moon cake just baked out of the pot and handed it to Aunt Liu, Aunt Chen and so on, laughing happily.

At this time.

Er Niu also took her four sisters and brought two baskets of stupid eggs to Aunt Ma's kitchen to make moon cakes.

"Er Niu, come here, let my aunt feel my stomach for several months?" Here, Aunt Liu can't help touching Er Niu's stomach.

A few days ago, er Niu went to have a check-up and said she was pregnant.

Several months?

It's only less than a month and a half. Now, er Niu's stomach is flat, and there is no change. However, how can Er Niu make Aunt Liu feel her stomach casually.

"No, no, you can't touch it. Well, we have to go. Aunt Ma, if you have something to say to me, it's easy for us to work there."

At this time.

Er Niu took her four sisters and left again. She was very cute. Looking at her back, aunt Ma couldn't help remembering Chunhong.

Chunhong has been in school for two months. If three months later, her stomach will fight. At present, Chunhong has just gone to school.

Go to school three months, pregnant with a child, at that time, Chunhong how to do? Thinking of this, aunt Ma couldn't help tears in her eyes.

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