
Shanzhu helps elder sister Zhou feel her pulse. She is really too fat. She has more than 200 Jin and likes eating meat. Of course, she is too fat to stop.

What's more, sister Zhou still has some coronary heart disease and so on, which also has some relations with obesity.

Some slimming pills, slimming tea, and even some exercise slimming, and so on, sister Zhou has done, of course, some people recommend sister Zhou to liposuction, but sister Zhou is not willing to, that liposuction, sister Zhou simply can not do.

"Doctor ye, can I lose weight? If I lose weight, will my skin wrinkle all over my body

Sister Zhou asked Shanzhu.

reduce weight.

Sister Zhou hopes that she can lose weight to 140-50 Jin, which is OK. Sister Zhou is about 1.7 meters tall, and she is very satisfied with the weight.

"No, no, I'm taking some weight-loss pills this time. If you don't mind, come and have a try. The weight loss effect is very good, and there are no side effects."

Shanzhu smiles.

These days, when Shanzhu is free, he also makes some weight-loss drugs. These weight-loss drugs use non polluting Chinese herbal medicines planted in Shennong tower.


These slimming drugs are also the prescriptions recorded in Shennong's herbal classic. Now, Shanzhu is prepared with the liquid of traditional Chinese medicine, and it also has some water power among the five elements, which can reduce weight and have special effects on beauty.

Shanzhu came with a wooden box.

This wooden box is made of Phoebe. Phoebe, of course, has decomposed the black Phoebe coffin. Now, the Phoebe has been planted for 100 mu.

Phoebe is a high-quality economic plant. At that time, Bai Su decomposed the coffin of Phoebe, extracted the high-quality materials of Phoebe, and used some means to plant a forest of Phoebe.

Shanzhu came to the second compartment, opened the wooden box, and sure enough, there were hundreds of configured liquid medicine, including weight loss, beauty, and some other special liquid medicine.

Shanzhu took out three bottles of red liquid test tubes. These test tubes were covered with corks. The red liquid inside seemed like tomato juice.

"Sister Zhou, I've asked Li Lai to find a place for you to take a bath. You can go with Li Lai. After drinking this red diet medicine, you can reduce at least 20 jin. Don't drink the remaining two cans. Wait a week to drink another bottle. A month later, drink the remaining one. These two bottles can be stored in the refrigerator at constant temperature."

Shanzhu couldn't help saying.

Three bottles of red juice weight-loss tea, this weight-loss tea, like tomato juice, and, three bottles can be effective, sister Zhou has some doubts.


Ten or so people are dubious. Is it so magical? This red liquid special effect slimming medicine, really so magical, I'm afraid, has long been popular.

"I'll try it. Anyway, I've tried a lot of weight-loss drugs. It's nothing to try yours again? Dr. ye, how many of these three bottles of red slimming pills do you want? "

Sister Zhou is calm and generous.

How many?

Sister Zhou also used a lot of weight loss drugs, and then try Shanzhu, it is nothing? Sure enough, Shanzhu hasn't said the price, and Li Lai hasn't taken her out.

This week elder sister, opened the first bottle of red juice slimming medicine, unexpectedly, drank it, Gudong Gudong, five or six drinks a clean.

Sister Zhou feels that there are some special things in this diet pill, as if it has the smell of burning fire.

"Ah, the price is not urgent. Sister Zhou, sister Zhou, why don't you go to the bath room I arranged for you and drink a bottle? Go quickly and go quickly. It's next to the traditional Chinese medicine department."

Shanzhu couldn't help saying.

Go to the shower?

Sure enough.

At this time, sister Zhou felt the whole body hot, the whole person seemed to be in the oven general barbecue, the body fat crackling burning up.

Such a bottle of red juice slimming pills, how so overbearing, and make sister Zhou hot and dry, want to take off her clothes.

a moment.

It's also a fishy smell. Sister Zhou's body floated out, which made the health care department have some bad smell. Sister Zhou's skin also appeared black and greasy.

"Ah, your character is just like pleasant goat. Before I finish, you drink it. OK, Li Lai takes sister Zhou to the bathroom, takes off her clothes, turns on the tap and takes a bath. It's about half an hour."

Shanzhu could not help saying.

Some of the other patients have already retired. The taste is too bad. Moreover, sister Zhou also feels that her whole body is hot and dry.

Sister Zhou's whole body seemed to be burning.

This special effect weight loss medicine, Shanzhu slightly added some pepper, this kind of pepper, is the hot pepper cultivated by Shanzhu, and then mixed with the weight loss liquid, also injected some huolingli and shuilingli. For fat people like sister Zhou, it's quite good to use this fat burning weight loss liquid.

This kind of fat burning slimming liquid can burn the fat in obese people, turn it into sludge, black and greasy, and discharge it out of the body. Then, shuilingli can work again to repair the skin of obese patients, so that their skin can keep watery and wrinkle free.

Sure enough.

At this time, sister Zhou was in a bit of a mess. As soon as Li Lai escaped into the next bath room, sister Zhou turned on the tap.

For a while.

White water flowed to sister Zhou's body and washed down the black and greasy dirt. The water below was black and full of oil.

At the same time.

Sister Zhou's body continued to burn, and she felt the internal organs began to boil, and her whole body was very comfortable.

This kind of red liquid diet medicine can not only lose weight, but also make ordinary people feel like a new person.



Sister Zhou turned on the big tap, and still washed it with cold water, but the white steam was still running.

It took about ten minutes for sister Zhou to feel better in her body. She said that the feeling of heat gradually slowed down, and she also turned it into hot water.

It took her about 20 minutes to clean up all the mud, stink and grease on her body.

"Xiao Li, help me get my loose dress from the car. Hurry up. The clothes I passed on just now are too smelly to order any more. "

At this time.

Sister Zhou called in the shower room. One of her assistants, Xiao Li, was waiting outside. Sure enough, Xiao Li went downstairs and came back again in less than five minutes.

This time.

Xiao Li helped Zhou Jie to get new underwear from the car below. He also helped Zhou Jie to get the new dress she bought before.

ten minutes.

Sister Zhou came out wearing a sky blue loose dress. At that time, the dress was customized according to the degree of obesity of sister Zhou at that time, which was very suitable.

However, now, this loose dress is worn on sister Zhou, as if she is two sizes bigger. It's not that it doesn't fit, but that sister Zhou is thinner than before.

"The electronic scale, the electronic scale, I feel at least 20 or 30 jin weight loss ah, this dress is only made by me, now, it's a lot bigger, I have to weigh it."

Sister Zhou is so happy and happy that she can't describe the feeling of losing weight successfully. It's a long time since I've seen her for a long time.

This feeling goes back to ten years ago.

Soon, with the help of Xiao Li, sister Zhou got on the electronic scale of the health care department. Sure enough, after weighing, sister Zhou had only 178 Jin left.

178 Jin.

Of course, the weight for the average woman, or belong to obesity, but, for sister Zhou, has been commendable.

"I weigh more than 220 kg. Now, 178 kg. Is there something wrong with this electronic scale? Unexpectedly, I lost more than 40 kg. Oh, my God, I can't. I'm going to other departments to weigh my weight again. Doctor ye, aren't you in a hurry?"

At this time.

Sister Zhou asked Shanzhu.

Don't worry. Don't worry.

Just now, when sister Zhou went to take a bath, Shanzhu saw two patients. Moreover, she contacted the dean and was ready to arrange a quiet department for Xu Hai. Shanzhu was ready for treatment.

This time I came to the county hospital, Shanzhu came to treat lung cancer for Xu Hai. This is one of Shanzhu's main purposes.

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