Shanzhu and Hao Meili are like glue. Hao Meili also turns back to kiss Shanzhu and turns off the island love movie on her mobile phone.

This time, the mountain column is lively, and the movement below is full of rhythm. Hao Meili also cooperates with it, rising and falling.

In the quilt, Hao Meili and Shanzhu have already met each other frankly, naked.

In a flash, half an hour later, the bed has been chaotic.

"Shanzhu, it's so comfortable. When did you come in?" At this time, Hao Meili was moistened by Shanzhu and became more and more noble.

When did you come in?

Hao Meili left the door open. At that time, Hao Meili was addicted to watching the island love action movie. With Shanzhu's invisibility, she couldn't see it.

As soon as Shanzhu came in, he found that Hao Meili couldn't stand watching this kind of film. Of course, he had to come to comfort Hao Meili and moisten her.

"You look so addictive. Of course you don't find it when I come. How comfortable is it? Don't look at that. You've come three times, and I've come two times. It's really comfortable to hold you."

At this time, Shanzhu had to tell Hao Meili a lie. She couldn't tell her that she came in stealthily.

This time, Hao Meili's face became more red, and she even hit Shanzhu with powder fists. She also said that Shanzhu hated it.

"Hate, hate, you know to make fun of others. You didn't light their fire, and you don't know who it was. You pushed them in the corn field for more than an hour, and they couldn't breathe. They can't be the yellow flower girl. They all blame you, dead Shanzhu and smelly Shanzhu."

Hao Meili curled up and gently knocked on Shanzhu's strong chest. Her face was red, moist and satisfied.

Shanzhu had no choice but to let her fight. Holding Hao Meili's beautiful body, Shanzhu had a feeling that she didn't want to leave, as if she wanted to be together forever.

As if, there is an attraction, a special attraction.

Ten minutes later, Hao Meili's Blush gradually faded. She pushed aside the pillar, put on her pink pajamas and sat up.

Shanzhu also put on the big shorts, still holding Hao Meili, especially touching her chest, as if her two hemispheres were bigger again.

"Meili, you invited me here tonight. What's the matter? Don't miss me. I'll watch less of those movies in the future. If you need to call me directly, I'll be on call. "

Shanzhu is half joking. Of course, Shanzhu is happy with this kind of thing. It's very quick and quick to be on call.

"Yumei, by the way, I told housekeeper Li and my brother about the 300 Jin garlic seeds you sent me. Housekeeper Li took 100 Jin and said he would go back to the provincial capital to study your seeds. My brother also praised me for being so powerful that he seduced you. Housekeeper Li also had an idea that he asked me to seduce you or watch you all the time, The trick will lead you here, and then tell them to wait. "

At this time, Hao Meili became serious.

Beauty trick.

It turned out that yesterday, housekeeper Li called Hao Meili to the county, and also studied the garlic seeds sent by Shanzhu. Hao Meili said that she wanted them for Shanzhu.

Hao Meili and Shanzhu's farm is just across a river. It has been more than two months and they are very familiar with each other, just like their neighbors.

Housekeeper Li gets excited. This is the reason why he sent Hao erhei's sister Hao Meili to the past. He doesn't believe others, but Hao erhei's sister absolutely believes it.

Housekeeper Li also praised Hao Meili's wit. Now, Shanzhu's garlic is hot in the capital. It's in short supply.

In particular, yongjietongxin and Taoyuan sanjieyi are the two most popular kinds of garlic. Of course, the chain alliance in Beijing also studies guoshanzhu's two kinds of garlic.

However, nothing has been studied. The effect, cortex and taste of garlic cultivated by them are far worse than those of Shanzhu.

What's more, Shanzhu's garlic is a green food without any chemical residue, which has made the capital pay much attention to the cooperation with Shanzhu.

Even the alliance on the other side of the capital plans to sign a long-term alliance supply agreement with Shanzhu to make Shanzhu one of their special suppliers.

As a special supplier of this chain alliance, manager Li knows that as long as he gets the qualification of this special supplier, Shanzhu can earn tens of millions a year without any problem.

Therefore, we must stop Shanzhu from becoming a special supplier of Beijing barbecue alliance at all costs.

"Beauty trick, hahaha... Meili, you are my woman. What kind of beauty trick do you want to use? Just tell me if there is any situation. So is housekeeper Li. If you want to use beauty trick, and your brother agrees, will they not be afraid of losing their wife and fighting again?"

Shanzhu said with a smile.

Hao Meili nodded.

"Eh, Shanzhu, what did you say just now? I'm your woman. Are you serious? Aren't you with Tang Xiaoyou and Chunhong? It seems that you and Chunhong are already there. It's said in Xiushui village that you want to be aunt Ma's son-in-law of the old Ma family. "

Hao Meili scratched Shanzhu and asked him.

Shanzhu had no choice but to smile.

"Chunhong is really my woman, but it's impossible to be my son-in-law at laoma's house. Just be my son-in-law. What do you do at home? Besides, I'm the only child of our old Ye family. If we go to their old Ma's, our Ye family will be broken. Beautiful, don't listen to them. You also know that when the villagers are working, they are bored. They often chat with their parents and Li family

Shanzhu touched Hao Meili's chest, stroked her hair and smelled the girl's body fragrance. She was very energetic.

"By the way, beauty, have you dyed your hair? How come the purple brown is getting worse and worse. I feel your hair and I feel electrified. Listen... "

At this time, Shanzhu couldn't help noticing that Hao Meili's hair was dyed purple brown. It was very long and smooth, and felt very comfortable.


When Shanzhu touched Hao Meili's purple brown hair, there was always a kind of crackling, crackling electrified feeling, and her arms were numb with acid.

dye one 's hair?

In the past half a month, Hao Meili has also become curious. Her hair used to be black hair. Since she got along with Shanzhu last time, it was the night of heavy thunder and rain. Hao Meili's hair has changed its color and gradually turned purple brown.

PA La PA la


Sure enough, Shanzhu touched Hao Meili's purple brown hair, and there was an electric spark. It was very strange that Hao Meili was also surprised.

"I didn't dye my hair, but it gradually turned purple brown. Was it because of you last time? By the way, you haven't explained it to me. After sleeping with you last time, I feel more and more unable to leave you. Moreover, I can control the current. "

"Look, the light is on."

At this time, Hao Meili was also puzzled and asked Shanzhu. At the same time, Hao Meili raised her right arm and pointed to the light bulb on it.


Sure enough, Hao Meili didn't move the switch of the light bulb, so it lit up. It lit up like a normal call for three minutes, and then gradually became dark.

"Fan, turn."

At this time, Hao Meili pointed to the electric fan on the table again. Sure enough, the fan turned on and shook her head.

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